Tagged with import - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/import/p1/feed.rss Thu, 13 Mar 25 07:32:27 +0000 Tagged with import - Personal View Talks en-CA Easy script for drag&drop merging of spanned AVCHD .MTS files (in Windows) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/19340/easy-script-for-dragdrop-merging-of-spanned-avchd-.mts-files-in-windows Mon, 02 Apr 2018 12:15:02 +0000 MrZz 19340@/talks/discussions Today I needed to merge some spanned AVCHD/MTS files (because of the 4gb file soize limit on the fat32 capture card) together into one on my workstation. I just searched for this script which I normally used but since I couldn't find the script on my system, I rewrote it and thought I'd share it. Just for everyone else who has some use for this handy little script here's the code:

echo off
title Merge Files

set /p choice="Enter path to merge to: (eg. C:\video\test.MTS)"

if "%~1"=="" exit
if not "%~1"=="" SET one=%1
if not "%~2"=="" SET two= + %2
if not "%~3"=="" SET three= + %3
if not "%~4"=="" SET four= + %4
if not "%~5"=="" SET five= + %5
if not "%~6"=="" SET six= + %6
if not "%~7"=="" SET seven= + %7
if not "%~8"=="" SET eight= + %8
if not "%~9"=="" SET nine= + %9

copy /b %one%%two%%three%%four%%five%%six%%seven%%eight%%nine% "%choice%"

echo AVCHD Joining Complete.

Just copy this code into a .txt and rename into .bat. Then you can just drag and drop the files, by selecting them and drag the first one on the .bat. You will then be prompted to input a destination path and name. You can merge a total of nine files into one this way.


Importing GH4 Mini and Effect pictures https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17294/importing-gh4-mini-and-effect-pictures Tue, 04 Jul 2017 09:27:58 +0000 Badilla 17294@/talks/discussions Hi! When taking pictures on filter mode ("miniuature","old days" etc) I can't find the way to import the pics with the effect to my mac. Previosly I did find the pictures when inserting the sd card directly in my mac laptop, but now the pics (in RAW format) they look without the filter itself. Is the right file but seems that the effect is lost in between? I know it worked fine when I bought the camera so I suspect is a software upgrade thing? Thanks

Importing Cameras to EU Cheaply? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15540/importing-cameras-to-eu-cheaply Thu, 18 Aug 2016 13:24:23 +0000 fatpig 15540@/talks/discussions Has anyone had any experience with importing the cameras offered on this forum, or other sites. into the EU? Is it a good idea to use a UK based forwarding service instead of importing directly to one's own country to save money on customs? Thanks for any experiences on this. cheers!

Tip for importing 'missing' GH2 clips in Final Cut Pro X https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12929/tip-for-importing-missing-gh2-clips-in-final-cut-pro-x Mon, 04 May 2015 22:52:04 +0000 arvidtp 12929@/talks/discussions Often I find that when I go to import footage from an SD card I've shot on my GH2 (hacked, settings are Sanity 5.1 or Sanity X) Final Cut X's import window will not see some earlier video clips I'd shot (and not yet imported). I discovered after a recent shoot that if I turned the camera off, changed the battery, turned it back on and kept shooting, only the clips shot after the battery change were visible to FCPX. So, after cursing at FCPX as I am wont to do, I started copying the .MTS files (which thankfully are always still there on the card) and preparing for the annoying process of concatenating spanned clips by hand and re-wrapping them all, when I hit upon the idea of seeing if I could just repair the AVCHD file structure.

Well, it turns out to be pretty simple. It seems that when the GH2 is power cycled, it makes a new playlist in the AVCHD structure (you can tell because there are multiple .MPL files in PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/PLAYLIST/), and FCPX only sees clips from the most recent playlist with no way to switch to another playlist.

After a little hunting with a hex editor, I found that PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/INDEX.BDM tells the importing software (at least in the case of FCPX) which playlist to look at. There is a number at the end that matches the number of the most recent playlist file (eg 00001) for 00001.MPL. So if you import the visible footage, you can then backup INDEX.BDM and use a hex editor to change that last number in it to the number of the previous playlist. You're just changing a single byte! Save, then open the FCPX import window again (maybe you need to relaunch FCPX? - don't remember) and the clips that were missing will probably be there. I assume you could repeat the process if you had 3 or more AVCHD playlist files on the card.

for a free hex editor on mac, I recommend Hex Fiend: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/22589/hex-fiend

Don't use a normal text editor – more than that single byte will probably change and you'll be sorry.

