Import, Convert, Exporting Wed, 26 Jun 24 05:11:29 +0000 Import, Convert, Exporting en-CA Frame Rate Choice for mixing GH2+GF2 Thu, 23 Feb 2012 07:20:53 +0000 rubberbandito 2375@/talks/discussions I shoot documentaries: I use GH2 for primary camera (1080 24p all the time) and want to use my GF2 as a B cam (using 1080) and stunt cam (using 720 for high speed). I am in NTSC country. I will be using the hack on both. I use Premiere Pro and like most my stuff goes on but I hope/plan to sell some stuff on Blu Ray and digital download.

If you have a GH2 (A cam) and GF2 (B cam) what frame rate do you plan to use?

Here are the options I have thought of:

  1. Shoot both at 1080 29.97. Pros: A) DVD and Blu Ray encode at 29.97, B) Smoother pans. Cons: A) Hard to transfer to 24p for film and some film festivals. B) No footage you can use for nice slow motion YOUR OPINION?

  2. Shoot GH2 at 1080 24p and GF2 at 720 60p (59.94). Pros: A) Nice 24p filmic motion from GH2. B) Drop GF2 720 60p footage into 24p timeline and it looks ok and you have slow motion possibility Cons: A) the 720 60p to 24p can sometimes look jerky/stuttery. B) Can't use the GF2 1080 res. YOUR OPINION?

  3. Shoot GH2 at 1080 24p and GF2 at PAL 25/50 Does this work. YOUR OPINION? Potential Pros: Ability to use 1080 and 720 on GF2 and still match with GH2. What I have found so far is the PAL footage can look strange with certain lights on in NTSC countries. It sounds like a good plan because you only skip one frame in 1080 footage and only two frames if you use the 50p footage. YES/NO?

  4. Final question, how do you plan to match footage color with GF2 and GH2, using same settings like -1,-1,-1,-1? using Flicker Red on GF2 setting to stabilize shutter at same speed set for GH2. (If you enable CINE style on GF2 you cannot use Flicker Red to set shutter). Possibly in post a simple S Gamma Curve with get GF2 to match GH2 Cine style.

MY OPINION: shoot 29.97 all the time. Very small percentage of indie filmmakers are actually making movies that go to theaters because its so competitive. Most films play in most film festivals that allow Blu Ray now (except for the big festivals but they allow you to transfer to Beta cam and other formats that allow for 29.97 or 59.94). And most films will go straight to DVD or Blu Ray and never be shown in 24p cinema. And if you get into TV or cable much better to have 29.97 which can also easily be put on a 59.94 timeline if need be (Premiere simply doubles the frames). And in my opinion handles 29.97 very well. So I am most likely going to shoot in 29.97 on both cams and, when needed, use GF2 as stunt cam at 720 60p which will easily convert to slow motion.

The only thing I do not fully understand is why 29.97 is said to be interlaced. When I drop both footages into Premiere Pro (I do not use Mac FCP or Pro Res bla bla) it renders out as progressive without any problems but am I missing something? Do I need to use Clip Wrap or something on all footage first before editing? In my opinion no but wanted to hear from everyone.

MTS files - Meta Data edit? Tue, 29 May 2012 15:13:09 +0000 AfricaGH2 3405@/talks/discussions Is there any way to edit meta data of the MTS files BEFORE I import them into FCPx or PP or create a backup copy of the card on my hard drive? It would be nice to add some keywords etc. I can of course do this in FCPx but then if I want to edit the clips elsewhere they data is lost no?

I think keeping the whole MTS file structure might be a pain, better to just rewrap them and then use "A better finder - renamer" to change the file names to something usable?

Premiere Pro 6 MAC - Correct AVCHD import of spanned files only from windows-formatted disks? Mon, 28 May 2012 09:15:55 +0000 Frame 3385@/talks/discussions I just checked file spanning using the "Media Browser" on the Mac Version of Adobe Premiere Pro v.6.

I guess, many do not come from cards directly but backups made on hard disks. Big surprise: With Mac and Windows-formatted disks the "Media Browser" will not allow to show files in the AVCHD-View option. When files are coming from a Dos-formatted disk (the disk I use is NTFS), the Media browser will automatically switch to AVCHD-view mode when you click a .mts file in the stream folder. Not before, i.e. when you click PRIVATE or any other folders. Spanned files seem to import correctly.

But on Mac-formatted disks, spanned files are not correctly imported, because AVCHD-View mode seems not possible...

