Showcase Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:05:57 +0000 Showcase en-CA Transformets: Age of Extinction Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:45:39 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9791@/talks/discussions

High-tech shit (c)

Into the storm Mon, 30 Jun 2014 14:55:56 +0000 MikeLinn 10696@/talks/discussions

"Enjoy the moment" funny Om-D E-M5 video Fri, 27 Jun 2014 03:27:13 +0000 berndimax 10675@/talks/discussions Here is a video I made for a friend and his espresso machines:

Shot with E-M5 and the 12-50mm kit lens.


Fireworks filmed with a drone Fri, 27 Jun 2014 13:56:26 +0000 MikeLinn 10677@/talks/discussions

Microspace Sat, 28 Jun 2014 12:25:04 +0000 Thor 10682@/talks/discussions
Shoot on Panasonic GH3, Panasonic 12-35 lenses. Colorgrading - DaVinci Resolve Lite. I bought this camera one year ago at to replace my 550D ;) Huge thank to Vitaly and his ebay business partner! Sorry for my English, I use Google translator :)))

'Splitting Bethany', movie shot on GH2 Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:51:13 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 10636@/talks/discussions Like look very interesting, but I dont get info on IMDB. Anyone seen or know any references?

Domaine de la Brette (short GH2) Tue, 17 Jun 2014 01:06:17 +0000 etreetsoi 10621@/talks/discussions With my GH2, I filmed this beautiful cottages in France...

Panasonic GH2 // Voigtländer 25mn f0.95 // Panasonic 14-140 HD // Filltre ND Dörr ND4-400 VLT // Mini dolly Igus // Music Silent partner - The messanger - Youtube Audio Library

Bergen - Oslo 7 hours video Mon, 23 Jun 2014 06:37:22 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10656@/talks/discussions

DOUCE CHINE, a Music Video shot with GH2/GH3/D800/Leica/AF100 Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:32:10 +0000 eurocameraman 10533@/talks/discussions DOUCE CHINE: THe music Video

DOUCE CHINE: Technical detail for every shot (Camera/lens/Aperture)

Birth of the “Douce Chine” Project: Twice a year I am teaching a 10 weeks (25 hours) filmmaking course in Shanghai. For the 2014 spring term, I decided to help one of my friends, by shooting a music video for his new Album: Douce Chine (China Delight). This was an interesting project for my students as well, as we had time to work on lighting set up and camera positioning. Song is about a guy who is used to travel from France to China, mixing up jet lag feeling with night life, good wine and wave of exciting emotion spicing up his life in China. This 4 minutes video was integrally shot in 10 hours (2 afternoons) in our classroom which is only 25m2. That means we could only walk 5 steps max in the different directions of the room.

Why multi cameras shoot? Out of my teaching work in photography and filmmaking, I am both a pro photographer and DP/cameraman. I am having lots of gears and this shooting was a good place to put all of my cameras at work for the good of the students; Nikon D800, Lumix GH2, Lumix GH3 and Panasonic AF100. I hired one of my Photography students (Richard) to be my main assistant and he brought along his Leica M240 he had never tried in video mode so we decided to give it a try on that project. Music video is the place for multi camera shooting as you cannot ask the singer to repeat the exact same performance many times in one afternoon. Despite the lack of space in our classroom, we managed to position the camera to cover as many angle as possible in our 3 different sets of background: Simple black back drop, (fake) Bed and Chinese curtain, Window with (fake) street light reflection. There is no use to get many cameras in action if their position and angle of view are not both different and matching.

Image bank from extra cameras On the image shot for the music video, I add a layer of images I shot in the previous years in France and China. They were shot with GH1 (night shots and on board shots) Panasonic HVX200 (club and slomo of people walking) and HVX200 with Letus Ultimate (Water shot, airplane, traditional places…). I followed up with the HD evolution but all my HVX shots (720p 50fps) still looks real good even blew over scaled to 1080p. Great cams always existed and any day, I can still grab my HVX200 if it matches my need on a new project.

Which lenses? I am having some great lenses and I used some of my favorite on that shooting; Voigtlander 25mm f0.95, Nikon AIS 50mm f1.2, Nikon 85mm f1.4 AFD, Computar 75mm f1.4 (a rare but cheap CCTV lens great for portrait) Prior to the shoot, I bought a 35mm f1.8G (DX version) which is doing very well on the D800 even in FX mode as I knew I would add some vignette in post. I am always taking advantage of this type of experimental project to test new things without pressure. The GH2 was hanged to the ceiling on top of the fan with the Voigtlander 25mm which was wide enough to get the establishment shot at once. The D800 shared the 35mm and 50mm at f2. The GH3 always used a Speed Booster (great tool that I highly recommend) with the Nikon 85mm 1.4 which is an amazing lens (older AFD version half price than the new G version). The AF103 mainly used the Computar (200 USD lens). For the Leica, Richard brought along his 50mm f0.95, 35mm f1.4 and 90mm f2. Those 3 lens costs more than my complete equipment, but they are already sharp fully open and get their own character which makes their full frame image looks more like Medium format camera.

