Tagged with 30p - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/30p/p1/feed.rss Sat, 21 Sep 24 03:20:56 +0000 Tagged with 30p - Personal View Talks en-CA d5100 monitor support in 30p https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5292/d5100-monitor-support-in-30p Sat, 24 Nov 2012 21:57:40 +0000 heliboy 5292@/talks/discussions Does anyone know solution to get the nikon d5100 to support an external monitor in 30p setting. Is there a hack or patch for this dilemma?

Help with GH2 30p in FCP https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4700/help-with-gh2-30p-in-fcp Mon, 24 Sep 2012 22:15:03 +0000 digger 4700@/talks/discussions This seems like a very simple thing to understand, but try as I have I cannot find a clear answer. So I ask it here:

Despite all my objections a client has insisted on shooting the GH2 in 30p, so I'm doing as told and want to make sure I have it down pat since I've only shot 1080p24 or 720p60 before. I set the mode to HBR NTSC and shot some test footage, but when I bring it into FCP (which is where the client will be editing the final project) and convert it to ProRes, it's 29.97 with Upper Fields. The footage I am to shoot is to be mixed with other footage all shot at 30p. Is the fix in FCP as simple as setting the fields of the individual converted prores files to none? Or should I do something with Cinema Tools to make the GH2 footage true 30p? I have tried to find this answer but to no avail.

LPowell Max Latitude hack for GH1, but 30p? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3393/lpowell-max-latitude-hack-for-gh1-but-30p Mon, 28 May 2012 23:33:24 +0000 Maximalist 3393@/talks/discussions I love my GH1, I love LPowell's Max Latitude hack. I need to shoot something for a client, and it needs to cut together with other 30p footage - is there a problem with changing the frame rate in AVCHD to 30 frames? Will the chip handle that? Or should I switch to his maximum reliability hack? Either way, it has to be 30p (I'll switch back to my beloved 24p max latitude hack afterwards).

Also, do I have to switch back to the factory settings before installing a new hack, or can I just bump up the new hack to a higher version number? Thanks in advance for all your help!

Icarus Patch - Just For HBR (current: 0.0.6 60mbps 25p stable, GOP6) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2416/icarus-patch-just-for-hbr-current-0.0.6-60mbps-25p-stable-gop6 Mon, 27 Feb 2012 05:12:17 +0000 Athiril 2416@/talks/discussions LATEST: Icarus Alpha Test 0.0.6

  • Updated to GOP6 from GOP5, to fix stuttering.
  • up to 60mbps
  • 2x trick mode in some scenes (Death chart)
  • QP16
  • Borrowed I, P, B frame scaling from Flowmotion
  • Improved Stability, so far have not been able to crash this in any test

Icarus 0.0.6 (indoor scene, f/2.8, 24mm, ISO3200, custom WB) (first couple seconds had rough motion, second half of bitrate distribution is what you normally see fairly static, where as movement scales up the B frames), typical B frames larger than Flowmotion's I frames. image

Flowmotion 1.11 (same as above), much lower bitrate (imho it just cannot deliver with HBR modes), also crashes death charts with speed errors. image

See what you think.

This is currently an Alpha Test. It needs more testing, but since I am pursuing the best HBR can offer, I've always found full daylight to be the bane of any attempt at raising HBR bitrate, I shall see how it performs in the morning in that regard.

GH2 footage importing as 30p https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/997/gh2-footage-importing-as-30p Tue, 20 Sep 2011 23:35:43 +0000 sphipps 997@/talks/discussions