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    Good quote: On global warming
    • We have to admit that we are redistributing the world's wealth through climate policy. It is necessary to get rid of the illusion that climate policy is somehow linked to environmental issues. Actually, the climate agenda has almost nothing to do with the environment today ...

      Ottmar Edenhofer, UN Climate Change Specialist

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    MAGA: Letter to US Foreign Office
    • Commentary from the Foreign Ministry's press service in connection with the statement of the US Embassy dated March 25, 2021:

      In connection with the statement of the US Embassy on March 25, 2021, we express our sincere gratitude to the American side for finally showing its willingness to translate bilateral rhetoric into a constructive channel and for congratulating them on a significant date in the history of our country. We will only welcome the spread of this practice on public holidays.

      We acknowledge our mistakes and take this opportunity to apologize for the lack of congratulations on the recent 160th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, whose flag is still dear to many Americans. At the same time, the BLM movement throughout the country has tens of millions of members.

      Unfortunately, today American society is deeply divided, as J. Biden said: “I am fully focused on uniting America, uniting our people, uniting our nation ... The forces that separate us are very deep and strong ... Let's start over. Let's start listening to each other, perceiving each other, seeing each other "...

      We also support the aspirations of the American people for a better future - this day and every day! Therefore, we believe that only genuine inclusive dialogue will help the American nation unite at this difficult moment in history. As a disinterested gesture of goodwill, Belarus, having experience as a platform for negotiations within the TCG ("Trilateral Contact Group for the Peaceful Settlement of the Situation in Eastern Ukraine"), is ready to offer its services in organizing such a process. We will provide any assistance we can, including with the involvement of our partners in integration structures.

      Although more than two centuries have passed since independence, recent events in the United States show that the American struggle for freedom is still ongoing. Today, hundreds of thousands of Americans of all ages are publicly demanding the right to determine the fate of their country. Many pay a high price to try to make their voices heard, as the incumbent administration even had to use deadly weapons and shoot several people to stay in power and consolidate the election results.

      We admire the courage and determination of American heroes, including J. Assange, E. Snowden and C. Manning, who sacrificed almost everything for the sake of true freedom and harmony in American society.

      Belarus, together with the American people, is looking forward to the day when an ordinary American will be able to walk freely and unhindered near the Capitol.

      We are grateful to the appointed US Ambassador to Belarus J. Fisher for his invaluable advice to the entire Belarusian people when and how to hold elections. Of course, our Belarusian primitive and meager thinking would never have allowed us to solve this issue ourselves. As a token of incredible gratitude, the Foreign Ministry is ready to out of turn accept Her Excellency's application for Belarusian citizenship in order to include her in the voter list and give her the opportunity to vote. The same can be done without citizenship on an electronic platform recognized by J. Fisher.

      We cannot but respond to the helping hand extended by the American side in the conduct of the elections. Such achievements of the American electoral system as voting by mail and the electoral college, instead of a direct expression of will, can be claimed and studied by the Belarusian side.

      Deeply imbued with the attention of the United States to the fate of Belarus, as a response step, we can make a disinterested contribution to the development of agriculture in Alaska and the effective development of its lands. In this regard, we are ready to consider the possibility of joint management of this territory.

      The Belarusian construction organizations located in the region could be transferred to transfer experience and help residents of the southern states in overcoming the consequences of the natural disaster.

      We sincerely wish the American people to be united, and without stumbling up the ladder of the American Dream.

      We hope that the positive trend in our relations will continue and we will jointly come to the moment when we can happily meet the US Sixth Fleet at the maritime borders of Belarus!

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    Bad design: Modern cheap natural filled blankets
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      Suppose you look for affordable blanked with natural fillings - linen, camel's wool and so on.

      Reality is that you can get anything from 100% synthetic filler to around 30-50% synthetic (in top models)

      Big factories are making such things:



      It is thermally bonded polyester fiber with addition of natural fibers.

      Note that natural fibers for such thing can be of lowest quality (ones that are usually go to dump) as they do not need to be long and proper as for real filler.

      Add to this that any capitalist producer can't resist to replace with time filler to one with 10 or even 0% of natural fibers content.

      More profit such way.

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    Bad design: Chinese spray mops
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      All of them that I saw are made by some stupid designers instead of proper engineers.

      As design lacks proper understanding of stress points and lack material knowledge.

