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    Energy: Coal and Germany tragedy
    • The consumption of hard coal and brown coal in Germany fell especially strongly, by 18.3% and 18.2%, respectively. This is connected not only and even not so much with the crisis in the economy as with the course towards the gradual abandonment of coal in the electric power industry in order to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere as part of the fight against global warming.

      Since the end of 2018, when the last German mine was closed, all the hard coal in Germany has been imported. In 2020, about 45% of the demand was covered by supplies from Mordor and it is used to generate electricity and heat.

      The consumption of thermal coal fell by more than 26% in 2020, says AGEB and explains this "mainly by the reduction in electricity consumption, the growing flow of electricity from wind and photovoltaic plants to the grid, as well as the increased use of natural gas in the production of electricity." The consumption of coal in German metallurgy decreased in the crisis year 2020 by only 14%.

      Although the consumption of natural gas in Germany has decreased, but by only 3.4%.

      We now observe controlled destruction of Germany industry. Remember - it was local big coal that allowed Germany to rise in 19th and 20th century.

      Renewed energy is not suitable for industry without some kind of energy accumulators and they cost around 10-50x more than just panels or wind turbines.

      We recently also observed quite subdued fight for same process in US, where global elites that also control US, want to destroy oil industry and kill any remaining coal one.

      This guys never tell you that most consumer good in China, Thailand and such are being made at all stages using coal power. And hence the affordable price. This guys are enemy of the people.

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    Bad design: LG fringe requiring voice command to open door
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      LG has introduced a 2021 line of InstaView fridges that can open the door with a voice command. That’s useful when you have your hands full with groceries, of course, but it could also be helpful during a pandemic where you have to be mindful of what you touch.

      You can expect more conventional voice features like Amazon Dash replenishment, checking the ice and water dispensers or asking about the day’s schedule.

      The new models also add UV light-based disinfection for water dispenser taps (again, helpful in a pandemic).

      I think here we need doctors and careful examination of all managers and designers health. As it can be all due to pandemic affecting their brains.

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    China: Fast 5G deployment
    • More than 700,000 5G base stations have been built throughout China by October this year. Such data are provided in a report published on December 15 by the Chinese Academy of Information and Communication Technology.

      In August-October, the Academy assessed the quality of mobile networks in 14 largest cities of the country, in 10 of them the average Internet connection speed exceeded 800Mb/s for download and 100Mb/s for upload.

      In the first 11 months of this year, the share of mobile phones supporting the 5G standard in the total volume of phone sales amounted to 51.4%, with a total of 144 million such devices delivered.

      According to the report, by the end of 2020, the use of 5G will create direct gross output of 810.9 billion yuan (124.1 billion US dollars) and added value of 189.7 billion yuan.

      The three largest telecoms providers in China are expected to invest more than 210 billion yuan in 5G networks this year, and the technology itself is expected to find even wider applications in various industries, including cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence.

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    Mordor: Our own religion guys want to ban abortion
    • Fyodor Lukyanov, executive secretary of the Patriarchal Commission for Family, Motherhood and Childhood Protection, proposed to introduce a moratorium on abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. “We believe that in the context of coronavirus infection, medical abortion operations can contribute to the spread of COVID-19 infection both among women who have abortions and their families, and among medical personnel,”

      It is now like wave. Each right wing conservative guy in each country want to reverse everything back.

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    Huawei smart pillow
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      Huawei Smart Choice MOK PLANET smart latex pillow adopts a double-layer pillow core design. The pillow adopts a 9cm latex pillow core layer with an extra 2cm detachable height increase. The height of the pillow can be adjusted to adapt to different people’s sleeping habits.

      The latex pillow is made of Thai natural latex collagen. The natural latex content is as high as 93%.

      The Smart latex pillows are embedded with ultra-thin non-inductive monitoring sensors, which can monitor sleep data such as heart rate, breathing rate, sleep cycle, number of turns, number of times to leave the pillow, and track sleep throughout the night.


