Lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/categories/lenses/p49/feed.rss Wed, 05 Jun 24 10:39:19 +0000 Lenses en-CA Lenses with "triangular" bokeh in Taxi Driver https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3682/lenses-with-triangular-bokeh-in-taxi-driver Sun, 24 Jun 2012 06:17:33 +0000 kronstadt 3682@/talks/discussions I've been watching the "Taxi Driver" again and noticed that in the night scenes the background lights that appear in bokeh are of a semi-elliptical and semi-triangular pattern. I've never seen any lens produce such a weird "semi-triangular" bokeh. I've seen "Round" bokeh (Canon, Minolta etc), Hexagonal (Nikon), but not this weirdly appealing triangular pattern. Does anybody know which lenses Scorsese used for Taxi Driver?

Which Angenieux lens is this on the pictures? and which mount? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3601/which-angenieux-lens-is-this-on-the-pictures-and-which-mount Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:45:35 +0000 kronstadt 3601@/talks/discussions Hi all, I need your help... I'm trying to determine which Angenieux lens is this and what are it's specs? Most importantly, which mount type is this??? and how can I mount this on a GH13 m4/3 mount? All that I know is that this lens was once attached to a vintage 16mm Arriflex.

And how much do you think I should pay for this lens?

Any advice and suggestions much appreciated!imageimageimageimage

New Rokinon 35mm T1.5 Cine Lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3630/new-rokinon-35mm-t1.5-cine-lens Tue, 19 Jun 2012 12:48:07 +0000 redbaron 3630@/talks/discussions Just saw this on Facebook Rokinon group: Introducing new Rokinon 35mm T1.5 Cine Lens

Looks to have gears for focus and iris!

After seeing this I think that the Tokina 11-16 + Panix GH2 is the killer couple https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3606/after-seeing-this-i-think-that-the-tokina-11-16-panix-gh2-is-the-killer-couple- Sun, 17 Jun 2012 12:30:04 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 3606@/talks/discussions The look of this job seems like a Arri Alexa. So, some of the better look jobs with the GH2 generally come with this glass (Musgo for example).

I think Tokina wold come to the M4/3 bandwagon and manufacture this optical to work fully with our cameras.

PS: Sorry for inaccuracies with the english.

Dust and specks inside new lens??? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3578/dust-and-specks-inside-new-lens Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:50:04 +0000 Tobsen 3578@/talks/discussions I received a supposingly brand new lens today and noticed there is quite some dust inside it. Besides that, I believe there are tiny specks as well on the second glass element from the back. I know dust gets into the lens after some time, but I wasn't expecting this with a brand new lens, that cost my company quite some money.

I haven't seen any problems on the footage so far, but it just doesn't feel right.

Should I return it?

Searching for "artistic" lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3376/searching-for-artistic-lenses Sun, 27 May 2012 11:35:27 +0000 krotal 3376@/talks/discussions I know everyone is looking for super sharp lenses but I often shoot experimental projects that's why I'd like to find some old lenses with lot of "personality", (dreamy corners, swirling bokeh, flare, etc). I'm not going to shoot everyday with this kind of glass but it may worth a try.

I already read about Helios lenses, Here is a good example of the kind of bokeh I'm looking for :

Rokkor This one's pretty extreme

Totally love the film like softness but i think this effect comes from the DIY adapater used by the author.

I hope some people are willing to share their knowledge on these crazy lenses ;) Thanks

85mm F1.5 Helios Cyclop Version https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3461/85mm-f1.5-helios-cyclop-version Sun, 03 Jun 2012 15:14:58 +0000 digger 3461@/talks/discussions I won this lens on ebay thinking it was the 40-2 85mm f/1.5 model. What I got was the lens in the Cyclops configuration which has its aperture fixed at f/1.5. I know I got ripped off (by a US seller who didn't explicitly say it was the 40-2 but didn't exactly make it clear that it was the Cyclops configuration), but the lens is in great shape. Before I return it, I wanted to see what others would do in a similar circumstance. I've been searching far and wide for this lens, and though it's not exactly what I was looking for, should I think for a second about keeping it?

