Tagged with softness - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/softness/p1/feed.rss Mon, 03 Jun 24 20:57:23 +0000 Tagged with softness - Personal View Talks en-CA MFT lenses: Panasonic Sharpness versus Cine-Lens Softness https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14419/mft-lenses-panasonic-sharpness-versus-cine-lens-softness Tue, 12 Jan 2016 07:48:43 +0000 Brian_Siano 14419@/talks/discussions I just did a shoot where we used three Panasonic cameras of different capabilities: a GX7 and my GH2 shooting in 1080p, and my GH4 using Vlog in 4K. Most of the time, the GX7 used Panasonic lenses, while I used combinations of SLR Magic and Rokinon cine lenses to pull focus properly.

Well, now we're in post, and there are a few problems. The GX7's footage is, well, pretty vibrant: it's smooth, with vivid color, and very sharp focus. And not only is it difficult to grade Vlog to match it (Balazar's LUTs are a big help), I'm finding that my cine-lens footage is just a lot softer than the stuff shot with auto-focus lenses.

Is this kind of the rule with lenses-- that the auto-focus lenses made by Panasonic are just sharper than Rokinon or SLR primes?

(Also, a side question: if I use sharpening on my 4K footage, which is better: sharpen the 4K and then reduce to 1080p, or reduce to 1080p and then sharpen?)

Reducing the GH2's sharpness on the 14-140mm kit lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6252/reducing-the-gh2s-sharpness-on-the-14-140mm-kit-lens- Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:49:33 +0000 TruHype 6252@/talks/discussions Hi,

I own the GH2 with the 14-140mm Lumix lens, and I just started making films. I really like the 14-140mm, it has a very fast autofocus (for filming skateboard or whatever...), and when zoomed in it has a very nice DOF. But the problem is, it is way too sharp (even with sharpness at -2 and the Apocalypse Now DrewNet 'Soft' hack 444 matrix). I bought the GH2 thinking that it would have the same "Smooth" effect as the Canon T2i, 7D, 5D but with more resolution... because the GH2 IS a DLSR (or should I say DSLM). I know I could have this effect if I use non-panasonic or vintage lenses, but right know I own only the Lumix 14-140, and I'm not buying new lenses right now (or anamorphic adapters). The videos with those kit lens looks too much like a cheep Hi-rez camcorder and not like a DSLR or Cinematic or RED video... I know, I know, I should use a short DOF, reduce everything to -2... bla bla bla... But the 14-140 is still too sharp. It maybe even look a tad better on the GH1...

Now is there any type of HACK made especially for that type of lens, or any HACK that really softens the image down (canon-like) without a big loss of quality ?

I've already tried "soft" hacks (apocalypse now...etc), but it doesn't change anything, the edges are still too rough and sharp.

  • I would like that kind of soft light and professional effect from Canon cameras (but with better quality) :

  • And not this too sharp/camcorder look effect (even though it's a cool video) :

  • But the best would be this effect (those are NOT Lumix lenses) :

(And yes, I like parkour)

I know that there are already some posts that are about the same, but none of them really helps me.

Please help me !


How To Improve Image Quality From Soft Lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1987/how-to-improve-image-quality-from-soft-lenses Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:52:05 +0000 apefos 1987@/talks/discussions The challenge: to use the lenses wide open to get the most shallow dof in GH2. But this makes the image soft because almost all lenses are soft wide open. So what is the solution? Watch the video tutorial on vimeo
