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    War: Hackers started publishing some Apple schematics
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      As actual computers are designed (schemes and such) and assembled by Quanta - hackers got info from them.

      Now they ask Apple to pay big and publish around 10 pages from schematics each day.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    Bad design: Bags grip handle
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      As soon as you load it with 6-7kg the small plastic lock will break.

      At around 12-15kg it will break in half itself.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: HP and big green lies
    • HP pledged to slash its still-growing greenhouse gas emissions in half this decade, compared to 2019 levels. It plans to reach “net zero” emissions by 2040, meaning that it won’t release more climate pollution than it can draw down from the atmosphere.

      It is all big horrible lies.

      Similar to hosting companies or Amazon or alike. For example, if hosting company want to become "green" they virtually "buy" green electricity (most of the time in other state even), but actual electricity that they get remains all of the same, not green at all (as it is fully unsuitable for any datacenter use). Any changes here exist only for PR and on paper, but in reality nothing changes.

      HP will also buy special virtual papers and "pay" for emissions. While all the actual factories and actual assembly won't change even slightly.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: EU and rising fascism
    • The European Commission recommended that Lithuania raise the retirement age to 72 years. This must be done before 2040. Given that the average life expectancy for men in the republic is 71.5 years.

      The retirement age in Lithuania is now 64 for men and 63 for women.

      Remember - capitalists do not consider you human at all, they are considering you only as screws and until you will join and fight - they will tighten the threads.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Socialism: On taxes
    • In a socialist society, the complete abolition of the tax system, this legacy of the old society, is a natural act. Under socialism, socialist state and cooperative economies constitute the economic basis of the state, and the unity and cooperation of the working people are the basis of social relations. In a socialist society, socio-economic relations are the foundation that makes it possible to systematically ease the dependence of the population on the tax burden and, finally, to completely eliminate it.

      Under socialism, the tax system in a certain period is necessary as an auxiliary source of funds to meet the needs of state and public consumption, as well as additional means to regulate differences in living standards among different segments of the population.

      In our country, the abolition of taxes proceeds from the advantages of our socialist system and fully meets the natural requirements of its development.

      DPRK, 1974

      Total elimination of tax system is very important stage in Socialism, stage that lot of bureaucrats and clerks are very afraid of, as such changes increase their responsibility and demands to work with real economy and fulfill people needs in situation where you can't say that "we have no money".

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Ingenuity Mars Helicopter as element of informational war
    • Interesting is that lot of usual tech sites and influences got their pr/ad bosses orders via messengers or emails on how to cover this, then to post and how exactly to focus audience attention. Same orders come as it is some materials about Chinese or Mordor hackers that need coverage despite lack of any proofs.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: Gagarin on importance of revolution
    • Someone calculated that the power of the rocket engines, which put the red-star "Vostok" into orbit, was equal to the combined power of the entire horse population of pre-revolutionary Russia. This coincidence, although witty, is sad. A country of backwardness and despotism, such as tsarist Russia, could not have escaped into space ... To ascend to the stars, it is not enough to break the fetters of gravity - it was first necessary to throw off the shackles in which labor, reason, and human soul languished before October! It was not for nothing that the Communards were called “people storming the sky” ... The storming of space did not begin on April 12, 1961, when man saw the open universe, and not even on October 4, 1957, when the first satellite took off from the Earth. It all started with the Aurora shot, with the storming of the Winter Palace.

      Yuri Gagarin

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