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    COVID: Virus is killing your brain, always, and intelligence does not recover
    • A group of scientists from the UK published the results of a large-scale study in the medical journal The Lancet, which unequivocally indicate the negative impact of coronavirus on the level of intelligence. According to researchers, it persists after recovery from Covid-19.


      • Suspicions concerning neurological complications after Covid-19 have been expressed for a long time - many patients who have been ill complain of prolonged "fog in the head", problems with memory and attention, headache and depression, and other signs of damage to the central nervous system.
      • One of the characteristic symptoms of Covid-19 - the loss of smell and taste - is also associated with disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system: the coronavirus damages the olfactory neurons in the brain.
      • However, there has not yet been reliable evidence of the effect of SARS-CoV-2 on intelligence, despite the fact that coronavirus has already been found in certain areas of the brain of those who died from Covid-19.
      • Experts from British universities, with the help of the BBC, conducted a questionnaire online survey of mental abilities, which took place from January to December 2020 and qualitatively covered 81,337 people - so many people provided all the required data.
      • The study included the Great British Intelligence Test cognitive tests, using a different and more accurate method than IQ tests, as well as a questionnaire on the topic of Covid-19 - whether there was an official diagnosis, what symptoms manifested, was treated at home or in a hospital, how bad the course was. illness, whether psychological problems now bother.
      • Scientists compared the results of people who suffered from Covid-19 with those of healthy people, taking into account gender, age, race, income level and education, and other indicators. A sample of 81,000 people was more than enough to level out any individual differences using statistical methods.
      • Scientists also weeded out the influence on the intelligence of pre-disease factors such as gender, age, profession, country of residence using a more general model, which was based on an independent GBIT dataset collected from 269,264 people.
      • As a result, the study revealed significant signs of deterioration in intelligence due to the transferred Covid-19. The most serious damage the coronavirus has inflicted on people who have had a severe form with the use of mechanical ventilation - their global aggregate intelligence score decreased by 0.47 SD, which is approximately seven traditional IQ points.
      • In people who required hospitalization without the use of mechanical ventilation, the level of intelligence fell by 0.26 SD. Those who got sick at home with a mild form of Covid-19 lost a total of 0.23 SD. For comparison, a stroke leads to an average deterioration in intelligence of 0.24 SD.
      • The greatest damage the coronavirus inflicts on the ability to abstract logical reasoning, planning and concentration. The ability to work with flat and three-dimensional objects is noticeably deteriorating.
      • The researchers also examined the possible link between cognitive impairment and the time that has passed since the illness. They analyzed a subset of people who were tested at different times after the first symptoms of Covid-19 were detected - from a few weeks to nine months. Scientists have not found any pattern - this means that the intellect affected by the coronavirus does not recover over time.

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    Mordor: Number of divorces is now higher than number of marriages
    • According to Rosstat, 59 499 marriages were concluded in April of this year, 33 878 in April 2020, 59 842 divorces in April 2021, and 13 783 a year earlier.

      This happens first time in country history.

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    War: AI can find folding of every known protein, important to make new viruses
    • image

      Back in December 2020, DeepMind solved a 50-year grand challenge with AlphaFold, an AI tool that predicts the structure of proteins. Last week the London-based company published full details of that tool and released its source code.

      Now the firm has announced that it has used its AI to predict the shapes of nearly every protein in the human body, as well as the shapes of hundreds of thousands of other proteins found in 20 of the most widely studied organisms, including yeast, fruit flies, and mice. The breakthrough could allow biologists from around the world to understand diseases better and develop new drugs.

      Now the trove consists of 350,000 newly predicted protein structures. DeepMind says it will predict and release the structures for more than 100 million more in the next few months—more or less all proteins known to science.

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    War: Marketplaces trade war in Ukraine
    • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), according to which economic sanctions are introduced against a number of companies, including Wildberries (Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Armenian, Belarusian, Kyrgyz, Kazakh divisions),

      Sanctions against Wildberries involve blocking assets, a complete ban on the transit of resources through the territory of Ukraine, preventing the withdrawal of capital from the territory of Ukraine, suspension of the fulfillment of economic and financial obligations, termination of the provision of telecommunications services, a ban on the transfer of technology and intellectual property rights.

      Personal sanctions were introduced, including against the owner of Wildberries, Tatyana Bakalchuk and her husband Vladislav Bakalchuk. Bakalchuk is the richest woman in Russia according to the Forbes rating, her fortune is estimated at $ 13.1 billion.

      Wildberries is presently largest online marketplace on xUSSR space.

      Rumors are that Amazon US is standing behind all latest sanctions against Russian marketplaces as they do not want to give up Ukraine market and presently they are hardly competitive in the country, so can't use normal economic measures.

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