Light and camera settings. This is not a proper camera test as the aim was to complete the music video shooting. Therefore, we didn’t try different set up on camera or aperture on lenses to compare. Instead, we kept everything pretty much the same. I am used to set up a lighting to be able to shoot at f2 on all camera at ISO200 (base iso for GH2, GH3 and AF100). This Aperture offers great sharpness on all my lenses and it also allows me to use lenses of any angle of view from 12mm to 180mm at f2(with speed booster) on M43 (which means 24mm to 320mm on FX). I am also working at f2 most of the time as I know the combination of lights able to deliver this result which is time and budget saving. There is just some slight correction according camera position versus light position. Playing a bit on the ISO or the aperture can handle that. On the other hand, Richard wanted to go shallow depth of field (f1.4) on the Leica and sets the ISO at 100. Sometime, he went too much on that direction (while being close to the subject) and you can notice that some of Leica’s shots are a bit out of focus as depth of field is too limited. I guess that Richard went as far as f0.95 few times on the 50mm due to noticeable overexposure on some shots. Bokeh Otaku!

Main differences between cameras - GH2 and GH3 are classic, great tools, the most efficient, my favorite and they get even better with Voigtlander lenses or Speed Booster + Nikon. They are easy to set for a flat image for post processing purpose. Still, I think the GH1 was the best in term of cinematic colors out of the box. Image is sharp and it is up to your treatment to smooth them up. Those cameras are easy to handle due to their size, articulated screen, electronic viewfinder with all needed information minus peaking. - AF100 (AF103): Often described as a weak product by people who don’t own one and just judge on technical data, this camera is a workhorse, the one I pick up first for my paid job due to its form factor and ergonomics. Great for sound recording and flexible with its ND filters (the feature I am missing the most on GH series). Image quality is good and it had never been an issue for me or my client. Interesting point, it is the most accurate camera of the bunch in matters of color rendition. Green is much more right on the AF100 than on the Gh2 or Gh3 for instance. I love this cam and it is far better than its reputation. - D800: I used it once for a very short movie just for a test. (

) and I like its character. There is something tough in its image (might be the sharpness and details) and paired with old lenses it seems a great tool I want to try again. I used Pentax 645 and 67 lenses with adaptor for the previous short film and it gives a real organic feel to its images. It is not the most convenient and comfortable to use (Mirrorless is more convenient for video). Its fixed screen doesn’t help for composition and the camera is heating up on long shot. I prefer to preserve it for my photo shoot. - Leica M240: I never considered this camera as a potential choice for video shooting, but it has nice feature such as peaking on the viewfinder. I was surprised by the size of the file. Bit rate is the highest one with the GH3. Might be a lack of compression as the image gets many out of focus area and it should not need that much data. Usually data rate depends on the details of the scene you shoot. Here there is lots of darkness, lots of out of focus area so the bit rate can get lower. Here are the average value: D800 (25fps) = 25MB/s - AF100 (50 fps) = 25-28MB/s – GH2 (25 fps) = 35-45 MB/s - GH3 (50fps FHD) = 50 MB/s - Leica (25 fps) = 65 MB/s. The Leica delivers a sharp and contrasty image with beautiful colors. We tried different set up to get a flatter image, without success. This high color/high contrast image brings us into trouble as the M240 had difficulties to render the intense red and intense blue, while over cams were fine with it. I think the Leica needs a light set up which delivers the intended final result (WYSIWYG) as there is less room to post process compare to the other cameras. Few words on lenses: I think this is the strongest point of that system as Leica fast lenses deliver an incredible sharpness at full aperture, which is quit unique on a full frame camera. None of my Nikon lens or Voigtlander lens can be that sharp fully open. For sure, I will try another type of shooting, a fiction with the Leica to enjoy its unique look and possibilities.

Final words: Camera model, Full frame or M43 does it matters? This was not a camera test, but a real world shooting with very different gears. As far as I am concerned the possibility to get a flat image out of the camera, working on a nice lighting set up, taking care of camera positioning and making a wise choice of quality Lenses are more important than camera type, model or brand. Cinematic look is not about crazy shallow depth of field. Watching great classic films help to reset some mind on that matter. Pilling up image with crazy smooth out of focus area is sometime so obvious that it takes over the story itself most of the time… The real advantage of FX is to be able to offer more separation between element with wider lens (even with an f2.8 zoom) and at longer distance from subject. If one day I am trying to shoot a fiction with the leica, I am going to write a story with that idea in mind and I might shoot in flat light, colorless environment to compensate the high saturation of the footage.

