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    War: Methane pact as new step in fighting with cows
    • The release of methane to the atmosphere contributes significantly to global warming. Therefore, at the World Climate Conference, more than 80 states are joining the EU-US emission reduction initiative.

      Dozens of nations advocated cuts in methane emissions and better protection of forests at the UN climate conference COP26, with more than 80 leaders and governments joining the EU-US initiative to reduce methane emissions in Glasgow. The move "will immediately slow down climate change," said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

      Earlier, more than a hundred states adopted a statement that deforestation should be stopped by 2030. Methane emissions are expected to decrease by at least 30 percent by 2030 compared to 2020. Methane is one of the strongest greenhouse gases and is about 80 times more harmful to the climate than CO2. It is released, in particular, in agriculture during the digestion of cattle, as well as in the gas, oil and coal industries.

      The largest emitters are countries responsible for about half of the world's methane emissions. Some of the largest issuers such as China, India, Russia and Australia have not joined the agreement. German Environmental Assistance welcomed the initiative and called on the SPD, the Greens and the JDP to consolidate the national reduction target as well as the German methane strategy in a coalition agreement.

      Remember all this guys, as all this leaders sooner or later will join most famous criminals list.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2021Last reply - November 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    China: Food shortages are expected
    • A Chinese government statement urging local authorities to ensure an adequate food supply during the winter and urging people to stock up on some basic necessities has sparked worried conversations online, with people attributing it to the expanding coronavirus outbreak, a projected cold snap, or even rising tensions with Taiwan.

      The Commerce Department has called on local authorities to stabilize prices and secure supplies of basic necessities, including vegetables, this winter and next spring. Chinese households were also advised to stock up on a certain amount of basic necessities in preparation for the winter months or emergencies.

      The notice was similar to the one issued in September ahead of the holiday week in early October, in which local governments were ordered to ensure food supplies and stable prices during the break. This may be due to the expanding coronavirus outbreak, which triggered a new round of lockdowns and travel restrictions after it spread to more than half of the mainland's provinces.

      "The Department of Commerce Encourages Households to Stockpile Essentials as Needed" received 17 million views on Weibo, the Chinese social media platform similar to Twitter, and more than 5,000 people commented on it as of 13:45 .m Tuesday Beijing time. Several comments have suggested that the request for food supplies should be linked to plans to attack Taiwan.

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    Sex toys market dynamics in China
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      Better version of second chart


      But age distribution show big problems:


      As older people buy very few sex toys.

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    Weekend sex: Disposable clit suckers as capitalism byproduct
    • Satisfyer One Night Stand


      Womanizer The One


      Both firms made horrible design that produces lot of unnecessary garbage. Stuff has battery holders, but it is all closed and user can't change them.

      Not only this, but price is strange, as if you follow deals nice sucker with magnetic rechargeable cable from same Satisfyer brand will be only 10-30% more.

      Photos are from

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    Energy: Issues with steel production in China
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      China produced 73.8 Mt in September 2021, down 21.2% on September 2020. India produced 9.5 Mt, up 7.2%. Japan produced 8.1 Mt, up 25.6%. The United States produced 7.3 Mt, up 22.0%. Russia is estimated to have produced 5.9 Mt, down 2.2%. South Korea produced 5.5 Mt, down 5.0%. Germany produced 3.3 Mt, up 10.7%. Turkey produced 3.3 Mt, up 2.4%. Brazil produced 3.1 Mt, up 15.3%. Iran is estimated to have produced 1.3 Mt, down 51.4%.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevOctober 2021Last reply - October 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    MAGA : Shortage of windows
      • 63% of projects under construction report a delay in construction due to a shortage of windows
      • normally the execution of an order for windows took 2-3 weeks, now it is 4-15 weeks, and for some products 20-45 weeks (almost a year)
      • one of the bottlenecks is glass production, therefore, in addition to windows, the crisis also affected products such as dishes, lamps, doors, shower partitions, etc.
      • there is a shortage of resin, which is used for the production of vinyl in some types of window frames, where the waiting time for an order can be up to 45 weeks
      • an attempt to replace stuff with other materials stumbles upon a shortage of aluminum
      • there is also a shortage of insulation, roofing materials, electrical wiring, etc.
      • the cost of building a single-family home increased by 11.8% compared to September 2020 and by 17.6% compared to September 2019, this is the fastest growth in prices since 1979
      • prices on the market at the same time increased by 18.7% over the year (median price - $ 408K), but sales at the same time are falling - new homes sold by 18% less than in the same month a year ago, the market is extremely sluggish
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    Mordor: Curfews started
    • The government of the Republic of Khakassia has approved tough anti-epidemic restrictions, which will operate from October 28 to November 7. Public transport and catering, services and trade (except for pharmacies and grocery stores) are stopped in the region. Citizens over 60 years old are prohibited from going outside. For the rest, there is a curfew.

      The government of the republic on Tuesday evening, October 26, approved the additions to its Resolution No. 102 "On the high alert regime ...", which will be in effect from October 28 to November 7 inclusive.

      • The work of urban public transport in Abakan, Chernogorsk and Sayanogorsk is suspended.
      • Taxi drivers can work with a vaccination certificate or a certificate of a previous illness for at least 6 months.
      • In republican educational institutions (professional, general education, preschool, additional education), vacations are set from October 27 to November 7. Federal, municipal and private educational institutions are recommended to establish holidays in the same period.
      • The work of trade and catering establishments, as well as the service sector will be completely stopped. The exception is pharmacies, trade enterprises selling basic necessities, as well as those carrying out remote delivery.
      • Catering establishments will be allowed to work only for take-out.
      • Citizens over the age of 60 are prohibited from leaving their place of residence.
      • For all residents of the republic for the specified period, a requirement is introduced not to leave the place of residence (stay) daily from 22:00 to 07:00 in the morning of the next day, except for employees of enterprises working continuously.
      • Employers who cannot suspend work are required to transfer at least 50% of employees to a remote schedule.
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    MAGA: US schools produce people who have trouble understanding that they read
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      Thus, according to the tests carried out, only 26% of graduates (11th grade) are able to read and understand things efficiently and only 27% are able to count on proper level.

      Among blacks and Latinos, the proportion of readers is 14% and 25%, respectively.

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