So to summarize

If missing clips in FCPX import:

  • import what you can see
  • check for the presence of multiple .MPL files
  • change the 5 digit number (eg 00001) in INDEX.BDM to refer to a different .MPL file
  • import again in FCPX - missing clips should show up

attached are some screenshots of changing the contents of INDEX.BDM.

Hope this tidbit of knowledge helps some people out. I wish I had discovered it a year ago – would have saved me some aggravation for sure.

Problem with FCP 7 since OSX "El Capitan" https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14243/problem-with-fcp-7-since-osx-el-capitan Fri, 18 Dec 2015 12:34:48 +0000 gabilourson 14243@/talks/discussions hi btw, I have a quick question for all who like me still use Final Cut 7 (yes I know, many of you get on Premiere or FCP X but I'm an old hand, do not blame me!)

Here is my problem: since I switched to OSX "El Capitan" on my mac pro, my Final Cut Pro displays the rushes in a very dark way, as if there was a gamma adjustment problem. I tried to play with the settings of parameters in every way and I have not found a solution.

At best, the problem appears when the playback bar on the timeline is stopped. And as soon as I put in reading, the image appears as normal.

Any idea ? best regards

QUESTION - GH2 AVCHD Timecode Corruption on Import into FCPX https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5349/question-gh2-avchd-timecode-corruption-on-import-into-fcpx Sat, 01 Dec 2012 19:34:22 +0000 nyexcuse 5349@/talks/discussions So I have had this issue for a couple weeks now, and I don't know where else to turn.

I hacked my GH2 a few months ago and things have been pretty lovely so far. A couple weeks ago, however, as I was importing some AVCHD files from my SD card (64GB SanDisk Extreme) into Final Cut Pro X and some of them gave me this error upon import:

"Import Failed: The following clip encountered an error during import and is still referencing media on the camera: Clip Name: 2012-12-01 19:21:00 Event: X Original Name: Clip #X Volume: NO NAME"

After looking around, I noticed that the files that presented this issue had a strange timecode. Instead of displaying a normal start time of "00:00:00:00" they started with "23:27:41:06". Only some files are like this, and as far as I can tell it only happens to clips that used lenses that have been adapted to the camera (non-4/3 Panasonic lenses).. Other than that I don't know what's going on.

Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything I can do to fix it?


gh1 + imovie import: differing bitrates https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11036/gh1-imovie-import-differing-bitrates Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:14:58 +0000 mcanwo 11036@/talks/discussions Being new here: first of alle thanks a lot to Vtaly and Lpowell and all other guys and girls helping us squeeze the most of our cams !!!!

I have a new imac + latest imovie version + hacked gh1 + 100Mps Max Latitude Hack + pana gold class 10 card.

If I shoot FHD 1080p25fps and load the movie in quicktime directly from the sd card it tells me I have 108Mbit/s bitrate. If i now import using iMovie and again load the file to quicktime by clicking on the file stored in the imovie library (i.e. not using imovie at all) it tells me i have about 37Mbps. However, I cannot see any difference in quality.

What is the reason for this? Is it an OSX artifact?

I loaded the Lpowel 100Mbps max latitude hack without modification.

Problems with .MTS in Mac https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7661/problems-with-.mts-in-mac Thu, 01 Aug 2013 22:46:03 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 7661@/talks/discussions A partern shot a short film with my camera, once fill the cards I have copied the files to an external drive.

Today she tells me that when he was editing the Final Cut dont recognize the files and not allow you to import. I dont have idea who it could be, before I used FC and Premiere on Mac without problems. On my computer (Windows) I can see the files.

Any suggestions for the Final Cut to recognize them?