Which Lens? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3437/which-lens Fri, 01 Jun 2012 03:11:44 +0000 thougts2uk 3437@/talks/discussions Hi guys,

I have the Voigtlander 25mm and SLR Magic 12mm. I want to get either an 85mm or 100mm equivalent to complete my basic lens set.

Can anyone recommend a lens that will complement my existing set with a cinematic look?


More 2.0 lenses please https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/97/more-2.0-lenses-please Mon, 16 May 2011 11:05:37 +0000 stoney 97@/talks/discussions
But I'm guessing that manufacturers usually wanna expand to 1.4 or faster when they can build excellent 2.0 lenses... and charge more... then expect us stop down... most of the time. Or am I thinking too narrowly?]]>
Canon FD or Nikon Nikorr AIS or ? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3335/canon-fd-or-nikon-nikorr-ais-or- Fri, 25 May 2012 02:27:57 +0000 feha 3335@/talks/discussions I want to invest in collection of lenses. I wonder what would you suggest ? Canon FD or Nikon Nikorr AIS ? The price point is not important but the quality. Why would you choose particular type or is there any other make that can be made a good collection of ? I intend to use with GH2 ...

0.6x wide angle converter https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3275/0.6x-wide-angle-converter Sat, 19 May 2012 21:30:44 +0000 stoney 3275@/talks/discussions I found a set of 14, 20, 30, 50mm lenses is good. See http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/63058#Comment_63058

I have 14mm 2.5, 20mm 1.7, and Ai-s 50mm 1.4. Definitely not interested in Sigma 30mm 2.8.

@shian used 0.7x converter on his Ai-s 50mm 1.4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/61642#Comment_61642 Smart idea. Less # of lenses. Easier color grading.

I'm looking for 0.6x converter to turn Ai-s 50mm 1.4 into 30mm 1.7 if one third stop light loss.

Calvision has 3 different flavors for 0.6x converter. No idea which one will work if it works. http://www.cavision.com/optics/industrial/adapters.htm

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Sigma 30mm 2.8 m4/3 mount. Anyone have one? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3321/sigma-30mm-2.8-m43-mount.-anyone-have-one Thu, 24 May 2012 00:23:48 +0000 Petee28 3321@/talks/discussions I ran across this lens when I was looking for the Sigma 30mm f1.4. Does anyone have one or know anything about the quality? Thanks


50mm F1.8 Pentax lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3295/50mm-f1.8-pentax-lens Tue, 22 May 2012 00:06:31 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3295@/talks/discussions image

Looks pretty good.

Availability: Late June/early July
Price: $249.95.

Panasonic upcoming fast zooms topic https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/770/panasonic-upcoming-fast-zooms-topic Fri, 26 Aug 2011 05:16:42 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 770@/talks/discussions



There will be a 12-35mm and a 35-100mm fast X zooms!!!! Panasonic said they will come in 2012 and have a “large” aperture.

Via: http://www.43rumors.com/ ]]>
Lens defects by brand https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3215/lens-defects-by-brand Tue, 15 May 2012 08:02:22 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3215@/talks/discussions Made small chart from data that I found:


Data source: http://www.lensplay.com/lenses/lens_defect_results.php

Help identifying this mount? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3066/help-identifying-this-mount Tue, 01 May 2012 05:03:36 +0000 DaleCampbell 3066@/talks/discussions If anyone could help me identify this mount on a Tokina 80-200 f4 I would really appreciate it! Got the lens ages ago and couldn't find out at the time what it was... Suspected Minolta? Looking for an adapter to put it on a canon and my gh2.... Thanks in advance!





Extend physical (not focal) length of lens? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2650/extend-physical-not-focal-length-of-lens Thu, 22 Mar 2012 00:30:57 +0000 shane 2650@/talks/discussions I buckled down and bought the Voigtlander 25mm f.095 and I love it. But now it's time to put a follow focus on it. As anyone who owns this lens will know, the focus ring has old-school ridges that make it tricky to put a focus gear on, but right underneath it is a "smooth" area that I am convinced could be made to turn with my iDC System Zero follow focus (if not by itself, then with a standard office ziptie or something similar).

