Tagged with sound - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/sound/p3/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:26:47 +0000 Tagged with sound - Personal View Talks en-CA AKG C747 Premium quality mini shotgun on GH2 (+ audio test) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4450/akg-c747-premium-quality-mini-shotgun-on-gh2-audio-test Sun, 02 Sep 2012 02:33:58 +0000 gameb 4450@/talks/discussions Inspired by @balazers topic about the AT875 shotgun (thanks balazer) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3197/at875r-mic-phantom-powered-directly-by-the-gh2, I tested an AKG C747 electret mini shotgun and it works perfectly on the GH2 with its 2.5V plug-in power "phantom power"). The signal is strong, I am running it on level 1 or 2, using the Per Lichtmanns Pasadena audio hack (thanks @thepalalias) http://perlichtman.com/pasdenapulse/wordpress/2012/03/14/panasonic-gh2-audio-settings-file-pasadena-pulse-audio-v2-beta-2/.

The sound of this little jewel, built in the well renowned german/austrian AKG house, is superb - very natural and clean, voices sound warm. It has a particular strong directional characteristic/off-axis rejection and wide frequency range. It supports very strong signals as much as it picks up clearly sounds and voices coming from the distance. Reading the reviews you can see how versatil this microphone is http://www.proaudio.com/product_info.php?products_id=3480.

It is very small, 137mm x 9mm, size of a pencil, is very light, perfect for using on any small hybrid or DSLR cameras.

Talking to the AKG tecnicians in Austria, they had their doubts whether it would work with such a low (2.5V) "power supply" of the GH2. Normally it works with 9-52V. But: it did work (Thanks Mr. Amon for your advise).

Connection is: red to "tip" and "ring" and white and ground to "sleeve". Basically the same way as described in @balazers topic. You have to cut off the 48V phantom power plug previously.

The microphone shock mount on the photo, was custom built out of a stainless steel tube, with my local boat-welder in my Marina and a few rubber bands.

The lack of any existing 2.5mm stereo plug in an angled version (I only found crap), made me change the "interor" of an angled 3.5mm plug and substitute it with the interior part of a normal metal 2.5mm plug. Works fine. No need of annoying 3.5/2.5 adapters.

For my purposes this is a very satisfying setup. With the great picture quality of the GH2, using balazers stable cake settings (thanks @Vitaly and @balazer), now I finally found a very small high end on-camera microphone with a wonderful sound quality, no need of any further batteries or power supply, and the whole thing still keeps this small, flexible, moving character which I love to work with.

The AKG C747 is not cheap, the actual version MK II costs around 500€ or more, but the previous version, which is basically the same microphone (a part from a filter and a few other things), you can find it used for around approx 300€, add approx 30€ for the Windscreen.

Would love to hear your opinions about it.

EDIT: Cheap deal on AKG C747 on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150918575896?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649#ht_1249wt_1219

Big sound, stereo ambience, 3d sound, Binaural audio, the missing link. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4464/big-sound-stereo-ambience-3d-sound-binaural-audio-the-missing-link. Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:14:56 +0000 danyyyel 4464@/talks/discussions I have been looking a lot, or I might say listening a lot to audio lately after my choice of buying sound devices mixpre-D has fallen because BH does not ship SD gear anymore outside USA. So looking at different solution, I found one serious candidate in the Olympus Ls-100. Searching for samples, I ended on a set of nature recordists samples in stereo and was really immersed in the audio. One example like this one had a car and very common sound for a movie, and I thought I was at the Cinema. It came like a revelation http://soundcloud.com/ausavim/olympus-ls-100-test-1 . The sound is so tri dimensional and can really feel there. What it told me was how much the ambiance sound was important for a movie and how indie films lack it and sounded hollow. Every-time we hear how we should get a shotgun microphone for outside dialogue and a cardioid for inside one. But no one put emphasis on those surrounding sound and how to capture them.

