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    Energy: Uranium shortages
    • Back in 2008, Swiss physicist Michael Dittmar conducted a study and found that in the next few years, the world's nuclear power will face a shortage of uranium. Dittmar predicted a deficit by 2013 in countries importing radioactive fuel such as Japan (63 reactors at nuclear power plants). The United States also belongs to the countries-importers of nuclear fuel (102 reactors at nuclear power plants). The United States has no uranium enrichment industry at all. In this respect, they are completely dependent on supplies from horrible Mordor.

      Every year in the world, approximately 435 reactors with a total capacity of over 370 GW, consume 65,500 tons of uranium. World production in 2009 was approximately 50,772 tons, which is approximately 78% of consumption. The market was balanced from secondary sources. Secondary sources include fuel processing plants, as well as military arsenals, which are being reduced in the course of disarmament. For example, Mordor sold to the United States recycled "stuffing" of nuclear missile warheads. The transfer of Mordor uranium to the United States took place in accordance with the Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement within the framework of the HEU-LEU (highly enriched to low enriched uranium) program. Due to this program, about half of all nuclear reactors in the United States operated. At the time of the termination of the HEU-LEU program (2012-2013), approximately 50 reactors had to be shut down in the United States, which are located mainly in the eastern part of the United States. Their share in electricity generation in the eastern states reaches 40%. Of course, this could lead to a world-class catastrophe. In addition to the USA, France and Japan have more than 50 reactors. In France, the share of nuclear power generation reaches 77%. Therefore, the shutdown of 50 reactors there would simply liquidate this country. Power generation in Japan is distinguished by the fact that each nuclear reactor there is backed up by a thermal block in case of failure of the reactor. Therefore, the shutdown of a nuclear power plant in Japan only leads to additional costs for fossil fuels, but not to a national disaster. Therefore, obviously, it was Japan that was chosen for shutdown.

      Capitalism faced resources shortages in all areas now.

    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: OVH used cheap containers for datacenter and it all burned
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      SBG1, SBG2, SBG3 and SBG4 are all either burned or full of water (for servers it is not much difference).

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Apple will shift CPUs and GPUs development even more to Germany
    • It became known that Apple intends to spend more than € 1 billion to create a new European Chip Development Center in Munich, Germany. On the territory of 30 thousand square meters, a division of the American company will be located, which will focus on the development of technologies and products for Apple products and integration of them with 5G networks. Money will be spent over the next three years.

      Munich is already the largest Apple engineering center in Europe. About 4,000 employees and 1,500 engineers are working here to develop new chips for various Apple devices. In addition, Apple's Bavarian center is developing chips for the iPhone, iPad, iMac and Apple Watch.

      Rumors inside company are that Germany is used because some of main LSI features are not fully compatible with... US laws. By making parts of design outside US allow top management to around some limitations (like secretly tracking US citizens and leaking their information) and openly tell that they do not know and have no idea.

      5G parts will be also very important as specialized cores and firmware are always top secret and fully encrypted and by keeping it out of direct US reach Apple gains some leverage. As Us authorities will be forced to request information instead of using holes that are known to them without informing people responsible for such things in Apple.

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    Mordor: Twitter is slowed down, blocking can follow soon
    • Due to the fact that the Twitter online service in the period from 2017 to the present does not remove content that incites minors to commit suicide, containing child pornography, as well as information about the use of narcotic drugs, Roskomnadzor sent over 28 thousand initial and repeated requests on the removal of illegal links and publications.

      As of March 10, 2021, 3168 materials with prohibited information (including 2569 with calls to commit suicide by minors, 450 with child pornography, 149 with information on drug use) remain not deleted. The latest vivid example was the demonstrative disregard of the requirements of the regulator (unlike other social networks, Twitter did not delete the materials) to remove calls to minors to commit mass suicide on March 3, 2021 (recall that on this day, according to law enforcement agencies, several attempts were prevented committing suicide by minors).

      In accordance with the law "On information, information technology and information protection" (149-FZ), the dissemination of information via the Twitter Internet service is included in the list of threats.

      In order to protect Russian citizens and forcing the Internet service to comply with the legislation on the territory of the Russian Federation in relation to Twitter, since March 10, 2021, centralized response measures have been taken, namely, the primary slowdown of the service's operation speed (according to the regulations). The slowdown will be implemented on 100% of mobile devices and 50% of stationary devices.

      If the Internet service Twitter continues to ignore the requirements of the Law, the measures of influence will be continued in accordance with the regulations of the response (up to blocking) until the calls for committing suicide by minors, child pornography, as well as information about the use of drugs are deleted ...

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    China: Economy is finally hitting the wall
    • The growth target of "over 6%" is not only a quantitative goal, but also means the optimization of the economic structure and the transformation of the development model. The report on the work of the government this year also noted that "the energy intensity of China's GDP will decline by about 3%." In addition, a requirement has been put forward to work towards peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality; an action plan is also required to reach a peak in carbon emissions by 2030. All this will contribute to the further development of new energy sources in China, and also make the background of economic development "clean".

      China also intends to put forward a number of practical measures, from "deeply promoting reform in various areas and stimulating the viability of market actors" to "implementing high-quality economic development based on innovative development, developing new impulses." The PRC should gradually promote scientific and technological independence, give impetus to innovative forces, so that they, in turn, stimulate high-quality economic development.

      The “over 6%” growth target also includes people's aspirations for a great life and also reflects a human-centered development mindset. Growth of "over 6%" reveals an increase in people's livelihoods and will also benefit thousands of families.

      “Large commercial banks have increased their lending to micro-enterprises by over 30%,” while continuing to support small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, “the living conditions of people are improving and the income of residents continues to increase through various channels. “Financial subsidies per capita for basic health insurance and basic public health services will be increased by RMB 30 and RMB 5, respectively,” to continue to improve people's lives and well-being.

      We see all signs of full stop of fast China growth, no more cheap energy, lack of other resources.

      Huge injections that are more than US Fed craze, same goes with support of small and extremely inefficient enterprises, as elites hope that they know some small sources of energy and resources and could use them.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: VW Project Trinity will demand you to unlock car features
    • According to VW the plan is to start production on this car in 2026, as part of a vehicle lineup with fewer variants and where everything is standardized.

      What that means is that instead of building multiple versions of the same car with varying capabilities, they'll build one version with everything included, but only unlockable "on demand" — and likely for a fee.

      All authors of such ideas must spend 20-30 years in Siberia, at least. To think about their sinful life and doings.

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    COVID: Number of unborn babies is much higher than deaths
    • In Spain, the birth rate fell by 22.6 percent in December and January compared to the same period last year.

      "So far we have data for only two months of 2021. This is not enough to make an accurate forecast for the whole year, but it is already clear that the recession is expected to be strong," - quotes El Pais director of the Institute of the National Research Council Diego Ramiro.

      As noted, a similar situation is observed in other European countries. In December, the number of newborns in Italy compared to the same period last year decreased by 21.6 percent. France's fertility rate fell 13 percent in January

      Population reduction will be in millions, with time.

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