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    COVID: This nightmare will be endless
    • World Health Organization (WHO) expert Maria van Kerkhove said:

      “The more this virus circulates, the more opportunities it has to change... Omicron will not be the last option we will discuss, and there is a very real possibility that there will be variants of concern in the future.”

      And they always come as population forms immunity against current strain, and always 100% on proper time.

    8 comments 9 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2022Last reply - February 2022 by mitkoo Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Why 5G and COVID are tightly connected?
    • image

      5G is a high-frequency, low-range signal, so base stations will be clustered densely. Instead of cell towers spread out like today, tiny 5G stations will blanket areas in a sort of edge-computing mesh network that distributes bandwidth and processing optimally to each user. This allows for those same stations to more accurately triangulate spatial positioning, compared with cell towers today and even GPS. The latter boasts meter-level accuracy, but 5G will have millimeter accuracy in many cases. That unlocks many new possibilities for tracing each user location 24/7.

      Recently talked to one guy working for on our government total surveillance system. And they are extremely happy, constantly checking and pouring money into cell providers to ensure more and more 5G new towers. Today already they try to store cell based tracking of each and every person, just try to keep in under wraps and without publicity.

      Higher 5G speeds are also viewed by government as opportunity to use holes and viruses to leak more data in much shorter time from smartphones of people who are interesting in political or business regards, such way it is much more simple to avoid detection.

      Chinese 5G based tracking is already used in their COVID prevention system allowing to instantly bar anyone near infected person (or anyone near fake infected person, that is declared infected by government).

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    US: FED in Zugzwang
    • Inflation in the United States is already reaching 7%, and industrial inflation in fact is already about 25%. According to the rules of economic science, in order to extinguish such inflation and protect savings from depreciating, it is necessary to raise the rate to a level close to the level of inflation. But do you know what happens then? The US national debt is approaching $30 trillion. dollars.

      If the Fed raises the rate by 0.5%, then this will increase the servicing of external debt by $150 billion, but if it will be increased to 7%, then this is an additional $2.1 trillions dollars a year just for the interest on the debt. And if, properly, they will increase rate to 25%, then this will amount to 7.5 trillion. dollars a year. BUT! And that's not all. There is total US debt. Today it is about 86 trillions dollars. 7% of this amount will amount to 6 trillion. dollars, and 25% - scary to say: 21.5 trillion. dollars would have to be spent only on interest. That's more than the US GDP.

      Do you understand the tragedy of their situation?

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    Idiots: Youtube turning into Tiktok
    • Youtube top management sent to most bloggers recommendation to now do lot of vertical short videos ala Tiktok.

      Already Youtube video level had been dropping with speed of big rock, but now they reached new speeds.

      What this guys will do for money if Youtube will ask them? Show their dicks or boobs, just to stay in trends and recommended?

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2022Last reply - January 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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