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    War: Apple will do anything to keep their products as closed system
    • Apple CEO Tim Cook said that he believes a proposed European law known as DMA would “not be in the best interest of users,” signaling the iPhone maker’s opposition to European legislation that would force it to allow users to install software outside of Apple’s App Store.

      “I think there are parts of it that are not in the best interests of the user,” Cook said Wednesday through videoconference at the VivaTech conference in France.

      The European Union DMA law focuses on companies with large numbers of customers -- like Apple, Google and Amazon -- and sets rules requiring them to open up their platforms to competitors.

      One of Cook’s issues with the law is that it would force Apple to permit sideloading apps on the iPhone, which is manually installing software from the internet or a file instead of through an app store.

      Cook noted that the iPhone’s market share in France is only 23% and said that permitting sideloading on iPhones would damage both the privacy and security of users

      Note that it is no progress in opening Apple system at all, instead Android becomes more and more closed system with more and more Google owned tracking.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJune 2021Last reply - June 2021 by garroulus Subscribe to this blog
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    Socialism: Some things have long history
    • Over the past 3-4 years, when the party has taken a decisive course towards correcting the mistakes and shortcomings generated by the cult of personality, and has been successfully fighting the revisionists of Marxism-Leninism both in the international arena and within the country, when the party has done a lot of work to correct the mistakes that have been made. in the past, distortions of Lenin's nationality policy - the members of the now exposed and completely exposed anti-party group constantly provided direct or indirect opposition to this course, approved by the XX Congress of the CPSU. This group essentially tried to oppose the Leninist course of peaceful coexistence between states with different social systems, weakening international tension and the establishment of friendly relations between the USSR and all the peoples of the world.

      4 July 1957

      Open any speech by Gorbachev, you'll find almost exact last passage. So, nothing sudden ever happen. All is going slow and steady.

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    6G standard can turn into marketing fluff
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    Mordor: Video cameras will be merged into one system
    • Russia can create a "National Video Surveillance Platform", writes "Kommersant" with reference to a source in the government. The article says that all smart cameras operating in the cities of the country will be combined into a single circuit of the video surveillance system.

      It is planned to spend 250 billion rubles for the development of the platform and installation of cameras over five years. Earlier, the topic was discussed at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the implementation and development of the hardware and software complex of technical means "Safe City". It includes the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB. The Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the initiative "comes from the industry."

      It is noted that the creation of the "National Video Surveillance Platform" will use the Moscow experience, but with a different approach. So, now city video surveillance systems send video in a continuous stream to the Data Processing Center (DPC). The cameras, which will work in a single circuit, are planned to be equipped with computing modules, they will independently recognize suspicious situations, including crimes, and only after that send the video stream to the data center.

      Cameras with built-in analytics and recording capabilities are already actively used in retail and industry, the article says. They will gradually replace the cheaper ones.

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    Australia: Anti Cat measured backfired
    • In July 2015, feral cats were officially recognized by the Australian government as a "pest threatening the unique local fauna." The extermination of two million individuals is an extreme measure, which they decided to turn to after other methods turned out to be ineffective.

      and now

      Australia is seized by a new natural disaster. Following fires, floods and droughts came the mouse plague, a gigantic invasion of rodents that forces farmers to burn their crops. Others are forced to flee their own homes.

      Australia suffers from an invasion of mice about once every ten years. Older farmers recall the 1970s, when there were so many mice that the ground seemed to be moving.

      The invasion of mice leads to millions of losses.

      One of the reasons is new management methods. To keep the dry soil moist, Australian farmers are planting new crops directly over the stubble - the stubble left over from the harvest.

      It serves as a shelter and food for mice at the same time.

      Biologist Steve Henry calls mice "reproductive machines." They begin to reproduce offspring as little as six weeks old.

      After three weeks of pregnancy, a litter of ten mice is born. And the parent individuals continue to reproduce without any breaks between pregnancies.

      Four months later, some of the “babies” reach maturity on their own and mate, giving birth to “grandchildren”. You now have up to 90 individuals plus two original ones.

      For eight months - and this is approximately one breeding season - one parental pair of mice produces offspring of about 500 rodents.

      And that's just from one pair of mice! Take four - and you already have 2 thousand. The population is growing exponentially and reaches millions.

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