Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh2/p30/feed.rss Thu, 20 Jun 24 14:57:07 +0000 Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks en-CA 14-140 lens issue https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2235/14-140-lens-issue Thu, 09 Feb 2012 12:36:27 +0000 Diffusion33 2235@/talks/discussions Hi everyone,

I just recently acquired a GH2 with the 14-140mm lens. When walking with the lens, the lens keeps extending to full zoom not staying in the position i left it in which is really annoying . Is this normal?

Cooperative Effort For Shooting a Documentary https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2661/cooperative-effort-for-shooting-a-documentary Thu, 22 Mar 2012 15:34:26 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 2661@/talks/discussions Hi Guys, I have an idea I'd like to discuss here. I want to start a documentary project that would tell the story of the Greatest Depression (the current one) through the eyes of ordinary people from all over the world. I'm still writing a pitch, but for now I'd like to ask if there might be other folks interested in joining me. There is no story arc so far, but I guess we may find a way to show how the slowing economy is impacting the lives of peasants in Latin America, workers in Asia, teachers in the US, public employees in Europe. No experts, no talking heads, just raw stories from the ground. All countries are welcome: Brazil, Mexico, China, Greece, Portugal, Italy, USA you name it. Any suggestions, ideas, comments are greatly appreciated. At the early stage of the project I'm planning to edit a 2-3 minutes long promo video which I'm going to pitch to my company's leadership. If they approve it the project (I'm calling it Project Babylon) may get funding. What I may need from those interested is 1 minute of the topic related footage (wide shots, closeups, medium closeups, brief SOTs) from your country. Of course it has to be cinematic and properly framed... and shot with the hacked/unhacked GH2 (or any other DSLR). I haven't yet started doing anything but from all angles I find this idea quite exciting. Please join me if you agree.

in case my previous work is of any relevance, here's the link to my recent documentary

(I've already posted it on p-v.com)

Mac gamma issue with GH2 footage - still a problem with FCPX ? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4092/mac-gamma-issue-with-gh2-footage-still-a-problem-with-fcpx- Mon, 30 Jul 2012 18:29:57 +0000 jimtreats 4092@/talks/discussions Hey folks.

I've read a few things here and there on this site and the internet about importing our clips to look the best, with 5DToRGB offering improvements to sub-sampling and perhaps this gamma issue that certainly effected FCP7, and Premiere on Mac, and in some footage perhaps Windows too.

There are some discussions about whether its an issue for FCPX or not.

I wondered if anyone here had any definitive verdict on FCPX's state in this matter?

I know I watched some footage off camera, over HDMI last night and it looked quite washed out. Watching it tonight within FCPX on my MacBook I can see that the material looks more contrasty. Obviously the two displays are different and not calibrated in any way, but does this imply a problem or not? In this case i think the footage in FCPX looks better, though perhaps less flat and ready for grading.

I've tried opening the same file in VLC, FCPX, QuickLook and QuickTime... perhaps there are some differences between VLC and QuickLook/Time but its quite subtle. Would this imply the issue is occuring? Which would be the more "correct" playback?

Finally, if there is an issue, is it even an issue at all with a full 32bit float workflow, has anything actually been lost. The example comparisons on EOSHD's article above look like a real big difference.

The convenience of working with clips natively ingested via FCPX is sort of why I enjoy using it so i'm a little reluctant to work with another workflow, especially for one as I'm running out of disk space a little too quickly, whenever I create ProRes clips of large amounts of footage.

Would really appreciate a discussion on this, if there are any FCPX/GH2 users out there.


My desk, some midi controllers, sample film score https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3828/my-desk-some-midi-controllers-sample-film-score Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:15:10 +0000 kong 3828@/talks/discussions I recently did a quick video of my desk with my GH2. It also feature a sample score i did using the keystation pro 88. Questions and comments welcome. Thanks.

Tips for shooting stills on the GH2, in particular with manual lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4035/tips-for-shooting-stills-on-the-gh2-in-particular-with-manual-lenses Tue, 24 Jul 2012 20:58:33 +0000 jimtreats 4035@/talks/discussions So i've hardly ever shot any stills with my GH2, using it pretty much solely for video up until now. I know that it's actually one of the better m4/3 cameras for stills, and doing a holiday recently with it as my only "proper" camera I did dabble a little.

