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    Humour: Masks and hard time
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      You can't enter the pharmacy without a mask.

      Even to buy a mask, entry is prohibited.

      P.S. You must get the first mask in the battle on the street

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    China: 11.11 grow rates started to fall
    • Trade giant Alibaba said its Singles Day sales hit another record, but grew by only 8.5%. The number has traditionally been in double digits since the event was launched in 2009 - it subsequently eclipsed American sales on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. Last year, the one-day event lasted for 11 days. However, the Chinese state-run Securities Daily criticized the emphasis on high turnover as incompatible with the country's new values.

      Analysts said the underperformance this year also reflects the concerns of Chinese consumers who are fatigued by aggressive promotions and poor customer service. People are becoming more cautious about spending due to new outbreaks of the pandemic and the resulting supply disruptions - as a result, the Chinese economy showed the slowest growth in a year in the third quarter.

      Alibaba's dominance is weakened by the influence of competitors and Pinduoduo, which have become more active in competing for consumer attention. stretched "Singles Day" by 11 days and reported record transactions worth 349.1 billion yuan ($ 54.5 billion) - an annual growth of 28.6%.

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    War: Climate lockdowns can be main 2022 thing
    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2021Last reply - November 2021 by Eno Subscribe to this blog
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    China: Huge leadership in car lithium batteries
    • Chinese companies almost tripled the export of lithium batteries over the year and did not leave competitors from other countries a chance for a leading position.

      According to the latest data from the China Automotive Battery Innovation Alliance (CAPBIIA), in the period from January to October 2021 inclusive, China produced batteries with a total capacity of 159.8 GWh. A year ago, over the same period, 55.5 GWh batteries were produced. The battery capacity produced this year is sufficient for the production of 2.5 million electric vehicles.

      According to CAPBIIA, about 30% of the produced lithium batteries were exported, while 1.75 million electric vehicles were equipped with the rest of the batteries in Kita. Shipments have grown in both the lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery industry, which is used for low-cost EVs and heavy vehicles, and nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) batteries for mid-range and high-end EVs. In particular, of all lithium batteries released this year in China, NCM accounted for 72 GWh, or twice as much as last year (32.7 GWh).

      According to the report, CATL holds the largest market share in the global market with a battery capacity of 54.48 GWh. It is followed by BYD and CALB with 17.88 GWh and 6.42 GWh, respectively. South Korean LG Energy Solution has produced 3.26 GWh batteries. Last year she was still one of the three world leaders, but this year she dropped even out of the top five.

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    War: Rivian capitalization is greater than Volkswagen, total collapse is near
    • The European concern Volkswagen, annually supplies about 10 million vehicles, revenue reaches $300 billion, while Rivian began supplying serial electric R1T pickups only in September, and they sold no more than two hundred units mainly among the company's employees. By the end of 2023 Rivian hopes to satisfy existing orders in the amount of 54,500 cars, almost all of the orders are virtual without any prepaid amount.

      System is very close to collapse. All it wants is to accumulate freshly printed fiat money into scam schemes.

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    War: Doom and gloom, lack of fertilizers can cause mass famine
    • CF Industries CEO Tony Will - "We forecast global yield declines due to fertilizer shortages."

      “I want to say loudly and clearly right now that we run the risk of a very low yield in the next harvest,” said Svein Tore Holzeter, CEO and President of Yara, Oslo. "I'm afraid we're going to have a food crisis." “Last summer, it cost $ 110 to produce a ton of ammonia,” Holzeter said. “And now it's $ 1,000. It's just incredible. " "Most likely we will face hunger (in some places)"


      Yara accounts for about a third of the world's ammonia production, which is also used for the production of fertilizers. Due to the energy crisis, the concern reduced the production of nitrogen fertilizers only in Europe by 40%

      Nitrogénművek Zrt owner Laszlo Big says there is an acute shortage of fertilizers on the market. "There will be a significant shortage of goods on the fertilizer market, and there will be a situation all over the world when there will be a shortage of fertilizers." According to Laszlo Biguet, "the amount lost (due to production interruptions around the world) can no longer be recovered, so there may soon be a serious shortage on the market." "Those who do not buy fertilizers now will not be able to do so early next year." According to the businessman, the entire volume currently being produced has already been purchased by Asian buyers.

      There are also enough problems with potash and phosphate fertilizers. The wild growth in prices did not pass, and these types of fertilizers - 2-4, or even more times. This will force many to reduce the addition of fertilizer, which, of course, will reduce yields.

      The world's two leading fertilizer producers expect fertilizer prices to continue to rise. Mosaic Co. and Nutrien Ltd. further price increases are predicted. Record fertilizer prices raise fears that farmers will begin to reduce or eliminate their use.

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