Tagged with oktava - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/oktava/p1/feed.rss Wed, 05 Jun 24 12:49:35 +0000 Tagged with oktava - Personal View Talks en-CA Choosing Audio Kit Value for Film (indoor) $1000 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7732/choosing-audio-kit-value-for-film-indoor-1000 Fri, 09 Aug 2013 10:28:30 +0000 Peter123456 7732@/talks/discussions I want to maximize audio quality for my budget of $1000. My plan is to get a Zoom H4 ($100 used), a Sound Devices MP-1 ($400) or maybe a Naiant Tiny Box preamp ($300), an Oktava MK012 ($300) hypercardioid mic. I will bypass the Zoom preamps by using the ¼ inch inputs coming from the preamp. I will probably have to pad the cable from the preamp at 15db, since the Zoom assumes a consumer -10db line level, while most preamps output a +4db line level.

Do you guys think this is the best value I can get for around $1000? I really can’t spend any more than that. Should I just get a better recorder and ditch the preamp? Also would be interested to hear opinions on Tiny Box vs MP-1. Your advice is appreciated.