I'm always shooting my video in 24p mode, which I'm guessing is the reason that any form of still shot whilst shooting video is impossible. A bit of a shame.

I was using my Voigtlander 17.5mm f0.95 and was experiencing quite a few rubbish shots when trying to take them in program mode. I guess it wasn't working out so well having no control over the aperture. In the end i was forced to go for shutter priority and dial in something fast enough to be sharp... 1/40th or faster basically. I believe then i still had problems with auto ISO, and ended up having to manually dial in isos to get a result that looked close to what i wanted.

It seems quite a struggle really. I'm assuming with coded lenses the experience would have gone a lot more smoother?

I have a few wedding shoots coming up in the next few months, and i wonder if i could manage to shoot stills and video all with just the GH2.. if not i'll rely back on my old trusty Nikon D3 for stills, but i just don't look forward to the hassle and weight of that, as well as the GH2!

Anyone got any tips?

Buy a GH2 now or to wait for GH3. May be wait for alien invasion? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3979/buy-a-gh2-now-or-to-wait-for-gh3.-may-be-wait-for-alien-invasion Thu, 19 Jul 2012 21:45:37 +0000 raphaelfranco 3979@/talks/discussions I have been editing a documentary for over a year now and just wrapped. Am about to get back out in the field to shoot my next one but have put off purchasing a gh2 too long, so that now that I'm ready I can't tell if it's foolish to buy a gh2 now, just before the gh3 is set to arrive. But then again, even when it does arrive, won't the gh2 with a hack still hold large advantages over it?

Thoughts? Thanks a lot.

One Hackney Festival 2012 featuring the London School of Samba - Shot with a Panasonic GH2 and Af100 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4052/one-hackney-festival-2012-featuring-the-london-school-of-samba-shot-with-a-panasonic-gh2-and-af100 Thu, 26 Jul 2012 07:33:19 +0000 Felix 4052@/talks/discussions

Shot with a Panasonic GH2 and Af100 - We go behind the scenes showing the setup and prep for the One Hackney Festival 2012 featuring the London School of Samba. Feeling inspired? Join this amazing family of the London School of Samba for the 2012 Nottinghill Carnival.

GH2 HDMI lock and antitwist plate https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4024/gh2-hdmi-lock-and-antitwist-plate Tue, 24 Jul 2012 08:15:05 +0000 Tobsen 4024@/talks/discussions I found this on oliviatech.com. Looks pretty solid. Maybe some of you could use one of these:


Ebay Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130736384251#ht_500wt_1008

Third-party EVFs and the GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/450/third-party-evfs-and-the-gh2 Wed, 20 Jul 2011 23:50:45 +0000 Roy_Batty 450@/talks/discussions GH2 CAN work with livestream but MAN what a pain in the A$$ https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1640/gh2-can-work-with-livestream-but-man-what-a-pain-in-the-a Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:15:14 +0000 Blackout 1640@/talks/discussions
Livestream & the GH2 are a complicated beast. It is not an officially supported camera and there are issues with getting the HDMI out to be recongnized by a blackmagic card or blackmagic shuttle. When you finally do get past this hurtle, you can't use the audio because it's either not there or out of sync. After many frustrating combinations I actually got the GH2 working and livestreaming in HD over livestream with multiple cameras.... and audio in sync. I was so frustrated at this point that during one of the tests I picked up one of my puppets and was cursing at the cameras and computer yet this time it was actually working....... until....

WARNING: PG-13 strong angry language from a pissed off wizard.
I figured you guys would get a laugh out of this.

- Blackout


That was with no light and the kit lens which is a bad combo cause I'm at 3200 iso.... to see some stunning livestream streaming live HD footage with the GH2 hdmi out look at this:


60i converted to 30p live via livestream's procaster.

Lens: pancake 20mm 1.7

Be sure to full screen it.]]>
Short Film "What Stays the Same" (2011) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4009/-short-film-what-stays-the-same-2011 Sun, 22 Jul 2012 15:08:53 +0000 kromanek 4009@/talks/discussions I have since upgraded to the GH2 in which I currently have a 156mbps hack active. This film I shot late last year and my sole purpose of the film was to test the ability of the GH1 @ a low end patch, this was approx 50mbps. It went to a few festivals but I think that it should be notable enough that with an extremely low budget, a few hacks and limited equipment (cheap glass, no mechanical tools and strictly handheld) this still impresses me today. Only one issue, and it will forever be there.... shame. Let me know what you think. I shot this late last year during a 2 week break from film school, this year I plan to do big things with the GH2 and/or soon to be GH3.

