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    Capitalism: Retail markup rose 3 times since 1980
    • We document the evolution of market power based on firm-level data for the US economy since 1955. We measure both markups and profitability.
      In 1980, average markups start to rise from 21% above marginal cost to 61% now. The increase is driven mainly by the upper tail of the markup distribution: the upper percentiles have increased sharply. Quite strikingly, the median is unchanged. In addition to the fattening upper tail of the markup distribution, there is reallocation of market share from low to high markup firms. This rise occurs mostly within industry. We also find an increase in the average profit rate from 1% to 8%. While there is also an increase in overhead costs, the markup increase is in excess of overhead. We then discuss the macroeconomic implications of an increase in average market power, which can account for a number of secular trends in the last four decades, most notably the declining labor and capital shares as well as the decrease in labor market dynamism.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Cuban vaccine as main cause of US sponsored protests
    • The Cuban vaccine against the Abdala coronavirus during the third phase of clinical trials has demonstrated 100% effectiveness against severe forms of the disease and death. This was announced on Saturday by the Prensa Latina agency with reference to the developers.

      "Data on the effectiveness of the third phase of clinical trials [of the vaccine against coronavirus] Abdala has already been obtained, the results are excellent," the agency quotes the director of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, which developed the vaccine, Martha Ayala.

      Ayala added that the focus group for the study of the effectiveness of the vaccine is planned to increase to 300 thousand people.

      Earlier, the Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices (CECMED) of Cuba authorized the emergency use of the Abdala coronavirus vaccine. In the second half of June, Cuba announced the completion of clinical trials of the drug, its effectiveness against the symptomatic course of the coronavirus was 92.28%.

      It is very bad for big US farma companies if Cuba will start providing cheap vaccine. Especially bad it is that it can break their plan for people genocide in Africa and Latin America using their vaccines.

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    South Africa: Bad leftists are going against prosperity and stability
    • Amongst the demands are the nationalisation of the mines, the South African Reserve Bank and other key strategic industries and means of production.

      “A State Bank must be established without delay, and our national banks must be focused on specific areas of industrial development."

      A living wage for all public sector workers, especially the police and nurses.

      All SOE’s must be protected from being privatised, and those such as SAA that have already been privatised, and sold, must be re-nationalised. Overall, free education, vocational training, and employment must be guaranteed for all of those who are willing and able to work,

      Just morons, right? Where are demands of free trade and total privatization?

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Lenovo blocked NVENC in their notebooks via invisible BIOS update
    • At least whole Legion lineup is affected, most of sold notebooks are from EU region.

      NVIDIA now sues Lenovo for some patent infringement stuff.

      As far as I understand, notebook vendors must secretly pay big money for lot of separate features of NVIDIA chips, if them want them to work. LENOVO refused to pay for encoder, so NVIDIA went in court to push them.

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    COVID: Mordor death rate rose 36% in two years
    • Mortality in Russia in June 2021 increased by 13.9% compared to June 2020. This was announced on July 9 by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.

      According to her, the reason was the sharp rise in the incidence caused by the spread of the delta strain.

      According to Rosstat, 162.7 thousand people died in June 2020, which exceeds the death in 2019 by 18.6%.

      Numbers are staggering, such increase is equal to 35,66% casualties increase in two years time, real genocide.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Cement can be first green madness casualty in Sweden
    • The largest plant for the production of cement in Sweden - Cementa, located on the island of Gotland, has been deprived of a license for the extraction of limestone. The country will actually be left without a basic building material.

      According to the decree, production will be stopped from November 1, 2021. The court decision, backed and sponsored by global green organizations, is formally linked to concerns about the impact of production on groundwater. Cementa is also considered the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases in Sweden. This, of course, is unacceptable. It accounts for as much as three percent of the carbon emissions that comes from limestone crushing (sic!).

      Representatives of the plant said that such a decision would create a crisis situation in the country. But green organizations said that the country can do fine without cement and must switch to old technologies for building houses from clay and manure.

      Everything is perfect here.

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