The problem is, the shape of this device puts the rubber about a millimeter shy of where it needs to be. It's so close, but it doesn't quite touch:



If I could find a way to add even 1/8 of an inch to the lens, I think that it could make contact and possibly work. But my problem is that all adapters tend to do something. I want one that does not do anything. Since it's a manual lens to begin with, I won't be losing any functionality.

Does anyone know of anything like this, or another workaround?

Recommendations for a good zoom please https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3060/recommendations-for-a-good-zoom-please Mon, 30 Apr 2012 07:54:18 +0000 Jon2323 3060@/talks/discussions Hi guys,

I'm looking for a good zoom for video work with the GH2:

-Any mount/brand which allows adjustment of iris is fine.

-Not bothered about auto focus, not bothered about zooming during a shot, unless there is a lenses which holds focus pretty well while zooming.

-Ideally 11-60mm ish but anything down to about 14-50mm would be ok.

-Max about f4, faster the better though.

-Minimal breathing while focusing

-Usable manual focus ring (Canon 24-70mm design would be fine)

-Good picture quality

Price isn't too much of an issue if all of the above are ticked (as long as it's not silly money) Olympus 14-35mm is too heavy by the sounds of it.

Thanks for any advice

Good lenses for documentary filmmaking and run & gun shooting https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3059/good-lenses-for-documentary-filmmaking-and-run-gun-shooting Mon, 30 Apr 2012 06:33:29 +0000 sohus 3059@/talks/discussions I am currently looking for a good lens for documentary filmmaking with the GH2. I love my primes but when you are shooting documentary, it is very inflexible. One way of solving this is adding one or two bodies so you can just change them around but a zoom lens is the best option IMO.

Lenses that qualify are:


OLYMPUS : ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 SWD http://www.four-thirds.org/en/fourthirds/standard.html#i_012-060mm_f028-040_olympus

Panasonic : LEICA D VARIO-ELMARIT 14-50mm F2.8-3.5 ASPH. MEGA O.I.S. http://www.four-thirds.org/en/fourthirds/standard.html#i_014-050mm_f028-035_panasonic

OLYMPUS : ZUIKO DIGITAL 14-54mm F2.8-3.5 II http://www.four-thirds.org/en/fourthirds/standard.html#i_014-054mm_f028-035ii_olympus


OLYMPUS : M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ http://www.four-thirds.org/en/microft/standard.html#i_012-050mm_f035-063_olympus

Panasonic : LUMIX G VARIO HD 14-140mm F4.0-5.8 ASPH. MEGA O.I.S. http://www.four-thirds.org/en/microft/standard.html#i_014-140mm_f040-058_panasonic

I focused on the Olympus/Panasonic lenses for now. I think that the Panasonic : LEICA D VARIO-ELMARIT 14-50mm F2.8-3.5 ASPH. MEGA O.I.S. and OLYMPUS : ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 SWD are good candidates. Especially the Olympus has a very long range (24-120mm in 35mm terms) while still offering a F2.8 wide-angle (and constant F/4.0 over entire range). Documentary shooting is about making trade-off and I will always have my primes for really dark situations (Voigt 50mm/.95, SLRMagic 12mm/1.6 and Olympus 45mm/1.8).

Does anyone here own one of the above lenses? Please share your opinions with me. I probably wait until the Panasonic X 12-35mm and 35-100 are announced as they could be good candidates too, although 12-35mm is a more limiting range.

300mm Tokina mirror lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3001/300mm-tokina-mirror-lens Wed, 25 Apr 2012 04:14:49 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3001@/talks/discussions image

Won't be cheap, but hope that it'll be quite compact.


CCTV/C-Mount lenses for G series (smaller sensor) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2885/cctvc-mount-lenses-for-g-series-smaller-sensor Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:39:30 +0000 AlbertZ 2885@/talks/discussions I have seen lots of topics dealing with cheapy (and fast) cctv lens, c-mount lenses on Panasonic GH1/2. Vignetting is a serious issue on these lenses, in particular for wide angles; many videomakers on GHx use ETC; However, most of the problems of vignetting seems to be caused by the non-standard size (16/9 crop etc) of GHx-sensor, which is a little wider than standar M4/3; GF2/3 cameras, on the contrary, have standard M4/3 sensor, so these cameras shoud have less vignetting issue... What's your experience with GF1/2 and C-mount?

for example, here you can read an article about wide and fast c-mount lenses..they work better on GF series!