So I started looking at stereo microphone and remembered the Mitra with philip bloom,

that sounded fantastic. But the price was a bit high, and I saw other like the Audio Technica BP4025 (a bit high also). some example here http://soundcloud.com/ausavim

Further searching I saw another system called Binaural recording when people use mannequin head and ears etc to really simulate human hearing. A company that does it http://binauralears.com/

I don't know what you lot think, but this was really a revelation to me about getting the big movie sound. From what I know is that lot of the sound effect and mixing are done in post to get the stereo or 3d effect. But some of these solution seems more appropriate to the indie crowd.

Problem with TASCAM DR-100 work with 5D2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5370/problem-with-tascam-dr-100-work-with-5d2 Tue, 04 Dec 2012 02:53:02 +0000 Shome 5370@/talks/discussions Before I ask my question, I did look into a lot post here. But still I found my problem it's like a bug in my 5D2.

I try to find a good solution for sound in my 5D, just for some normal interview( could be in the studio and any place clients are). Before I used HDV to get some sound, 5Dget image, and sync in post with pluraleyes. But I found a lot people do get better solution. Now I try to learn it.

So what I'm trying to do is just get the quality sound directly into my 5D2, without post work with pluraleyes. My buddies are: TASCAM DR-100, SONY UWP-V1(Radio mic),Audio Technica AT897, also got Rode NTG-1(but this one no AA power supply). 5D2(hacked with Magic Lantern 2.3)

First, I try sony radio mic directly plugin to 5D, it's reasonable sound for event interview stuff, but definite not really good quality, as 5D doesn't have good sound handling ability( I guess).

Then I get this TASCAM thing.(A lot people use H4n, i guess similar thing). Tascam has 2 XLR input, So I use sony radio mic and AT897 (both powered by themselves). My tascam get decent sound these two mic. I used tascam's 3.5 line output, send the sound to 5D's 3.5 mic input. monitor the 5D's sound through AV mount. (wiki ML says we will need a RCA-3.5 adapter, i didn't see that before so i just plugin my 3.5 headphone in to that AV end, it works, I did get the sound there, amazing! ) It worked for a while but I don't when it suddenly just can only get one track, only left channel, there is no infos came into right channel. No matter what i try on all the settings in the ML menu, I can't get that right channel back...

Can anyone help me figure this out?

Infra Red Headphones, transmitters and receivers https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5058/infra-red-headphones-transmitters-and-receivers Wed, 31 Oct 2012 20:09:28 +0000 goanna 5058@/talks/discussions Among the common causes of camera damage is the operator walking away from the tripod with headphones still on. IR headphones can be useful on set as well as at home or in the car, too. They have excellent sound reproduction and prices are dropping.


For location work, the usual 6 meter range is close enough from camera to headphones, but the mic and transmitter may be further away from the camera.

Look for at at least 10 meter headphones on Ebay

Transmitters often come cheaply and with better range. I got a 12V, 10 meter model for $12.00. Look on Ebay too.

Transmitters and headphones can be bought together as a set. Of course, several crew members can receive the same sound via phones.

This is just one more example of domestic equipment which has improved (for in-car DVDs) so much that in can trickle-up to pro applications. Of course, if you're like me you'll find domestic uses as well. (Think kids, peace at home, long drives...)

There are some domestic and car appliances (eg NextBase) which already include IR transmitters. Almost all seem to share the standard stereo IR transmission frequencies of Right: 2.8 MHz. Left: 2.3 MHz.

You can get IR receivers, too. The old Sony 6V IFT-R10 also comes with good quality composite video as well as line-level audio suitable for monitoring. Maybe somebody has experience with camera-mounted IR receivers for audio signal input.

DR-100 recording issues need help https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3802/dr-100-recording-issues-need-help- Fri, 06 Jul 2012 16:18:43 +0000 No_SuRReNDeR 3802@/talks/discussions I just did a short the previous weekend and the audio was recorded on a Tascam DR-100...I was the DP but Im taking flak. I dont know what the heck happened but the recorded audio its a frickn' mess... the levels are barely there except the slates...the noise in the signal is really bad and I know it wasnt the expensive Seinheisser I have been using for years... which on all my own stuff always comes out really clean and nice.