2k Anamorphic Workflow for DCP https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6166/2k-anamorphic-workflow-for-dcp Mon, 18 Feb 2013 08:16:45 +0000 kellar42 6166@/talks/discussions I've been using the LA7200 Anamorphic Adapter for several months now and I really like it. Initially, I did some reading and posting around and ended up with an un-stretch workflow consisting of lowering the vertical scale to 76 in FCPX, which looks right and incidentally matches non-anamorphic footage cropped to 2.39:1 using the 'widescreen' or '2.35:1' checkbox in plugins like CineLook and ClassyLook.

There isn't a lot of NLE specific information out there on how to properly un-squeeze, and Voldemort's ebook was a starting point for the math that lead to the above solution. There are some assumptions about sharpness and the way one un-stretches that seem a bit quirky or hard to follow, however.

All of my grabs and little vimeo tests and things up this point have been done that way and I am happy with the results. However I'm soon going to be starting the edit on a little feature, and due to my geographic location I have a pretty solid chance of some manner of theatrical projection and I want to start from the ground up with that in mind in the edit.

A couple of days ago I tried what I thought might be a more 'proper' workflow, which was to run GH2 files through 5D2RGB and then through compressor changing the pixel aspect ratio to 1.333. The result was a clip that looked correct, but when I put it in FCPX, I noticed it was slightly taller than my previous efforts. It matched other clips only if I changed their vertical scale to 80 instead of 76. At this height, however, neither match the 'widescreen' button from the plugins, which I take to be a guide for 2.39:1.

I'm wondering which is 'correct' and/or what am I doing wrong, in every case. Obviously, slight variations in squeeze may pass essentially unnoticed, but there must be a 'proper' mathematically correct process for this.

I also at some point of course need to come up to 2k resolution to meet the DCP standard. It's not a huge jump but I'm wondering if I should incorporate that into my initial workflow as well. There were some posts on the BMC forum recently about uprezzing to 4k that were quite illuminating, it seems that the method and amount of color information can play a big role in how well this is accomplished. I've uprezed GH2 frames to 4k in photoshop with pretty good results so honestly I'm not too worried about the jump from 1920 to 2048. Still, I don't know if FCPX is enough, or Compressor might be better, and/or if both the un-squeeze and up-res can be accomplished at once?

Right now I'm looking at:

1.) High quality intra hacked .mts files into 5D2RGB, outputting ProRess 422HQ (unless we think for my later purposes 444 would be better?)

2.) Where to go from here, for un-squeeze and up-res?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I believe the anamorphic part of the equation should have a more definitive answer than the net seems to provide.

MTS File Corruption help https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3679/mts-file-corruption-help Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:13:43 +0000 mackmedia 3679@/talks/discussions Hey! So I just got home from a shoot and I imported my mts footage onto my computer. But for some reason one of the mts files would not copy successfully onto my hard drive and seems to be corrupted. The thing is, its a random clip from the middle of my film footage. I've tried the AVCHD File Recover program from panasonic, tsmuxer, and FameRing, even used clipwrap on my mac laptop yet nothing worked. I was using Sedna AQ1 firmware on a 32gb SanDisk extreme pro 95/mb. The file is pretty large about 2.36 GB. Does anyone have any recommendations for a method to fix the file? I can preview the first 20 seconds of the clip than the viewer freezes and I have to force quit it. This happens on my pc workstation as well as my macbook laptop. This footage was a pivotal scene :( feel very stupid for not cutting between takes.

Editing Codec : Prores/DNxHD/Aquamotion/seaQuake/etc. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2098/editing-codec-proresdnxhdaquamotionseaquakeetc. Tue, 24 Jan 2012 00:35:40 +0000 Nityananda_SCSMath 2098@/talks/discussions I would like this thread to be a discussion of what is the appropriate required "flavor" or bitrate of an editing codec for a certain hack.

For instance, I am recording using the 100Mbps Aquamotion v2 hack, and I want to transcode to normal Prores 422, which is about 115Mbps for 1080p24. I don't want to transcode to HQ (220Mbps) or 4444 (330Mbps) if I don't have to. But am I losing quality? How much? I would rather have my file sizes be nearly half and have 98% of the quality of the hack, but I wouldn't make that sacrifice if I'm only getting 70% of the hack's capable quality. So some input from those who are more knowledgeable would be good.

Is this correct?

Aquamotion v2 100Mbps -> Appropriate Editing Codec -> Prores 422 or DNxHD 145

seaQuake 176mbs -> Appropriate Editing Codec -> Prores 422 HQ or DNxHD 220

Of course this thread should be an open discussion of different hacks and editing codecs not just relevant to me as the "Original Poster," I'm just starting things off.


Unable to import some files in FCP https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1150/unable-to-import-some-files-in-fcp Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:31:32 +0000 jonblon 1150@/talks/discussions Import .MTS (AVCCAM) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/960/import-.mts-avccam Fri, 16 Sep 2011 07:38:30 +0000 jefelemur 960@/talks/discussions https://eww.pass.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/support/dload/avccam_impt/agree_e.htm

QuickTime Plug-in component

The AVCCAM Importer QuickTime plug-in component is to enable direct editing of AVCHD ".mts" file (*1) without conversion.
AVCHD clips recorded on a Panasonic AVCCAM lineup product can be handled directly in QuickTime Player and Final Cut Pro.

*1: AVCHD clips recorded on equipment other than AVCCAM products will not be handled properly. Use the Inspector function in QuickTime Player to view the clip property, which includes the equipment used to record.

* Momentary picture and audio disturbance may occasionally happen in the connection point of spanned files (a clip separated into separate 4GB files.)

* Additional rendering may be required when add title insert and edit more than two streams.

* At rare intervals, following symptom may occasionally happen: (A) MTS file's icon may not be displayed properly on Mac finder, (B) Clip duration may not be displayed on the QuickTime player and an Inspector window.

[Minimum System Requirements]

* Mac computers with Intel processor(s)
* 2GB of RAM or more
* Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
* QuickTime 7
* Final Cut Pro 7.0.3 or better however Not compatible with Final Cut Pro X (Ten)

Tested Mac computers
* MacPro 2x2.93GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 16GB-RAM
* MacPro 2x 2.93GHz Quad Core Xeon 12GB-RAM
* MacBookPro 2.93GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB-RAM]]>
GH17 and FCP7 import Questions https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/462/gh17-and-fcp7-import-questions Fri, 22 Jul 2011 13:29:25 +0000 jules 462@/talks/discussions
Am importing footage into FCP7 from my hacked GH17. Shooting with 100mbps patch, AVCHD 1080p24. When i click on clips in my timeline frame size is 1920 by 1080, 23.98fps, and they fairly consistently have a Data Rate of 13MB/s. However, the timeline setting aspect ratio is always 1080i, and the clips all have a Field Dominance of 'Upper'. This means the footage is interlaced?

Exported .mov of final sequence analyzed with MediaInfo shows the movie has a Bit Rate of 105mbps (variable), 1888 by 1062 aspect, 23.976 fps, and that the Scan type is 'interlaced'.

So.. my questions are...

1) How does the 13.5MB/s data rate in fcp relate to the 105mbps in final .mov? are MB/s and mbps the same units?? is the hack producing high bitrates for me? I appreciate it is variable and depends on footage.. but should be more than 13.5 given my footage? i have pre-hack (GH1) footage that MediaInfo shows as 85mbps in final movie, so am presuming that the 105mbps doesn't mean i am achieving the hack levels.

2) What am i doing wrong at import? Why is my 1080p24 footage seen by FCP as interlaced and exported as such? even though i shoot in progressive, do i need to deinterlace at export form FCP?

Again.. sorry if questions are stupid or not appropriate. am just a completely confused newbie!!


Getting an NTSC FS-100 for us Europeeans! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/340/getting-an-ntsc-fs-100-for-us-europeeans Wed, 06 Jul 2011 07:04:26 +0000 Gabel 340@/talks/discussions But there is one issue: I need 24p, rather than 25p. As such I need an NTSC version.
So just import it you say!
Except there's a problem: You can't!

Sites like B&H are not allowed to sell it to Europe and I've even spoken with Sony themselves and they said that they can't import an NTSC version.
Which means that this thread goes out with the question: Does anybody here have any idea of how to import an NTSC version to Europe?

Of course, with a contact they could buy it there, but to me it just feels like there's got to be an easier way!

So this thread is dedicated to finding a solution! Of course, if one knew how to hack it into getting 24p, that could work too...]]>