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    War: Big tragedy - methane reason to kill cows must be replaced
    • The red macroalgae (seaweed) Asparagopsis spp. has shown to reduce ruminant enteric methane (CH4) production up to 99% in vitro. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Asparagopsis taxiformis on CH4 production (g/day per animal), yield (g CH4/kg dry matter intake (DMI)), and intensity (g CH4/kg ADG); average daily gain (ADG; kg gain/day), feed conversion efficiency (FCE; kg ADG/kg DMI), and carcass and meat quality in growing beef steers. Twenty-one Angus-Hereford beef steers were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups: 0% (Control), 0.25% (Low), and 0.5% (High) A. taxiformis inclusion based on organic matter intake. Steers were fed 3 diets: high, medium, and low forage total mixed ration (TMR) representing life-stage diets of growing beef steers. The Low and High treatments over 147 days reduced enteric CH4 yield 45 and 68%, respectively. However, there was an interaction between TMR type and the magnitude of CH4 yield reduction. Supplementing low forage TMR reduced CH4 yield 69.8% (P <0.01) for Low and 80% (P <0.01) for High treatments. Hydrogen (H2) yield (g H2/DMI) increased (P <0.01) 336 and 590% compared to Control for the Low and High treatments, respectively. Carbon dioxide (CO2) yield (g CO2/DMI) increased 13.7% between Control and High treatments (P = 0.03). No differences were found in ADG, carcass quality, strip loin proximate analysis and shear force, or consumer taste preferences. DMI tended to decrease 8% (P = 0.08) in the Low treatment and DMI decreased 14% (P <0.01) in the High treatment. Conversely, FCE tended to increase 7% in Low (P = 0.06) and increased 14% in High (P <0.01) treatment compared to Control. The persistent reduction of CH4 by A. taxiformis supplementation suggests that this is a viable feed additive to significantly decrease the carbon footprint of ruminant livestock and potentially increase production efficiency.

      Of course, this hoax had no real proof at all (it is best also to never compare real cows methane production to methane production by nature, as it is bad for poor people minds, they can hang you after this). But stupid scientists managed to fuck even this point, despite big marketing investments in it and all presstitutes already telling you for many years how bad is to consume cow milk and eat good meat (strangely their owners are doing exactly this).

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    War: What is badly wrong with Google Live Captions?
    • Google has been testing Live Captions for Chrome on desktop for a while using Chrome Canary. Now, all Chrome users on PC can take advantage of real-time captioning, so long as Google already automatically installed version 89. The latest version of the browser has a new Accessibility section under Advanced in Preferences that'll let users toggle on Live Captions. Upon switching it on, they'll see subtitles for any audio and video they play on their browser that's in the English language. It will work even if the video is muted.

      Note that this means that all audio will be sent to Google and stored indefinitely (with recognized text, of course!), it will be also infinitely linked with you. And note that "acceptable" video or audio clip can be considered non acceptable next month or next year by lot of authorities or corporations. And text will some stupid NN (so called "AI") decide if you are to blame. And yes, retrospect responsibility can be new feature.

      Quite soon using Non Microsoft and Non Alphabet browser will become requirement.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Rumor: Apple already has detailed plan considering Mini-LED screens
    • Rumors from inside Apple state that 12.9-inch iPad Pro will have a Mini-LED screen, but it will be only first generation.

      Mini-LEDs are tiny led backlight chips driven by special controller.

      For Apple and lot of other manufacturers they represent big dream - it allows to make many generations of screens out of nothing and without any major investments. They also make it easy to design backlight such way so it will 100% break at predictable time (similar to many modern TVs). All they need is to make bad cooling and for small chips it is especially efficient.

      Developers from inside tell that Apple already planned 3 generations of screens. Difference will be in constantly increasing number of leds and 1 second peak brightness value. As they can't improve anything else in LCD screen. For tablets and notebooks improving gamut to Rec 2020, for example, has staggering effect on battery life and also introduce big perception difference by different people.

      ARM based notebooks also with time will 100% get Mini-led screens. And they also will be improved each year using same strategy. Panel life will be also much shorter than any current LCD panels and can be as short as 3 years total.

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    War: Audi already stopped all non electric engines development
    • As the head of Audi, Markus Duesmann, told the German edition of Automobilwoche, the company has stopped all work on new internal combustion engines. This means that there will be no next generation gasoline and diesel engines, although engineers will continue the ongoing modernization of existing engines.

      The CEO of the German brand, Markus Düsmann, said that the development of new internal combustion engines is no longer possible and that it would be better to adapt existing engines to future standards before they are finally phased out. This means that the production of the iconic TDI and TFSI engines in Audi is nearing completion, as is the production of two iconic Audi models, the R8 and TT, for which no direct successors are expected.

      Audi plans to bring 20 electric models to the market over the next 5 years. The brand also announced its intention to turn major models like the A4 and A6 into fully electric vehicles by the end of the decade.

      All this managers will be judged by history (as top idiots) and working people (as enemies of the people) as all they can is execute their top investors orders, and top investors don't want anything, but total genocide.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Biggest search engine in Mordor is optimizing.. support
    • Following record profits top management did the following:

      1. In 2020 they restructured support service (includes their ads network and all else!)
      2. Most people are moved to contract and lot of position is offered to subcontractors (to hire anyone who want to work for extra cheap)
      3. Of course, top management cut payment with such approach by 2-5 times depending on position
      4. Most of savings went to investors and management bonuses
      5. Quality of support dropped to below horrible (before it was just horrible), as all people who knew something had left
      6. Top management added new secret internal regulations, so now any of their clients can't get information on why their robot decided to do something
      7. Lot of people think it is because they do not know themselves :-) But actually NN and other algorithms usually output fuzzy reason. Issue is that robots can't provide any proof or real things to explain decision (as they actually don't have them, it is just bad NN).

      If you see any similarity - yes, it is same as Google, Google just is 2-3 steps ahead, as such thing as same (even if stupid!) human support exist only on Red Book paper pages, not in real Google.

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    Good quote: Ernesto Che Guevara on NEP and Chinese Socialism
    • NEP is one of the biggest steps back taken by the USSR; it was not for nothing that Lenin compared it to the Brest Peace. The decision was extremely difficult and, judging by the doubts that tormented Lenin's soul in the last years of his life, if he had lived for a few more years, he would have rectified the most dangerous consequences of this decision. But his successors did not see this danger, and so a huge Trojan horse appeared in the construction of socialism - a direct material interest, as the main economic lever. The NEP took shape, not being directed against small-scale commodity production, but as an embodiment of the requirements of this production

      Everything stems from an erroneous concept - the desire to build socialism from the elements of capitalism, without changing the latter in essence. This leads to the creation of a hybrid system that is bewildering; moreover, into a dead end, hardly noticeable, which forces us to make more and more concessions to the state of economic methods, i.e. forces to retreat.

      My thesis is that the changes that took place in connection with the NEP affected the life of Soviet society so deeply that they left an imprint on the entire subsequent stage of its history. And the results of this are discouraging: the capitalist superstructure in an ever more distinct form influences production relations, and the conflicts caused by the "hybridization" that the NEP designated, are being resolved today in favor of the superstructure; there is a return to capitalism.

      Ernesto Che Guevara

      Situation in USSR had been much better, as it did not have any billionaires and openly capitalist factories like China.

      Chinese elite more and more will rely on censorship and pure force despite capitalist elements are rising their head each day, they become stronger.

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