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    Capitalism: Nvidia openly remark less capable chips into RTX 3090
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      Original marking is for chip from not released yet 3080 Ti with reduced memory bus and cores, yet as we can see - remarked chip has full memory bus and all cores, so we have intentional damage that due to huge prices never realized. For Nvidia it is more profitable to sell full capable chips due to miners.

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    MAGA: New tax on cars coming, will pay for each mile, supported by Tesla
    • The introduction of a tax on the mileage of a personal car was promised to the Americans by US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttidzic on March 26 in an interview with CNBC.

      Discussing sources of revenue that will help fund infrastructure proposals that are expected to cost trillions in the coming months, Buttidzic said the government needs new "sustainable funding streams."

      “The idea that part of how we pay for roads is what you pay based on how much you drive,” Buttigiec said.

      The transport minister said the mileage tax is a plan that "looks promising" and could ultimately help finance future infrastructure projects.

      Rumors are that tax will be different for different cars. Electric cars tax will be at least 5 times lower.

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    War: H&M and Nike boycott in China
    • The Chinese public has announced a boycott of H&M and Nike, urging not to buy their products. This reaction was provoked by long-standing comments from these companies about the likely use of Uighur forced labor in the cotton harvest in Xinjiang.

      H&M and Nike are at the center of a scandal in China. The Chinese public, television, trading platforms and even celebrities are up in arms against them: everyone is calling for them to refuse to buy the products of these manufacturers. Behind this are the statements of H&M and Nike that they will not use cotton and yarn from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) for the production of their products.

      Few days ago, the European Union, and a little earlier the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada imposed sanctions on the PRC on the basis that it "pursues a repressive policy against Muslims living in the XUAR, in particular against the Uighurs." This, according to foreign media and experts, is the main reason for the current boycott of the two companies.

      Representatives of the Chinese Youth Communist Union posted screenshots of H&M and Nike statements on the organization's Weibo blog, commenting, “Spreading rumors to boycott Xinjiang cotton but want to make money in China? You must be dreaming! " China Central Television (CCTV) announced that the letters H and M in the name of H&M in Chinese correspond to words denoting falsehood and falsification, and added that “for such companies we have a clear answer: do not buy their products!” According to CCTV, H&M "miscalculated" in trying to be a "righteous hero" and now "must pay a heavy price for their wrong actions."

      The boycott has been joined by some of the country's most popular marketplaces, including TMall, where H&M's official store is reportedly blocked. Searching for products from both manufacturers does not return any results on, Taobao, and Pinduoduo. Several Chinese celebrities who have been “ambassadors” of these brands have announced that they have ended their relationship with companies that “spread rumors about China and human rights,” and stressed that “the interests of their home country are of the utmost importance to them.” The Global Times (owned by the People's Daily of the Communist Party of China) noted that Chinese citizens "have the right to expose and present offensive statements by Western companies to the public" about cases in the XUAR and "express their anger." At the same time, the publication recalled that Adidas, New Balance, Burberry and Zara used to make "caustic remarks" about Xinjiang cotton.

      In just 24 hours, H&M was virtually erased from China's digital world; you cannot buy his tops and dresses from the largest online retail platforms, you cannot get a taxi to take you to one of his stores in the largest taxi calling app. Physical stores still exist and are open - almost all of them, but closures can follow soon also.

      The public responded to the appeal of organizations, press, television and celebrities, and publications under the hashtag "I support Xinjiang cotton" entered the top trends on Weibo with almost 2 billion views. Users began posting videos on social networks showing how they burn the company's products.

      H&M China responded by posting on Weibo, in which it noted that it “respects Chinese consumers as always” and does not announce any political position. For the Swedish company, the Chinese market is the third largest after Germany and the United States. In 2019, H&M's sales in China, where the company has 520 stores, reached $1.4 billion. For the American manufacturer, the Chinese market is also the third largest after North America and EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Nike has 7,000 stores in China and in fiscal 2020 (ended May 2020) had sales of $ 6.7 billion there.

      Nice way to talk to fighters for democracy, as only way they understand is their own walled thinning.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - April 2021 by garroulus Subscribe to this blog
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    Xiaomi Mi Band 6
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      • Boundless oval screen
      • NFC as standard option
      • blood oxygen measurement as standard option
      • Tight integration with messengers - Telegram and WhatsApp
    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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