55mm f/1.7 Chinon M42 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2564/55mm-f1.7-chinon-m42 Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:51:11 +0000 TommiH 2564@/talks/discussions I paid 46 euros (including postage) for a Chinon 55mm f/1.7 M42. For the price, I think it's quite nice. :) A quick test I made:

25mm F/0.95 Voigtlander - Shooting in the dark https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2621/25mm-f0.95-voigtlander-shooting-in-the-dark Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:08:24 +0000 Alexauwa 2621@/talks/discussions Hi everyone,

I am shooting on the Voigtlander 25 mm f0.95. I've tried several shots, insight and outsight. I've noticed that in some parts the dark areas were absolutely clear, no noise at all, but in some where were. I've keep ISO between 320 - 640, f0.95.

How do I get, even if there is less light, the most best possible result - here a clean picture? Do I have to raise ISO in order ta achieve better results? (Sensor need more light sensitvity to bring out details, can you shoot on too low ISO?) I always thought: lower IS0 value= better picture quality.

How do you handle night shoots, any tricks? Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Alex

Breathing tests of various lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2834/breathing-tests-of-various-lenses Wed, 11 Apr 2012 11:00:30 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2834@/talks/discussions Copy-pasted from post by @joeevento in other topic

Tip: KOWA 2x Anamorphic for Bell & Howell https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2826/tip-kowa-2x-anamorphic-for-bell-howell Tue, 10 Apr 2012 16:22:41 +0000 TommiH 2826@/talks/discussions I can't afford it, but maybe someone here needs one and can afford it: http://www.huuto.net/kohteet/objektiivi-kowa-2x-anamorphic--for-bellhowellerikoinen/216578348

New Anamorphic Lens From Canon? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2747/new-anamorphic-lens-from-canon Sun, 01 Apr 2012 09:45:35 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 2747@/talks/discussions http://photorumors.com/2012/04/01/new-anamorphic-lens-for-canon-dslr-cameras/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PhotoRumors+%28PhotoRumors.com%29&utm_content=FaceBook

Looks just.... unbelievable.... I wonder what would be the price?

500mm f5.6 Pentacon https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2723/500mm-f5.6-pentacon Thu, 29 Mar 2012 19:50:59 +0000 mk47 2723@/talks/discussions I just got this lens today. I just had to try it right away when it got dark: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UNMurgpryM

GH2, using tele conversion Will post more when i resolve the support/tripod issue and when the sky clears up.

Best Bokeh and Flare https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2495/best-bokeh-and-flare Mon, 05 Mar 2012 21:41:42 +0000 dennnnnnnis 2495@/talks/discussions I know the the "classic" helios and recently I fell in love with a cheap old Olympus Zuiko 50mm 1.8 do you guys have any recommendations for lens with great bokeh and flare?

Wide aperture m43 mechanical focus ring lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2505/wide-aperture-m43-mechanical-focus-ring-lens Tue, 06 Mar 2012 17:17:58 +0000 mk47 2505@/talks/discussions Hello.

Im a happy new owner of the GH2. Thus far i got the following lenses 14-140mm, 20mm, 7-14mm and two oldies: pentacon 29-2.8 and helios 58-2.0. I am looking for a lens with wide open aperture and a mechanical focus ring (for follow focus). I absolutely love the pancake 20mm, but its so small i doubt the focus ring would even fit, let alone the problems these lenses have when you want to focus manually. The pentacon 29-2.8 isnt bad, but i would like a bit wider aperture and wider angle of view.

The new 17.5mm voigtlander looks lovely, but a bit costly for now. Perhaps ill get lucky and find a killer deal on the 20mm :P

What else could you recommend?

20mm F1.7 AF in video https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/297/20mm-f1.7-af-in-video Tue, 28 Jun 2011 12:56:16 +0000 flyguy 297@/talks/discussions