Franc Péret French Filmmaker/Cameraman/Photographer/Teacher based in Shanghai View my video on (need a VPN from China): Filmmaking and Photography classes

A sailing video I did with GH4 and GoPro3 quadcopter footage Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:05:33 +0000 gib 10640@/talks/discussions Here's a wee video I did recently sailing around the west coast of Scotland for 24 hours, the dolphins were a bonus :)

A faulty motor stopped us getting the GH4 on the hexacopter, but we got some reasonable shots on the quadcopter and GoPro3, alongside some GH4 footage.

LIVE MUSIC SESSIONS SHOT w/4 - 7 GH2s running various hacks. Think KEXP or Yours Truly Thu, 19 Jun 2014 19:22:02 +0000 Ahrynick 10638@/talks/discussions

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Thu, 19 Jun 2014 00:20:06 +0000 MikeLinn 10634@/talks/discussions

Metastasis - Breaking Bad en Español Wed, 18 Jun 2014 12:18:12 +0000 bannedindv 10630@/talks/discussions Recently was enjoying a burrito in a mexican restaurant and saw a trailer for this on the TV. I thought it was a spoof from Saturday Night Live, but after looking into it, its an alternate language reboot with its own flavor. I understand spanish fairly well, so I think I might start watching this to polish up my skills.

I have to say I'm pretty stoked about this. If anyone has any other alternate language versions of popular shows I would love to hear about them.

The Expendables 3 Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:47:08 +0000 MikeLinn 10623@/talks/discussions

// Phab : Donjon (Short GH2) Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:03:46 +0000 etreetsoi 10612@/talks/discussions Hi,

My new short, dark and disturbing...

// PHAB 2014 - Donjon - Tour du Broue // Panasonic GH2 // Voigtländer 25mn f0.95 // Panasonic 14-140 HD // Filltre ND Dörr ND4-400 VLT // Traveling Igus // Music - Jingle - Flying free - Youtube Audio Library

Thunder over Louisville 2014 (air show/fireworks, bmcc/5d3 raw) Sun, 20 Apr 2014 14:53:34 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 10207@/talks/discussions shot on EF BMCC/5d3 mlv raw with canon 24-105 no LUT, only VERY minor color correction and WB adjust in resolve10. (dont' mistake compression for banding ;) I don't have the fastest internet in the world and had to get a 90gb uncompressed video to 1gb lol also, the 3 smudges that you may see in a few clips I think come from the "little ones" fingerprints lol)

Teaser for upcoming project HORNS (2014) Mon, 30 Dec 2013 11:00:25 +0000 Philldaagony 9227@/talks/discussions

Password: 10111987

Shot on the GH2 using the 25mm Voitglander and running an unspecified intravenus patch.


Shooting In Low-Light! Wed, 11 Jun 2014 13:08:43 +0000 Gardner 10584@/talks/discussions

Putting the GH1 and al-cheapo cardioid mic to work on the beach Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:19:36 +0000 Rambo 9615@/talks/discussions

Doesn't everyone have fun working, I do, love doing this stuff. $40 ISK CM-20C hyper cardioid mic that VK recommends and GH1

GH4, 4K, Kowa Anamorphic Music Video Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:51:41 +0000 beeldlab 10563@/talks/discussions Like to share this one shot acoustic Music Video I created for Arctic Chanteur, North Star Blues singer, ex Madrugada frontman Sivert Hoyem. Shot with a Kowa Anamorphic.

Brand new short film - Western shot with GH2/Flowmotion hack Fri, 30 May 2014 00:11:12 +0000 briceman 10490@/talks/discussions Hello! Please take a look at our new short film, COMPROMISE. We shot with the GH2, and Flowmotion hack. If you feel so inclined, we would love your vote as well!

Thank you!

Kopi Bing & Teh Bing | A Miniature Film Mon, 09 Jun 2014 06:02:00 +0000 yulunchong 10568@/talks/discussions A young man cannot decide his order between kopi bing (iced coffee) or teh bing (iced tea). Miniature soldiers climbs out of each drink to battle it out...

Shot on GH2.

