Tagged with improvement - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/improvement/p1/feed.rss Sun, 08 Sep 24 02:16:56 +0000 Tagged with improvement - Personal View Talks en-CA MJPEG Audio Sample Rate and Bitrate on GF1 (maybe other cameras too) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28110/mjpeg-audio-sample-rate-and-bitrate-on-gf1-maybe-other-cameras-too Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:35:05 +0000 DidiEdd 28110@/talks/discussions Hey there, thanks for the ptool hack Vitaly, I've been using it for over half a year now and I'm finally starting to realize its full potential on my GF1 after understanding more about cameras and picture/video data in general, so it's been a big help in regards to my camera hobby, specifically with recording video on a camera not-so-good for video.

But eventually I realized a minor issue as well. This is regarding the audio of MJPEG (on GF1, but maybe other cameras as well). For some reason, when recording MJPEG, the audio bitrate is just okay at 256/257/268/281 kbps. However, the worse issue is that it is being captured at 16,000 samples per second, which is an issue because essentially any frequency past 8 KHz cannot be recorded to the video... With AVCHD Lite, the audio is successfully recorded at a high bitrate of 448 kbps, but even more importantly, the sample rate is 48,000 Hz which can capture frequencies up to 22 KHz safely. I want to make use of MJPEG at times, but with this knowledge I have to be careful not to use it in situations where the audio could be important (considering I have to use my phone as an external mic). It takes time to get my other audio sources running, so in a "quick, record!" moment, I wouldn't want to be forced to use AVCHD Lite in a situation where I would've preferred to use MJPEG, just because the audio will be poor for the time it takes to enable my external audio recording setup.

From what I've seen on the site nowadays, I've gathered that you've done something along the lines of "retiring" from this ptool project, so I understand if there's nothing you can do, but if possible, couldn't there be any way we could get the sample rate fixed to 48 KHz for MJPEG and not just AVCHD? Additionally, for the bitrate settings to affect MJPEG as well, not just AVCHD. Thank you for your time.

The official 2014 New Years Resolution Thread! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9202/the-official-2014-new-years-resolution-thread Thu, 26 Dec 2013 16:18:53 +0000 last_SHIFT 9202@/talks/discussions First of all an early Happy New Year! OK, thought I would start a New Years Resolution thread. Just to keep this under control, how about list ONE resolution, WHY you're doing it and HOW. You can also comment on others' resolutions and ask/offer advice on how to keep them - but only if you have listed your own first.

Resolution: Cut down on alcohol consumption.

Why: I'm 43 years old, I have slowed down the drinking in the last few years - I don't have it in me to party like it's 1999 anymore. A few weeks ago a buddy of mine was in town and we went on a gin & tonic rampage. I woke up the next day with a huge gash on my arm and empty beer cans and Mcdonalds wrappers everywhere and no recollection of the previous night. I guess that's better than waking up next to a dead body or a 60 year old hooker but still.

How: I'd be kidding myself to think I could go cold turkey, as that always ends up in a binge. I want to limit my intake to 1-2 glasses of wine or beer a week, and no hard liquor.
