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    Good quote: On best wishes
    • Ok my friend it’s off to the next life for you, I guarantee you, you won’t be lonely.


      Forgiveness is between them and God, it's my job to arrange the meeting.


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    Monday science: Visceral sleep theory
    • You can use subtitles to check.

      In short - contrary to mainstream theory author states that whole brain during sleep is taking care of your body and your organs. Such way, for example, you can explain all famous brain waves and sleep cycles.

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    Idiots: Bureaucracy is killing social networks
    • Australia's government said Sunday it will introduce legislation to unmask online trolls, and hold social media giants like Facebook and Twitter responsible for identifying them.

      Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose conservative coalition government faces an election in the first half of 2022, said the law would protect Australians from online abuse and harassment.

      "The online world should not be a wild west where bots and bigots and trolls and others can just anonymously go around and harm people and hurt people, harass them and bully them and sledge them," Morrison told reporters.

      "That is not what can happen in the real world, and there is no case for it to be able to be happening in the digital world."

      Attorney General Michaelia Cash said the legislation, reportedly to be introduced to parliament by early 2022, was needed to clarify that the social media platforms, and not the users, were responsible for defamatory comments by other people.

      In each place they can control bureaucracy wants to make sterile environment. Issue is that life can't live in such places.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2021Last reply - November 2021 by MirrorMan Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Compulsory vaccination is same as forced software updates
    • Most people don't see similarity but it is extreme. Both are designed to protect you at all costs without you being part of decision making. Both are designed to maximize profit with same time minimizing effort.

      What I mean under "minimizing effort"? Security experts always tell to have latest and most updated version, right? Well, security experts are also part of the game.

      What is most nightmare scenario for hackers? People having 1000 different OSes and their releases, especially different network and internet related parts in them. Such way they will need to put 100x more effort to get same result, as despite common opinion not only old OS has lot of known bugs (that are easy to fix with pinpoint update or even by just disabling certain feature) but they also lack tons of new, specially introduced bugs that are also widely known but not to you, they are known among closed circle of hackers, experts and government agencies.

      Same is true for vaccination. Without compulsory vaccination you have tons of different antibodies and you can't efficiently introduce new virus variants, but with vaccine you precisely know all antibodies that can be formed and you can simply avoid having same proteins in new strain, it makes life so much more easy for weaponized virus labs.

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    Weekend sex: Google and Apple responsible for you having less sex
    • Americans had a lot less sex in 2018 compared to 2009, according to a new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

      They found that while 24% of adults reported not having penile-vaginal intercourse over the prior year in 2009, 28% of adults reported not having intercourse over the prior year in 2018. Adolescents were also increasingly abstinent – 79% reported not having sex over the previous 12 months in 2009 while 89% reported not having sex over the previous 12 months in 2018.

      The data also permitted the researchers to estimate how often the average American adult aged 18-49 has sex each year. In 2009, it was about 63 times. In 2018, it was about 47 times.

      Both adolescents and adults also reported fewer instances of partnered masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex in 2018 compared to 2009, which surprised the researchers.

      Compared to 2009, adolescents and younger adults are spending more time on social media, and playing more video games.

      Just stop and think. To increase revenue from games and their other apps two giants reduced number of sex interactions among young by 3.6x times. This is staggering. So, it is quite normal that on next step they though that releasing COVID is normal thing to do.




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