Tagged with showreel - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/showreel/p1/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:09:42 +0000 Tagged with showreel - Personal View Talks en-CA Cinematography showreel 2016 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15085/cinematography-showreel-2016 Tue, 17 May 2016 10:42:38 +0000 rzzl 15085@/talks/discussions

My very first showreel. A lot of old gh2 stuff here. Iphone 5s and blackmagic 4k also. Enjoy...

Showreel 2015 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13708/showreel-2015 Mon, 14 Sep 2015 12:42:37 +0000 RRRR 13708@/talks/discussions It was about time I made something to sum up / show off. :) Hopefully this will be my first and last (showreel). Many thanks to this community for much valuable stuff over the years! Download is available.

// Phab showreel https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13601/-phab-showreel Mon, 24 Aug 2015 05:37:27 +0000 etreetsoi 13601@/talks/discussions Hi, here is my showreel,

produced with Panasonic Lumix GH2/GH3 & GoPro Avid Media composer, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects & Maxon Cinema 4D Blackmagic Production 4k, Telestream Wirecast & Vmix

Good visualization,

Phab Pixel enchanting since 1965

Do you think that the GH2 still rocks ? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12718/do-you-think-that-the-gh2-still-rocks- Wed, 01 Apr 2015 18:52:53 +0000 CNek 12718@/talks/discussions Ok, that topic title was just a gross attempt to share some works made with that wonderful tool, my very first videocam : you name it, the mighty GH2 ^^ Honestly I put a hack a loooong time ago and I can't even remember what it is :p Thanks to the PV community I've learned some basics about everything, from workflow to lightning, I've read a lot, but not wrote much things. For now I must thank you all. The Hack was a good reason not to take the Canon (rebel) way, no regret here ;) I've compiled 3 years of various shooting made with our creative collective, I will be glad to know your personals views on this :
. I'd like to say that a GH4 is VERY tempting, however I chose to invest in glass, small rigs acessories etc. Not much money left so no excuse for GAS :D Force me to prep more my shots (GH2 is not very forgiving in post for heavy grading, even with the hack).

So... Cya, videographers !

Aerial Showreel https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8889/aerial-showreel Tue, 26 Nov 2013 18:08:02 +0000 konjow 8889@/talks/discussions I was waiting long time to get my camera into the air. It happened 10 mounts ago for the very first time :). I was learning to fly and improving diy solutions (vibration, gimbal etc.) This video was made from selected highlights from few hours of flights during few mounts of developing process. Phantom with GP3 on Diy gimbal was used no Fpv (yet) Few archive shots GH2 was used and GH3 timelapse. Im hoping to use this video as my showreel and firs video for my website.

RETROSPECTIVE https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9797/retrospective- Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:50:50 +0000 spiel77 9797@/talks/discussions "Retrospective" is a short round-trip, that takes one through places, moments, ways of life and social fabrics - whilst passing continents. This is a short edit with footage from my last projects. It gives a hint, on how diverse life can be, which is what I tried to carve out, with that first attempt. I welcome any feedback! Thank you for watching!

2012 showreel shot on GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6598/2012-showreel-shot-on-gh2 Thu, 04 Apr 2013 02:35:33 +0000 Django 6598@/talks/discussions

90 percent of this was shot on a GH2 using the "Sedna" and "Flowmotion" patches combined with Nikon glass. Only 2 shots were shot on the AF100, so see if you can pick them out..

Cinematographer showreel with GH2 footage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4876/cinematographer-showreel-with-gh2-footage Fri, 12 Oct 2012 15:29:24 +0000 Passman 4876@/talks/discussions Hi everybody, here is my showreel with a few projects shot with GH2, both unhacked and hacked. Mixed with projects shot on a whole range of other digital cameras including HVX200, JCV HD100, Canon XHA1, Sony EX1. Please feel free to criticize the hell out of it, looking for whatever feedback i can get since this is my first reel after a few years of shooting.

My cinematography showreel (a lot of GH2 stuff in there). https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2240/my-cinematography-showreel-a-lot-of-gh2-stuff-in-there. Fri, 10 Feb 2012 10:33:30 +0000 Gabel 2240@/talks/discussions I hope I don't get warned for blatant self-advertising, but I just wanted to share my shoowreel here, there's some GH2 stuff in there (some of it hacked, one shot in the HBR mode). Here's a breakdown: First shot, done with HBR mode and Lomo OCT-19 primes 0:26 Driftwood GOP-3 with Nikon AI primes

0:37 HBR with Lomos

0:48 Cbrandin 66mbit with Lomos

0:56 HBR with Lomos

01:02 Cbrandin 66mbit with Lomos

01:03 Driftwood GOP-3 with Nikon AIs

01:11 HBR with Lomos

01:18 Stock AVCHD with Nikon AIs

01:37 Driftwood GOP-3 with Nikon AIs

01:40 Cbrandin 66mbit with Lomos

01:42 HBR with Lomos

01:55 Driftwood GOP-3 with Nikon AIs

02:04 HBR with Lomos

02:14 HBR with Lomos

(sorry for the double spacing, but otherwise it would all just fall behind each other)

This really shows what an amazing camera the GH2 is! Even unhacked it looks amazing (I think what I got with HBR looks the best to me, but that has more to with my work).

There's also some anamorphic stuff in there, done with my generic anamorphic on an AF100 with a Nikon AI 35mm (third shot, you'll recognize the rest)

And if you like, feel free to check in my site or like me on Facebook!

Showreel 2: Skin tones https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1639/showreel-2-skin-tones Mon, 05 Dec 2011 14:08:22 +0000 driftwood 1639@/talks/discussions
Any personal-view members who would like to participate please say 'Aye' below. We require just 5 seconds (FIVE SECONDS) shot on the GH2 using ANY patch (including stock firmware if you like) to show off the merits of the GH2 and it's film modes using 1080p24, 720p, 1080i, MJPEG HD/VGA - it would be interesting to see a variety of different lenses being utilised. Shoot anytime of day / night.

What you will supply:
You need only upload an original mts file (short recordings only folks detailing the 5 seconds IN/OUT points) nothing else.
A summary of the hack/no hack, patch, film mode, lens, lens setting (aperture, shutter speed, ISO etc...) and a info note about the sort of lighting employed, and anything interesting you find about lens or camera settings.

People willing to participate should have dropbox or a similar upload site where we can pull down the original mts file from and of course communicate through this thread.
Updated Closing date: 5th January 2012.

Example Skin tone test from Tonaci Tran for RED Scarlet X: http://vimeo.com/ 32843511 is here (delete space to get correct url)

Goto http://www.personal-view.com/our_movies wiki for this project.]]>
Personal View Members Collaborative Videos + Mimirsan https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1530/personal-view-members-collaborative-videos-mimirsan Wed, 23 Nov 2011 14:03:12 +0000 driftwood 1530@/talks/discussions