A film by Walk and Roll Studios

From Darkness to Light - Music Video shot with GH3 Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:58:44 +0000 Chris74 10534@/talks/discussions Just finished my first trance music video. Jasu Jaranka (@jasounited) created a beautiful very unique trance track and it was a pleasure to visualize the story. The video has been shot in a single day with just one prime lens, the beautiful Voightländer 25mm 0.95. We had a minimal crew of 3 people, including myself and a budget of only 200 Euro, which all went into light rental.

Would be great to here thoughts and feedback. Please watch with headset or good audio system and download file for best quality.

Camera settings: 50 Mb/s IPB 50fps => 24p timeline, -5 -2 -5 -5 Lights: 1 x Arri Mini-Cyc 800W, 2 x Arri Junior Plus 650 W, 2 x Arri Junior Plus 300 W Post Production: FCPX + FilmConvert

Acting by: Veronika Herren-Wenger Music by: Jasu Jaranka (Sam Cava Productions) Art direction by: Heidi Wenger Assistance by: Ali Kisaoglu Directing, camera, light design and editing/grading: Christian Wenger

ISCO Anamorphic + GH2 + Olympus Manual F1.8 Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:40:41 +0000 stucameraman1 10551@/talks/discussions Hi all, Being New to the GH2 world (and what a nice world it is) im trying out all of my canon fitment lenses...It was time for the ISCO Anamorphic!

being a canon user for 4years all of my lenses are for canon fitment, so i bought a EF to M43 adapter. My set up for this video was - EF to M43 adapter, Olympus 50mm F1.8 + OM to EF Adapter, REDSTAN Anamorphic clamp adapter to thread with a step ring. I sold my canon 7D and 50D a few months back to get a used GH2 and i cant see me going back to Canon...ever. Enjoy.

Road Bike party Thu, 12 Dec 2013 00:10:07 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9067@/talks/discussions

Promo of soundscape event, made with GH2 using very diverse audio and video sources Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:25:48 +0000 Mark_the_Harp 10527@/talks/discussions This is an example of what you can do with a lot of diverse sounds and images when you have very little time to capture stuff live.

It was done with no budget as I was already there as a performer. I was playing in some of the audio from high up in the cathedral during each performance as well as playing the closing organ piece (which involved a LOT of running up and down spiral staircases in between!), so I had to grab material whenever I could. I took quite a few stills between performances, and during performances I took video and used frame-grabs from those (as I didn't want the shutter sound disturbing the performances). The only native video sequence is the female singer (distant shot during performance 2, and I got some CU shots and audio from the GH2 when she ran through the performance again for me in a lunch break).

All the stills were processed in either Lightroom or directly in Sony Vegas as I needed to get it done quickly while doing a lot of other projects. The only other image processing is curves and defocus in Sony Vegas.

Lenses: 14-140 (original version) for female singer distant shot, Ozeck 28mm 2.8 for close-ups of singer. Lumix 7-14 for most of the other shots. Patch: Cake Audio: GH2 onboard mics for the singer, Zoom / 2 x Neumann KM100 for the organ (spaced about 4m apart across the nave from the instrument), Sennheiser 318 gun mic for the ticking clock, and bells and construction sounds recorded on a Roland R-09. The early English prayer was emailed to us by the performer, and the thunder was specially-created by me for a play in 2005, using aluminium foil, slowed-down. The narration throughout was taken from a BBC radio interview recorded earlier that week and grabbed online during the live streaming.

Quite complex sound mixing. The narrator audio is compressed and quite narrow-band, the rest of the sounds have quite extensive frequency response, so on devices with small speakers (with a limited frequency response) the narrator is quite clearly audible, and on big speakers, it is a more natural mix with the music a bit louder and the narrator more naturally placed. The bells sound is cheated with EQ and reverb to sound like it's inside and then crossfaded with un-EQ'd sounds when we go outside.

The vimeo version is at 720p but you can download the original 1080p file if you like. The original is mostly stills or stills which are being tracked, therefore I didn't need a hugely high data rate to encode the video, and it created quite a small file. It works well (download the original if you like) and was a great way to create something with just a limited grab-bag of materials. Took about 4 hours to edit once I'd gathered the material and had a play.

Time Lapse Trailer Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:33:35 +0000 MikeLinn 10526@/talks/discussions

GH4 Punta Cana Wedding trailer Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:11:25 +0000 Skenzin 10523@/talks/discussions

Time Lapse video of Hong Kong urban city life Mon, 02 Jun 2014 07:36:14 +0000 mikeyeung5 10517@/talks/discussions

Camera : Panasonic Lumix GH3 Music: White Varnish - Silence City Original Mix Video Edit: Sony Vegas Color Garding : Davinci Resolve, VisionColor OSIRIS

Star Wars: Kitbashed Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:47:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10511@/talks/discussions