Too me it almost sounds like it was recording both the boom and the on-recorder mics... but the levels of the signal are barely there in Audition or Soundtrack except the slate claps. One thing that is weird is that it was eating batteries for breakfast must have went through 20 batteries in 3 hours or so...

ANYWAYS...I need help not sure what to do the whole movie is ruined.

NOTE Oh and yeah I caught the mp3 thing after the 1st card dump- scolded the sound guy- even the 24 bit WAVS are the same state...

Recording Lav mics directly on person's body, but monitoring remotely https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3576/recording-lav-mics-directly-on-persons-body-but-monitoring-remotely Thu, 14 Jun 2012 08:41:01 +0000 kronstadt 3576@/talks/discussions I've just had an idea that I wanted to share with you and ask if it would work.

The setup that I want to achieve is: Lav mic plugged directly into Zoom H1, which remains on persons body (hidden under clothes), and records clean sound directly - no wireless intervention. The problem with such a setup is that there's no monitoring. So for monitoring alone I'm thinking of getting dirt cheap wireless transmission system (for under $50, I don't even know what options are out there) that would plug into the headphone jack of the Zoom H1 and transmit to the receiver that is plugged into a cheap field mixer. From there I should be able to monitor the dialogue between several actors with lavs on their bodies. I don't know if it would work? Any expert advice?

Background music, jingles, loops, scoring, fx etc https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3549/background-music-jingles-loops-scoring-fx-etc Mon, 11 Jun 2012 17:24:35 +0000 zigizigi 3549@/talks/discussions А friend of mine introduced me to Apple Logic which has a great loops/fx/jingles library. All sorted by genres, bmp, moods etc. I find it a very convenient construction set for quickly creating music for video needs.

I'm looking for a PC alternative. I use Vegas for video, Cubase for music, but since I'm no longer in audio production I find Cubase being way too complex instrument for my basic video needs. I don't want to program custom drum loops and create midi score from scratch, tweak EQs and FX for hours - all I need is a quickie-bricky loop based construction toy where I can drop few loops and pre-made fx on a timeline to create a jingle for an advert for instance.

Any recommendations? Few years ago I checked Sony Cinescore before it got discontinued and SonicFire but I found them to be not as elegant as Logic. Any progress in this realm ever since?

Sound edit tutorial? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3399/sound-edit-tutorial Tue, 29 May 2012 06:04:40 +0000 tonalt 3399@/talks/discussions So I have now quality video, pro color correction, good microphone & recorder. But what about audio editing?

  1. What audio edit program you recommend for Windows? Is Pro Tools any good?
  2. Is there some basic rules that you should remember in audio editing? E.g. what the volume should be and how to measure that.
  3. Some tricks you should do? I heard about compressing and limiting but not quite sure what that means.
  4. Good tutorials (in video) online?
Shutter sound on G2? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/284/shutter-sound-on-g2 Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:52:38 +0000 cjb 284@/talks/discussions
First of all, thanks very much for ptool. I'm wondering if there's a way to disable (or just make much quieter) the shutter sound on a G2; seems like the GH series has this option in the main menu but the G series doesn't?


- cjb.]]>
Future of directional mikes. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12/future-of-directional-mikes. Fri, 15 Apr 2011 03:23:44 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 12@/talks/discussions
I reccomend to have a look at Kinect audio related session:

Mike Array in Kinect


Specifically at techniques used to get very high directivity using microphone array and very smart software.

If we'll take consumer and prosumer cameras this is their future that'll come to reality in next few years.

