Tagged with tel - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/tel/p1/feed.rss Sun, 09 Jun 24 19:06:40 +0000 Tagged with tel - Personal View Talks en-CA One Word - A short film shot in Tel Aviv (GH4) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10822/one-word-a-short-film-shot-in-tel-aviv-gh4 Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:43:16 +0000 izash 10822@/talks/discussions Earlier this week, I took my camera to the streets of my neighbourhood in Tel Aviv.
I asked people to say one word to the camera, with no explanations or commentary, just one word out of two.
Peace or War.

Shot with GH4, Lumix 12-35mm. Edited with FCPX