    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevDecember 2020Last reply - December 2020 by LongJohnSilver Subscribe to this blog
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    Socialism: On liberals and bad dicatatorships
    • The liberal ideological setting says that all over the world Democracy is fighting against the Dictatorship. Democracy is, of course, a bourgeois state regime with the invisible hand of the free market up to the elbow in each and every pocket. And if you are for Democracy, then Freedom'n'Democracy ™ very much approves such behavior and will therefore consider you a useful assistant to the Light Elves. And if you are for the Dictatorship - then you are bad guy!

      "Democracy vs Dictatorship" is a false liberal dichotomy.

      Communist point of view: any state is a dictatorship.

      The only difference is in whose interests (what groups or classes are behind it). And in the degree of openness of the real relationship of domination and power (mode of operation).

      The liberal dichotomy here will look as follows: Veiled dictatorship of capital (Democracy™) vs Open dictatorship of capital (Dictatorship™).

      These are the extreme ends of the spectrum. Between them is a continuum of transitional forms (modes of operation of the bourgeois state).

      When a pinky left on the command of the capital, together with the liberals and light elves, happily runs to overthrow another hated Dictatorship of Sauron, he does it solely in order to establish another Dictatorship. Is it logical to do such stupid thing?

      Democracy ™ is a natural form of existence for a bourgeois state.

      When capital is placed at the forefront of social organization, money begins to determine everything. Therefore, for capital, the ideal regime for organizing society will be such when everything (absolutely everything) is turned into a market. Including politics.

      If politics is arranged like a market - with bargaining, free competition, professional political products and services (politicians, political strategists, mass media, PR, elections, etc.) - then in such a market the one who is able to pay the most wins. That is, the one who can buy specialists, technologies and form the necessary public opinion. That is, capital.

      In such a mode of operation, the real, irreplaceable dictator in the form of specific persons or groups is always in the shadows. And in the arena of the political circus, professional political clowns are constantly changing, carrying out orders behind the scenes. Wasted and discredited actors are periodically thrown into the trash and replaced by new, even more fun characters. The electorate is happy. Capital as well.

      Therefore, Freedom'n'Democracy ™ as the largest and most powerful capital, in an ultimatum order requires all other countries to strictly adhere to democratic procedures. In this case, he can freely enter any country, establish (buy) the required political regime and freely dictate his will. And all this is imperceptible, without unnecessary noise, under the guise of a democratic expression of the will of the people.

      Those who refuse to turn their political system into a democratic market must be beaten and forced to freedom. To do this, Freedom'n'Democracy ™ has military bases around the world and military expenditures that exceed those of all other countries combined.

      Why can't everyone in the world hold "fair elections" and be more democratic than the Pope?

      If a country wants to pursue an independent policy, it simply cannot afford to host an open democratic market in which it cannot compete with the capitals of the world hegemon.

      In this case, there are only two outputs:

      1. Give up independence. Completely lie under the fincap and resignedly accept all imposed decisions, counting on the mercy of the new owner.
      2. Abandon Democracy ™. Establish a political dictatorship with an irreplaceable political elite, covering all this with imitation of free elections.

      This is why all countries who do not lick ass of leading capitalist countries are declared as bad and totalitarian. And leading countries always push them to change their choice and select option number one.

      When an economic and political crisis occurs in the countries of the patented Freedom'n'Democracy™, which threatens the very existence of capital (like global crisis of overproduction, a revolutionary situation arises and a revolutionary movement gains strength), capital throws off the mask of bourgeois democracy and goes into a regime of open dictatorship: with curtailment of rights, terrorist coercion of the exploited, intimidation and destruction of those who disagree, search for a common enemy, establishment of military order, mobilization, intensive brainwashing propaganda, channeling the attention of the masses to false goals (like militarism, nationalism or religious obscurantism), total control, tightening the screws, etc.

      This is fascism. The power of capital without the mask of democracy. Its shapes and colors can be different, depending on the situation and cockroaches in the head of sponsors and organizers. But the basis is always one thing:

      Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary forces of monopoly capital, carried out with the aim of preserving the capitalist system.

    7 comments 8 comments Vitaliy_KiselevDecember 2020Last reply - February 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Mordor: Catching US in cameras per citizen
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      US is leader in cameras per 1000 people, China is close second, but Mordor is catching up fast with Moscow almost matching famous Chinese cities in cameras density and features.

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