Tagged with cleaning - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/cleaning/p1/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 00:06:44 +0000 Tagged with cleaning - Personal View Talks en-CA Sensor Cleaning https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10684/sensor-cleaning- Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:29:07 +0000 Azo 10684@/talks/discussions I was looking into an easier way to clean the sensor on my cameras and found the sensor gel stick. I have a sensor loop and have cleaned the sensor's with the wet method and it is a pain in the ass. Every time I do the wet method there seems to be streaks from the kit that I use. Lensrentals.com also seems to use a type of dry cleaning method with the butterfly and a different type of sensor gel stick. Check out the videos below.

I will buy one of these to try out seems a lot easier then the wet method and the streaks are really a pain in the ass to clean. If you don't have a sensor loop you will not see the streaks, also they did not show up in the test images that I have shot. However I know that the streaks are there so I always try to get all the streaks out which is a time consuming process. My sensors end up clean as a whistle but the effort and time that it takes is too long. So moving forward this product along with the arctic butterfly will be my method for cleaning sensors.

The other great thing about this method is that usually you have to buy a kit that is specifically made for each camera sensor size. So for example if you have a FX, DX and M/43 cameras you need to have 3 different kits to clean your sensors. So this is another benefit to using this system as opposed to the traditional wet cleaning method.

Cleaning old lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6243/cleaning-old-lenses Sun, 24 Feb 2013 16:50:36 +0000 simurg 6243@/talks/discussions How can I clean the my lens glass oil and fungus?

Aperture Blade Oil & how to clean it https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5985/aperture-blade-oil-how-to-clean-it Fri, 01 Feb 2013 17:35:24 +0000 fosterchen 5985@/talks/discussions So I've been looking at some old lenses on Ebay, and many state that the lens may have some oily aperture blades. Anybody know of how to clean aperture blades the proper way? I've search on PV, and I've only found to use an ultrasonic cleaner which I don't know what that is.
Is this something worth doing to bring back the glory of old vintage lenses? It's true they don't make them like they used to. And how bad is having oily aperture blades? Where does it come from and what does it look like?

Sensor cleaning, Eclipse, dust membrane? (GF1) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3398/sensor-cleaning-eclipse-dust-membrane-gf1 Tue, 29 May 2012 05:55:09 +0000 alphaomega 3398@/talks/discussions Hello Vitaly and all the community, I am here to kindly ask you for some advice.

My near three years old GF1 collected some dust on the sensor that I'm not able to blow out with my Giotto blower. I have searched the web for viable solutions (other than sending the camera for service) and learned something about the so called "Wet method" sensor cleaning technique based on Eclipse, swabs and PEC-PADs.

But during my research I have read somewhere that in the Panasonic bodies there is a dust protective membrane (part of the anti dust system) placed over the low pass filter of the sensor, preventing the direct access to the low pass filter surface and I don't know if this is true or not.

I guess that you, by dismantling some panasonic body, looked at the sensor many times and coud give me some advice regarding this issue: do you ever noticed that the exposed sensor is covered by a sort of dust membrane or something else? Because if there is such a membrane I think that it is not possible to directly clean the sensor without damaging the membrane and/or the sensor. And more in general, do you have some experience regarding this issue?

Any comment/suggestion is welcome and will be highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance for the attention.

Ciao :)
