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    New CPU vulnerabilities - this time will end with severe performance hits
    • Security experts at the University of Virginia's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences said that it is possible to retrieve instructions from the so-called micro-op cache. In such a cache, which is available in both Intel and AMD processors (Intel processors have had this cache since 2011), the simplest instructions for the branch prediction are stored. Researchers have identified mechanisms that can extract this data and use it to obtain confidential information.

      The problem is that the level of the microinstruction cache is much lower than the level at which vulnerabilities like Specter work. Therefore, the Specter Vulnerability Protection does not work against the new vulnerability. Moreover, since the new vulnerability attacks a more primitive layer in processor architectures, an attempt to weaken or close it will seriously affect the performance of both Intel and AMD processors.

      The researchers reported their discovery to all interested processor architectures. But they themselves doubt that such a vulnerability can be closed with patches without seriously affecting the performance of computing systems.

      It all look for me as staged things.

      AMD also can be hitting performance wall and new generations can be now focused on "more security".

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by hardimpact Subscribe to this blog
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    Fertility rate in Muslim countries is falling very fast
    • The Muslim world is on the brink of the fastest population decline in human history. "It's amazing how fast the birth rate in Muslim countries is falling." According to open sources of information, the demographic situation in these countries can be presented in the form of a train disaster: trains from Iran, Turkey and Tunisia are pulled by locomotives of people who are now 20-30 years old. They were born in families with 5-6 children. But the “locomotive” hit the demographic wall: these young people have only one or two children each.

      The current gigantic demographic bubble of young Arabs, whose political humiliation and frustration erupted into the Arab Spring, will be followed by a much smaller generation. Today the largest age group in Iran is 20-30 year olds. But they are not reproduced. The modern educated young Iranian woman was born into a family where she had six or seven brothers and sisters, but she herself will give birth to only one child. It is the consequence of this state of affairs that the impending demographic catastrophe will become.

      Today, there are nine young Iranians working for every elderly Iranian. But by 2050, when the mass of those in their 20s and 30s will retire, 60-year-old Iranians will become the largest age group - seven old people for every 10 working Iranians. An aging population poses a serious threat even to strong societies with well-established social safety nets, such as the developed Western countries. For societies with little or no defenses, aging is a national disaster. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, for example, Iran produces 4400 dollars of GNP per year per capita, which is 10 times less than in the United States. Moreover, most of the GNP is formed through the sale of oil and gas, the reserves of which may simply dry up.

      Experts state that it is too late to fight the decline in the population. The mother of a hypothetical 25-year-old Iranian woman married at 16-17, and by the age of 25 she already had five or six children. One of her daughters, a modern Iranian girl, delayed her marriage to 25, devoting her most fertile age to education and work.


    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - January 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Why Apple is your open enemy, like fascists
    • Apple's recycling policy has not changed over the past several years.

      “All equipment assembled for recycling is manually and mechanically disassembled and shredded. The resulting fractions are sorted into plastics, metals and glass, after which they are sold or used as raw materials in the production process. Reuse is prohibited. Collection of parts is prohibited. Resale is not possible"- quote from Apple documents.

      As far as my sources told - some of big managers during internal meeting proudly said that they got billions of additional profits in 2020 due this policy. And how glad they are and how they want to widen destruction of perfectly good computers that just need small fix.

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    War: Mordor joins India with law allowing to go around patents
    • Mordor Dark Lord Vladimir Putin signed a law giving the government the right to use inventions and utility models in the healthcare sector, as well as to produce medicines without the permission of the patent holder in the interests of national security in emergency situations. The document was published on Friday on the official orks Internet portal of legal information.

      Currently, the Civil Code allows the government "in the interests of defense and security, to authorize the use of an invention, utility model or industrial design without the consent of the patent holder, notifying him of this as soon as possible and paying him proportionate compensation."

      The law specifies that such a right arises "in case of extreme necessity related to ensuring the defense and security of the state, or for protecting the life and health of citizens."

      At least it is small step.

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    War: Green parasites and CO2 quotes trading
    • Europe will apply its emissions trading scheme to construction and transport, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at the World Leaders Summit on Thursday April 22, paving the way for the EU's planned overhaul of its carbon market.

      The EU carbon market is the backbone of the plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This scheme forces power plants and industry to buy CO2 permits, effectively setting a price for the pollution. Companies can buy and sell these CO2 permits on the carbon market known in the EU as the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

      Von der Leyen said the EU will expand the ETS to new sectors as part of a policy package slated for June to make every economic sector greener.

      “We will make emissions trading work not only in energy and industry, but also in transportation and construction,” said von der Leyen at a virtual summit on climate change hosted by the US government.

      "Carbon must have a price, because nature can no longer pay that price."

      The EU's inclusion of road transport and construction projects in the emissions caps and trading scheme has been discussed since the new commission took office in December 2019.

      Note how this shits want to get goods and money for nothing. How they want to steal from few real manufacturing firms that are left.

      Dr. Goebbels is really nice guy compared to this utter criminals.

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    War: May be it is time to cut Mordor from SWIFT?
    • The European Parliament proposed, among other things, to disconnect dark Mordor from the SWIFT payment system and replace their oil and gas by prayer "if the aggression in Ukraine continues."

      This is stated in the published draft resolution of the EP, the adoption of which is expected tomorrow at the end of the plenary session.

      "The European Parliament emphasizes that if the military build-up in the future escalates into an invasion of Ukraine by Mordor, the EU should make it clear that the cost of such an action will be serious: in such circumstances, oil and gas imports should immediately stop, Mordor should be disconnected from payment systems SWIFT, all assets in the EU of oligarchs close to the Mordor authorities and their families must be frozen, visas must be canceled, "the document says.

      European Parliament resolutions on international issues are declarative, not binding. However, other institutions of the European Union should listen to the opinion of the MPs.

      May be it is time for pinky social democrats in EU to help to finally end the fascist regime on Ukraine who plans to perform Waffen SS march this week? Nope? You mean that it is just other face of same body? I though so.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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