Rainbow -mm-48mm H6X8 C-Mount to GH2 (or Other Mcro 4/3) Lens for Sale https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3930/rainbow-mm-48mm-h6x8-c-mount-to-gh2-or-other-mcro-43-lens-for-sale Mon, 16 Jul 2012 16:18:13 +0000 questech 3930@/talks/discussions This is a brand new lens that I adapted to use with my Panasonic GH2. It is a non-destructive modification, unlike some that you may have seen on the web. In order for the C-Mount to M43 adapter to fit on this lens, some modifications, including removing a plastic housing were required. I have included more information, photos, and a video in my eBay listing. This is a great little lens that feels like a quality product in your hands. It's FAST at f1.0 and versatile. It requires the use of ETC Mode on the GH2, or similar functions on other cameras, or a teleconverter. Because I'm going to refer you to my eBay listing, if you have any questions, you can reach me through eBay and I'll respond to you. The "Buy it Now" price is $245 and the starting bid is $155. Thanks! http://tinyurl.com/6vhm9hr ]]> GH2 hack 150mbits music video.. by far the best work i've done https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3988/gh2-hack-150mbits-music-video..-by-far-the-best-work-ive-done Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:49:59 +0000 madmax 3988@/talks/discussions Shot this a few months back and they finally released it. Wanted to see and push the GH2 hack (150mbits) to infinity and beyond. Had fun shooting this. Great team. I hope you guys enjoy it. GH2 is an amazing little beast. Please leave comments. Thanks :)

A rare and beautiful instrument from J.C. Hoffmann, c1720 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3967/a-rare-and-beautiful-instrument-from-j.c.-hoffmann-c1720 Thu, 19 Jul 2012 04:02:57 +0000 DrDave 3967@/talks/discussions Hoffmann was one of the greatest instrument makers of the early 18th century, and a friend of JC Bach. You can see and hear one of his viols played by Shirley Hunt; Shirley performs a work by Carl Friedrich Abel, a colleague of one of Bach's sons.

Panasonic 100-300 FOV Test 1 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3956/panasonic-100-300-fov-test-1 Wed, 18 Jul 2012 13:12:27 +0000 pvjames 3956@/talks/discussions

I just wanted to share the FOV of the Panny 100-300. There was alot of wind so there was excessive RS at the telephoto end. I'll probably do one more of these tests with no wind to see if it lessens the severity of the 'vapor' artifacts. I think that will always be there but it depends on the weather. I don't believe OIS or hacks can take care of it. If you guys know of how to minimize it, please share. I may be asking too much of the cam cause the reach is an insane 1,560mm (w/ETC) :)

Using a GH13 and a GH2 on the same project https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1139/using-a-gh13-and-a-gh2-on-the-same-project Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:18:21 +0000 ivanlee 1139@/talks/discussions thanks!]]> FS: Panasonic GH2 Kit https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3954/fs-panasonic-gh2-kit- Wed, 18 Jul 2012 11:25:45 +0000 leejb4 3954@/talks/discussions Hey guys,

Please take a look at this post, I am making a very honest and generous attempt to sell my GH2 for a great price.

here is a post that I posted up on craigslist a few minutes ago just thought I would share it with you all. One of my good friends was moving away and was having a yard sale and really needed the cash so he ended up selling me his 5d Mark II for very cheap and I have gotten heavily into Photography rather than videography.

Hey there CL buyers,

I have an amazing offer for a great camera that I have used a little but really don't have much time to do much with as of late. I can provide pictures of the actual unit and such so don't worry about that at all.

I am selling a Panasonic GH2 with amazing quality along with an entire set which includes:

  1. Panasonic GH2 Body
  2. 14-42mm 3.5-5.6 kit lens w/ lens hood
  3. Adorama Black Camera Back with Strap
  4. 8gb Class 10 Professional SDHC card
  5. USB SD Card Reader
  6. and Professional Lens Cleaning Kit.

There is no damage to the gear and the entire set is free of flaws.

