Tagged with tomioka - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/tomioka/p1/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 17:27:28 +0000 Tagged with tomioka - Personal View Talks en-CA 50mm 1:1.2 Fujinon lens (AX Fujica mount) on Panny GH1... it's possible. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1600/50mm-11.2-fujinon-lens-ax-fujica-mount-on-panny-gh1...-its-possible. Wed, 30 Nov 2011 16:31:20 +0000 Krolik 1600@/talks/discussions




Will go for sale on fee-Bay soon, have to work on that critical screw a bit.


1) Don't try it at home unless you know what you are doing.
2) The base for that hack is the Kiwi MFT <--> AX adapter. Except that it does not work, mine does (after the little modding).
3) This is REAL 1:1.2 lens, not the... Tomioka which is only NOMINALLY 1:1.2 (did you notice that the back of Tommy Miau Oka is manually cut?)
4) Did not try it yet against the wal texture, just did it today. Actually, my car mechanic did it.
Tommy Miau Oka (fee-Bay Tomioka wannabe-s) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1512/tommy-miau-oka-fee-bay-tomioka-wannabe-s Mon, 21 Nov 2011 09:10:08 +0000 Krolik 1512@/talks/discussions
Nevermind that even the (unjusitfiedly) famous 1.2 Tomioka seem to be a pretty lousy lens, hugely over-rated and I believe, no comparison to Minolta 58mm or Nikon 55mm or many Canon lens (FL 1.2 to FD SSC 1.2) which can be easily converted to EOS mount. Just got my third Fujinon 1.2, all under 100 Euro. With the new MFT <--> Fuji AX adapter time to "downgrade" these great Fujinons to Tommy Miau Oka cat's miau and sell for few Megabucks.

But hey, every Miranda, Mamiya, Mamma Mia lens now is Tommy Miau lens, so I am going to have a big company. I know, there was a secred collaboration between Tomioka and KMZ... and every 58mm Helios is a Tomioka. I did read the secret files in the basement of KMZ. And Тётя Маша (aunt Mary) has a Tomioka plant in her огород (veggie garden) growing, so $$$$$ is the limit.