Mbox Pro Audio Interface $595 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2489/mbox-pro-audio-interface-595- Mon, 05 Mar 2012 11:50:13 +0000 qwerty123 2489@/talks/discussions The mbox pro is a superb audio interface and perfect for pro tools. B&H is having a very good deal on it now: $489.99

EDIT: they just raised the price to $595!! That's still a pretty decent deal I think.


I just placed my order.

Sound monitoring solution for GH2 ? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2295/sound-monitoring-solution-for-gh2- Thu, 16 Feb 2012 07:09:51 +0000 feha 2295@/talks/discussions Have any one fixed sound monitoring on GH2 ? Any solution ? Does HDMI pass thru the audio ? If using LCD monitor with HDMI in and headset connected via monitor ? Any idea ?

How The Ear Works https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1830/how-the-ear-works- Sat, 24 Dec 2011 22:20:39 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1830@/talks/discussions
Note that this article won’t attempt to cover psychoacoustics in its entirety. In particular, we’ll be restricting our focus to monaural audition and setting aside the notion of integration time, which is the audio equivalent of ‘persistence of vision’. Stay tuned for future articles covering stereo image issues and the very diverse uses one can make of the ear’s integration time in music production.


We’ll start our study of the ear by looking at Figure 1, on top. This drawing shows the morphology of the ear, as usually represented. This is divided into three sections. The outer ear consists of the auditory canal and the exterior of the tympanic membrane, better known as the eardrum. The malleus, incus and stapes, which are small bones often referred to as ossicles, belong to the middle ear, along with the interior of the tympanic membrane. Then there is the inner ear, which includes the cochlea and the semicircular canals. Last, we find two nerves that connect the ear to the brain. (The semicircular canals and vestibular nerves don’t relay any information relating to hearing; their purpose is to give us a sense of gravity and balance, so we’ll leave them aside.)
Figure 1: The morphology of the human ear (diagram derived from Chittka L, Brockmann A (2005): Perception Space — The Final Frontier, www.plosbiology.org).
Figure 1: The morphology of the human ear (diagram derived from Chittka L, Brockmann A (2005): Perception Space — The Final Frontier, www.plosbiology.org).
What we call ‘sound’ is in fact a progressive acoustic wave — a series of variations in air pressure, spreading out from whatever source made the sound. When these pressure variations strike the ear, they find their way through the external auditory canal to the tympanic membrane, setting it into vibration. The signal is thus converted to mechanical vibrations in solid matter. These vibrations of the tympanic membrane are transmitted to the ossicles, which in turn transmit them to the cochlea. Here the signal undergoes a second change of nature, being converted into pressure variations within liquid. These are then transformed again by specialised hair cells, which convert the liquid waves into nervous signals.

Read the rest at: http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar11/articles/how-the-ear-works.htm]]>
Listen to seven different mics into a GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1202/listen-to-seven-different-mics-into-a-gh2 Mon, 17 Oct 2011 20:05:52 +0000 Sam_Mallery 1202@/talks/discussions

Most of the video was shot with the regular GH2 firmware (and the 20mm Lumix G lens), but the very last shot was done with the GH2vk hack, using the cbrandin's 66mb patch. I hope you find it helpful!

The only Zoom H4N bag - PortaBrace https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1023/the-only-zoom-h4n-bag-portabrace Sat, 24 Sep 2011 00:45:32 +0000 Blackout 1023@/talks/discussions

It works... but it should be half the price.

Beachtek XLR issue or is it my GH2--HELP! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/892/beachtek-xlr-issue-or-is-it-my-gh2-help Thu, 08 Sep 2011 18:45:36 +0000 No_SuRReNDeR 892@/talks/discussions Sound&Picture magazine https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/402/soundpicture-magazine Sat, 16 Jul 2011 21:29:23 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 402@/talks/discussions Previously they made magazine called The Coffey Audio Files.


Best thing that you can look at full past issues online or download in PDF, all for free.

Juicedlink DS214 Review https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/103/juicedlink-ds214-review Wed, 18 May 2011 00:48:32 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 103@/talks/discussions


Some words and photos also at: