Tagged with guidelines - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/guidelines/p1/feed.rss Thu, 26 Dec 24 20:37:47 +0000 Tagged with guidelines - Personal View Talks en-CA 2.35:1 1920×820 cropped avchd https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/568/2.351-1920820-cropped-avchd Tue, 02 Aug 2011 13:04:20 +0000 lolo 568@/talks/discussions i have a question, i´m quite a newbie here, and i really don´t understand too much of the hacking,
so i have a question :D
i have many, but here is only one:

-can i change the aspect ratio in avchd
1920 X 820
to get the cinematic 2.35:1

by only cropping the frame? (with no anamorphic lens atached), this is only to get the framing right within the camera, is that possible?

and of course, as i dont have any anamorphic lens to try, this is a solution for me, if it is possible, is it?

-or perhaps being able to see guidelines with the 1920x820 crop would be better

can i do any of this two things within the available hack?

Greetings to all, from Chile!