Tagged with gf4 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gf4/p1/feed.rss Wed, 26 Jun 24 16:15:03 +0000 Tagged with gf4 - Personal View Talks en-CA GX1 vs GF5 etc... (already have a GH2) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6743/gx1-vs-gf5-etc...-already-have-a-gh2 Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:15:38 +0000 Flacnvinyl 6743@/talks/discussions This is a bit of a weird post. I have a small army of GH2s and completely love them. I run them all hacked and use on every paid gig. However, I am going to purchase the Panny X 14-42mm lens for an upcoming concert (not a paid gig, just one I am attending) and noticed that for a few hundred above the cost of the lens, I could get the 14-42mm WITH a GF3/5 or GX1! THEN, I noticed the GX1 is supported by the hack..

Do you all have an opinion on a nice SMALL M43 camera supported by the hack? This would likely be a B camera on future shoots, and would be a great travel/family camera. The GX1 looks nice. If the hack allows me to get great footage and manual app controls over filming, then I would be THRILLED!

Any feedback is GREATLY appreciated. I love my hacked GH2s... Vitality has done amazing work.
