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    EU: Energy collapse is imminent, food issues to follow
    • Von der Leyen warned that in the event of aggression against Ukraine, the EU would impose sanctions against Russia that would affect the energy sector and high technology. This will have serious consequences for the country's economy, she stressed.

      The security of the energy supply of the European Union this winter will remain even with a complete cessation of gas supplies from Russia, the European politician assured. She added that the EU should diversify and rely on renewable energy sources - the sun, wind, water. “A strong EU cannot rely on an energy supplier who threatens to start a war on the borders of our continent,” von der Leyen concluded.

      EU never had so much idiots among elite.

      EU already has huge shortage of fertilizers, and instead of fixing big issue bureaucrats started promoting organic foods. They don't even understand basic agriculture principles.

    115 comments 116 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2022Last reply - April 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Mordor: Huge food inflation and shrinking food packaging
    • Manufacturers are increasingly reducing the amount of product packaging. According to him, Nestle introduced Rossiya chocolate in the range of 82 g, while previously the product was supplied in 85 g, and the volume of instant coffee decreased from 95 g to 85 g. Danone reduced the volume of Activia drinking yoghurts from 270 g to 260 d, Makfa introduced pasta in a 400 g package instead of the usual 450 g, Heineken got beer in a 0.43 liter can, he says.

      In addition, Mars began supplying pet food in 75g packs, previously sold in 85g packs. Some biscuit brands have dropped pack weights from 126g to 112g, butter from 180g to 150g, and sour cream from 315g. g to 300 g, he says.

      NielsenIQ estimates that more than 20% of the "new positions" in the dairy category on the market are the result of lower volumes.

      The Verny network confirmed that in January Nestle reduced the weight of some items of Nesquik chocolate bars by 10 g, to 90 g. In addition, Danone and other manufacturers of dairy products announced a change in volume. Reducing the packaging does not affect the final price for the buyer, it remains the same, the network emphasized. So manufacturers hold back prices in the face of rising costs. As Danone informed partners, skimmed milk powder has risen in price by 35%, to 250 rubles. per 1 kg, and in the first quarter of 2022, raw milk prices will increase by another 17%

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    War: Windows makes next step to being sold as monthly service
    • Microsoft says it’s planning to update Windows 11 Pro so it will require an internet connection and a Microsoft Account during the initial setup phase. The changes will mirror the same requirements Microsoft originally added to Windows 11 Home last year, meaning you won’t be able to avoid Microsoft Accounts by creating a local user account during setup.

      If people will tolerate such things - it will end very bad.

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    War: Youtube won't allow sharing and embedding of videos they don't like
    • YouTube is eyeing new measures to tackle misinformation on its platform. Among the changes being considered, according to Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan, are updates that would effectively “break” sharing features for videos with “borderline content.”

      Any post that company censors will consider as wrong information will be never recommended and not allowed to play on other sites.

      Btw, Youtube already has special censor algorithms on recommended videos.

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    War: Shortage of semiconductors is staggering, can be special operation
    • A shortage of semiconductor processors has resulted in delivery times of some items as high as 99 weeks (nearly two years), according to American electronics distributor Sourcengine. In February, the average delivery time for 16-bit processors increased by 15 weeks compared to October last year, to 44 weeks. Power electronics can be on the way to customers for 37 weeks (more than six months).

      The cost of the same processors, according to Gartner, has grown by an average of 15% over the past year. In Japan, technology manufacturers have been forced to reduce production volumes due to a shortage of chips. In the fourth quarter of last year, 26% fewer air conditioners were produced than two years earlier. Production volumes of digital cameras fell by 25%, automakers were forced to reduce the production of passenger vehicles by 16%.

      Chip manufacturers are trying to increase production volumes, they began to consume 14% more silicon wafers alone last year, and the utilization rate of many production lines exceeded 90%. At the same time, market participants cannot count on a significant increase in production volumes using mature technical processes. In the segment of 40-nm and more mature technical processes, output volumes grew by only 4%, and 28-nm and more modern chips began to be produced by 13% more.

      One of the new theories int he chip manufacturing circles is that huge availability issues are caused by special join US and EU operation to hit China. Huge amount of chips are being bough by US and EU companies on freshly printed government money and never actually used, some of them are stored and some utilized.

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    War: China to intervene to prevent abortions, want more cheap workers
    • Among its projects for the coming year, the China Parenthood Association announced plans to "intervene" in the case of abortions in unmarried women and adolescent girls, according to the South China Morning Post. Also, as part of the fight against the Chinese demographic crisis, the organization is going to promote traditional values ​​and a “positive” image of marriage and a large family.

      The China Planned Parenthood Association said it would "intervene" when unmarried women and teenage girls want to have an abortion, according to the South China Morning Post.

      In its plan, which outlines the association's main initiatives for the coming year, the organization noted that such "interventions" will be carried out with the aim of "improving reproductive health." In addition, the association noted that it will create a working group that will educate and promote traditional values ​​in the field of family planning. However, the organization has not yet provided details about its projects.

      As recalled by the publication, in May last year, China relaxed the rules on birth control and allowed families to have three children. The country is now struggling with a large-scale demographic crisis associated with an aging population and a declining birth rate. Despite the fact that in 2016 Beijing ended the decades-old one-child policy, the situation has not yet been reversed. Many young Chinese are afraid to have children for economic reasons and because of insufficient social support from the state.

      The Planned Parenthood Association intends to combat the problem by promoting a "positive" image of marriage and large families, educational programs and providing better prenatal and postnatal care for women. The organization intends to advocate for the distribution between parents of responsibilities for raising children in the family, as well as for the abolition of the practice of buying brides, common in some communities of the country.

      The South China Morning Post emphasizes that it is not yet clear exactly how the association intends to "intervene" in abortion. According to a gynecologist in Shenzhen, who asked not to be named, the hospital she works at has not received any specific instructions to stop abortions.

      Chen Yaya, a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and feminist expert, believes the new plan could be aimed at reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies and therefore abortions. At the same time, Chen stressed that such measures should be implemented with caution. “Otherwise, it may end up stigmatizing young women who have to have an abortion, and this can put them in a position that is more vulnerable than it needs to be,” the expert explained. In her opinion, it is necessary to devote more resources to the organization of general sexual education, especially for men, so that they respect and understand women more.

      Wang Yaqiu, a China expert at Human Rights Watch, noted that there is room for abuse of power within such an initiative. The analyst recalled that during the period of the “one family, one child” policy, many women were forced to have abortions. “It is clear from the document that the Chinese government encourages the birth of children and is trying to reduce the number of abortions. Given his history of restricting women's reproductive rights and violating their physical integrity with harsh measures, such an initiative is undoubtedly a matter of concern,” Wang commented.

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