Tagged with ratio - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/ratio/p1/feed.rss Fri, 14 Jun 24 05:14:08 +0000 Tagged with ratio - Personal View Talks en-CA Odd Issue with GH4 Timelapse Recording https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16841/odd-issue-with-gh4-timelapse-recording Mon, 01 May 2017 11:12:58 +0000 MkeysHughes 16841@/talks/discussions The past couple of timelapses I have shot using the internal intervalometer on my GH4 have switched aspect ratios back and forth, image after image, for about 30 images and then reverts to the correct 4K aspect ratio. It starts normal and ends normal, but for a span in the middle it ruins the consistency. I haven't been able to find any other reports of this problem, so I'm interested if anyone does have any experience with it.


New 2.20 Aspect Ratio Standard for Tomorrowland https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13004/new-2.20-aspect-ratio-standard-for-tomorrowland Mon, 18 May 2015 15:46:43 +0000 geoffcbassett 13004@/talks/discussions Just thought I'd mention this interesting development.

I work in projection and when I received the trailers for Tomorrowland I found it interesting that it did not fill the scope frame, instead being shown cropped to 2.20:1.

I just received the film itself and I find out that it must be shown like this. The first modern film to be shown in this format, which is the same ratio that 2001 was originally displayed. Not only that setting it up you can enter a contest as a projectionist if you set it up properly. Very interested to see if this is a new trend, as I cannot see Regal being exact in their projection of this film, instead they will just run it in flat. Jurassic world is supposed to be in an even weirder 2:1 ratio.

What do you think of the new format? Personally I feel it is the perfect framing, not to wide or tall, about perfect for my eyes. However there is no natural way to capture this aspect ratio besides cropping the final image for most cameras so it's a bit of an acquisition nightmare.

Black borders for cinema screening https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7208/black-borders-for-cinema-screening Mon, 10 Jun 2013 10:34:30 +0000 AlbertZ 7208@/talks/discussions Hi, I've been selected by a film festival which needs a standard MPEG H.264 1286 x 720 HD (16:9 ratio) file for screening... however, my short film(shooted with the old sweet GH1) has a 4:3 ratio. In order to avoid any problem of stretching, compatibility etc, I am going to add BLACK BORDERS on both left and right side of my 4:3 video, so that I will have a 1286 x 720 HD with black borders...it will be ok for the cinema screening in your opinion?