This kit is worth Up to $1,000 and is listed for retail price currently at $914 online but....

I am selling this kit for $800!

This is an amazing camera and an amazing deal, so if you have any questions whatsoever, please contact me.

SteadiCam Smoothee GF2-14mm+Panny wide -UPDATE Video with "GH2" https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3807/steadicam-smoothee-gf2-14mm-panny-wide-update-video-with-gh2 Fri, 06 Jul 2012 22:57:29 +0000 Rambo 3807@/talks/discussions I further modified my Smoothee to where I'm happy with the performance now. As it's very lightweight, there's still an issue with windy days, but for some specific shots I'm really happy that I can chuck this little baby in a carry-on bag or backpack.

Sorry about the audio, my phone rang during the shoot.

GH2 comes back to life! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3880/gh2-comes-back-to-life- Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:18:25 +0000 Blackout 3880@/talks/discussions I had scoped out the "dry seat" and been on this ride many times and wanted to do a quick no editing Trumpet Dinopup bit (2 shots with 1 lens change from outside to inside) while I control and do the voice of the puppet.

Be sure to watch full screen 1080p with the sound turned up. Only problem here is skew from me doing a one man deal and whipping the camera all over but it came out fun and it's the clearest version of the ride up on youtube. Ride operators aren't allowing stabilizers on the ride. ;P

The camera died for a few days and then magically came back to life.

  • Blackout
GH2 1080 25P https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3915/gh2-1080-25p Sun, 15 Jul 2012 18:10:43 +0000 alewelsh 3915@/talks/discussions Hi Everyone! I hacked my GH2 using stable settings and is working 100% fine!

Either way, today I can shoot at 1080 50 i / 1080 24p / 720 25p

Does anyone knows a hack that would allow me to shoot at 1080 25p?

Thanks in advance! Best regards,


GH2 Camera Strap https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3885/gh2-camera-strap Thu, 12 Jul 2012 22:07:10 +0000 Hakosuka 3885@/talks/discussions Hi does anyone know of any camera straps that don't require you to use the detachable mount things? A strap that will just go through the holes on each side of the camera? With the normal strap mounts they flap about and make a lot of sound, they also look very cheap. Ideally I think I'd need a a strap with a loop hole but I can't find one so I was wondering if anyone else is in the same situation?



50 mm in academy ratio - Hitchcock / Ozu with a GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3628/50-mm-in-academy-ratio-hitchcock-ozu-with-a-gh2 Tue, 19 Jun 2012 08:37:33 +0000 AlbertZ 3628@/talks/discussions You know that lots of masterpieces had been shooted only with a "normal" lens: just think of Hitchcock's Psycho or Ozu's film. I am "studying" Ozu's films realized using only a 50mm; many people believe it's necessary to get a 25 mm on GH2 (due to crop factor) in order to emulate Ozu's look , however I've found this discussion on the net:

50 in academy ratio is actually what a 50 on a GH2 would give... Or almost. A GH2 is the same size as academy matted to 1.78:1 (so horizontally and DoF characteristics are the same, but different vertically). Speaking of which... Hitchcock used a 50 almost exclusively in the 50s and 60s, so a 50 on a GH2 is more or less identical to what you'd get in Psycho.

I feel a bit confused...should I get a 50mm or a 25 mm?

SLR Magic 12mm - MUST.HAVE.HOOD! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3887/slr-magic-12mm-must.have.hood Fri, 13 Jul 2012 01:46:29 +0000 jdert 3887@/talks/discussions Desperately seeking advice for a hood option for this lens. Searches yield no results, other than I need a 58-77mm step up ring to do this without vignetting. I can't be alone in this issue! I am constantly battling flares and lighting artifacts whenever the sun hits it. This is my glidecam lens and its becoming very problematic to shoot with. For instance, my T2i glidecam setup had a 17-50mm and has zero issues with flares. Is this more than a hood issue, could it be a lens coating issue?

Gameboy Music (Chiptune) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3886/gameboy-music-chiptune Thu, 12 Jul 2012 22:31:16 +0000 leejb4 3886@/talks/discussions Hey guys, one of my friends is a Chiptune artist and has recently been gaining recognition in the chiptune scene here in virginia. When he found out that I was starting to learn to shoot, he asked if I could shoot a video for him considering chiptune artist here in VA have not ventured that far. So, we didn't spend much time editing the video, but this is the final product!

