Tagged with lines - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/lines/p1/feed.rss Wed, 19 Jun 24 14:33:06 +0000 Tagged with lines - Personal View Talks en-CA Odd large horizontal lines in some videos shot on GH2 (Moon T7) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16354/odd-large-horizontal-lines-in-some-videos-shot-on-gh2-moon-t7 Thu, 19 Jan 2017 20:54:57 +0000 airchase 16354@/talks/discussions I've started noticing this on some shots taken on my GH2 using the Moon T7 hack. I'm unsure if the lines are a result of the hack or not (I haven't tried it without it, and the issue appears to be inconsistent), but I was hoping someone here might have an idea and could shed some light on what may be happening.

Just looking at the video on its own, it's somewhat hard to tell. But if you're scrubbing through different shots, you can definitely see it. I made a gif comparing two identical shots, and you can clears see large dark yellow lines in the video: http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=20170119148rfTBjPEQ0fZEqE0dSjwXB&file=output_ZpFhpX.gif

Any ideas what could be causing this? I've seen this while shooting on 24p cinema as well as 720p@60fps at several different ISO and shutter speed values.

Grey flickering lines upon Resolve 11 export https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11636/grey-flickering-lines-upon-resolve-11-export Sat, 25 Oct 2014 00:57:51 +0000 monowav 11636@/talks/discussions I am using resolve 11 and playback during editing is fine, but when I export, the video has gray flickering lines.

Here is an example:

I have updated all of my drivers and have the latest version of Resolve 11: Asrock 970 Extreme 4 AMD FX 6300 Dual GTX 760 w/ 2GB 16GB Corsair @1600MHZ

Please if anyone knows how to fix this, I will be very, very grateful, as I am coloring a feature soon and need to be able to export correctly!

GH3 lines or banding at high ISOs (3200 6400) in video mode https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5738/gh3-lines-or-banding-at-high-isos-3200-6400-in-video-mode Thu, 10 Jan 2013 12:04:49 +0000 djhessler 5738@/talks/discussions I'm curious if anyone is getting lines or banding in high ISO's with the GH3 in video mode, I get horrible lines/banding that honestly make my gh2 more pleasing to the eye. I have attached a file with file of 6400 ISO to make my point, of course I would probably never use 6400 but even at 3200 the lines are noticeable, any one else have this issue?

UPDATE: lol I always end up finding answers to my problems, well as it turns out, I was testing the high iso feature with a 14-42 X lens and that was causing those lines, I slapped a manual lens with no IS and no electronics and now I see how clean my 3200 setting is, so people watch out with those Panny lenses :-)

Horizontal and vertical lines on GH2 footage - problem https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2424/horizontal-and-vertical-lines-on-gh2-footage-problem Mon, 27 Feb 2012 19:29:55 +0000 katig 2424@/talks/discussions I have a problem with new GH2 (model WE1G) - fixed horizontal lines while tilting and vertical lines while panning. I am aware of famous banding issue but this is not it. I am also aware of gradient banding, also not a problem. As you can see on my footage (GH2 WE1G, CANON nFD 1.4@2.8, HBR25p, ISO 160, 1/50, ORION DRIFTWOOD av.95Mbps, LED 5600) when I start tilting on one-color surface (white wall for example), these dark horizontal lines appear. It is easier to spot it when out of focus. Also, not so pronounced, but when I start panning you can see vertical lines (specially at the and of clip on out of focus table footage). I tried every possible setting combination (f-stop, iso, shutter speed, film modes, other patches (sanity, flowmotion, quantum x2...), lights (yes, it is visible at daytime on the sky), other lenses (canon fd 24, 35-105 and panasonic 14-42). To make a long story short, in every situation when filming uniform mid and high tones without special detail (walls, sky and similar) these lines appear - it almost feels like dirty lens but I checked that too. Maybe they even exist in more detailed footage too (like trees, stones, water...) but because of too much detail I cant see it. This is a serious problem for me. In a short period I am about to shoot a commercial and I planned to use the gh2 as main camera (instead of mark II, and because of all those great footage I see from other gh2 owners), but now I am not sure. Did someone else have same problem? Any advice?

p.s. yes that ballantine's glass is empty but I'm not seeing things. Yet :)