PLANET OF BABEL https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3824/planet-of-babel Sun, 08 Jul 2012 08:44:49 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 3824@/talks/discussions Hi guys. I don't know if you remember, but 3 months ago I proposed and idea of shooting a documentary with the help of GH2 enthusiasts from across the globe. About 10 people agreed to contribute their footage for the trailer (preliminary trailer of course. I know it's a little weird) It worked. So I pitched it to my company's leadership (it's a major TV broadcaster in Russia). You can watch the trailer

As it is stated there: "Planet of Babel" is a story of the Greatest Recession told by ordinary people (not talking heads or experts) from various countries. We explore the impact of the global economic collapse on families and individuals who are totally unfamiliar yet very connected to each other. The world of global economy might have been flat as T. Friedman once proclaimed, but now people's lives are flattened by the Recession.

"Planet of Babel" provides a panoramic view of the catastrophe from Greece, Italy, Spain in Europe to Argentina and Mexico in Latin America, Pakistan and China in Asia, Ethiopia in Africa and many more countries all the way to the United States of America as the home-place of the new Tower of Babel."

So after some extensive discussions we are getting closer to the production stage. Me and my assistant (Nikon d800 and hacked gh2) will be traveling around Europe (and hopefully Asia and America too) starting next week. I wonder if broader masses of the personal-view inhabitants might want to take part in the project? It can either be your own story or your footage/ideas/contacts that you contribute to the project (we have a budget to compensate for the good stuff. not enough to make a living, but still). Meanwhile with Vitaly's help I'm trying to start a new discussion board based on the wiki engine so that those who are interested can communicate more easily and productively.

Strange undesired effect with picture https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3862/strange-undesired-effect-with-picture Wed, 11 Jul 2012 00:02:42 +0000 bostonmike 3862@/talks/discussions This is a strange effect I noticed. I took about 500 pics and this is the only one that came out like this...almost looks like video game graphics..strange...anyone ever had this happen to them?

Confused by various Panasonic models - which camera to complement GH2 for hacked video? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3813/confused-by-various-panasonic-models-which-camera-to-complement-gh2-for-hacked-video Sat, 07 Jul 2012 09:21:27 +0000 izash 3813@/talks/discussions Hi, I own a GH2 which I use heavily for video work, with the Cake v.2.3 patch. I would like to purchase a second, less expensive Panasonic cam to use as a B cam, but I am confused by the different models: G, GX, GF etc. Which would you recommend? Thanks Izhar

Stuck green pixels on my GH2 LCD screen. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3820/stuck-green-pixels-on-my-gh2-lcd-screen.- Sun, 08 Jul 2012 02:56:40 +0000 Loganm187 3820@/talks/discussions I just purchased my GH2 new from B&H last week and it already has three visible "stuck" pixels on the LCD. Is this a common problem with this camera? I can barely notice them when just looking at the LCD, but I just got my LCDEF and when using that they are extremely obvious and it drives me nuts! This really sucks as I have too many jobs coming up this month to deal with a return. I tried everything I could find online to remove them to no avail. Any help or tips guys?

Best first hack settings for holiday footage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3818/best-first-hack-settings-for-holiday-footage Sat, 07 Jul 2012 18:24:07 +0000 jimtreats 3818@/talks/discussions Hey everyone.

I've been following along the hacking progress for well over a year now but have still yet to make the switch and try a hack out.

I'm going to go to Paris next week for a holiday and am taking my GH2. I was planning to go stock, but i figure it'd be nice to get some more quality, and some higher ISO access.

My question is which setting is the best for me to try first. I'll be shooting with a mix of transcend cards, class 6 and class 10. I guess i'll have to go for class 6 safe settings then. I want maximum stability, and dont want the filesize to balloon up too much as i'll have limited cards with me.

I'll go ahead and scour the forum some, but i've been a bit out of it lately so would appreciate some recommendations of super stable first attempt hacks for this sort of situation.


Looking for a REWO GH2 Cage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3806/looking-for-a-rewo-gh2-cage Fri, 06 Jul 2012 20:38:47 +0000 plasticated 3806@/talks/discussions Does anyone have one, or know of someone who has one that they would consider selling?