So when you use a Mac product on location with mac formatted disks for backin up your cards, you seem to loose the ability to correctly import spanned files even on the Mac version of Premiere Pro 6....

ProRes and DNxHD Thu, 24 May 2012 21:14:14 +0000 GH2UW 3331@/talks/discussions Being an EDIUS / PC user I don't have access to encoding ProRes (the ProRes for PC ffmeg is still a work-in-progress). After considering alternative delivery format options I've settled for Avid's DNxHD.

However, I'm curious to know how it compares to Prores422 and would thus welcome comments from people who are familiar with ProRes and DNxHD.

H.264 to self-contained Quicktime file? Tue, 15 May 2012 15:14:24 +0000 bostonmike 3217@/talks/discussions After all the help I got with converting HD to SD and formatting it on a DVD, the film festival I'm taking part in decides to change the guidelines just days before the start of it. They are now accepting HD and will take a USB flashdrive as long as it conforms to the following guidelines:

A self-contained Quicktime file - codecs for HD: Apple Intermediate Codec, DVCProHD, HDV, Motion JPEG-A, Apple Pro-Res 4.2.2 (not HQ, LT, or 4.4.4), or H.264 (with a data rate of at least 16Mbps)

So I'm using my GH2 on a PC, rendering in Vegas Movie Studio HD 11.0, shooting 1080p 24fps

This is going to be shown a full-sized movie theater screen, so I want to maintain as much quality as possible. I wonder if there is any way of doing this without buying Quicktime Pro?


How FCPX screw my files Wed, 16 May 2012 16:02:22 +0000 robbie75vr 3229@/talks/discussions I just made a little test, check it out:

Final Cut Gamma Shift (What's Up With That?) Fri, 18 May 2012 03:09:08 +0000 B3Guy 3247@/talks/discussions Hey, so I've been editing today, and I'm admittedly on an older copy of Final Cut (5 I think?) . . . and this gamma shift thing is messing me up. When its paused, it looks one way. When I play back, it looks another way. I'd be fine if one or the other of these was representative of what the exported file would look like, but neither is. And the exported file looks the worst out of the three. Any suggestions? I just want to edit and use my 3-way color corrector in peace, knowing that what I look at as I edit is representative of what my exported file will look like. I'm working with GH2 footage (of course) straight into 5DtoRGB, converted to ProRes 422HQ, pulled into FCP, edited on a 422HQ timeline, and exported as ProRes.

I have found this potential solution, but I'm afraid I don't have a clear grasp of what all is going on (which I HATE. I'm the kinda guy that wants to understand how something solves the problem rather than taking it at face value and running with it.) Any insights into this issue would be very much appreciated.

Solution? I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Export to DVD settings? Mon, 23 Apr 2012 14:18:45 +0000 naken 2986@/talks/discussions Hello people.. Would like to know what you would consider the best GH2 video settings for fast production flow if the final output would be to to DVD. thanks!

Premiere CS6 - Slow render/export via Intra100 timeline Tue, 15 May 2012 00:15:22 +0000 jdert 3211@/talks/discussions I've been editing hacked GH2 footage for sometime in Premiere, but only recently chose to try out an intra100 sequence for my footage. The project consisted of 2 hacked GH2's with Driftwoods Pictoris, and an FS100. The project edited as smoothly as if I used DSLR 1080p30 or AVCHD 1080p30, however, the render times and export times are insanely long! I always check maximum render quality on my exports and sequence settings, and it never takes this long. A 20 minute sequence is taking over 3 hours to export to a 1080p h264 for web. I use magic bullet looks and mojo as the most intense filters. But even on an edit I did last week with the same filters and same length, it only took an hour at most to export. I've actually exported sequences faster than realtime! What gives? I need to test the same sequence in AVCHD format and see if its quicker.

Getting Errors Ingesting to FCP7 Tue, 01 May 2012 17:45:12 +0000 smcleod 3071@/talks/discussions Anyone else getting errors in Log and Transfer when transferring hacked footage? I get a Error: No Data message. Using Sandisk Extreme 32GB card @ 45MB/s...

Seem to record without issue and playback in camera fine... Any ideas?

MOV. container for MTS (Windows) - for SpeedGrade/Resolve Sat, 28 Apr 2012 11:25:04 +0000 disneytoy 3037@/talks/discussions I'd really like to be able to use SpeedGrade. But it doesn't support MTS. It does MOV files. Since MOV is just a wrapper, is there a simple way to make a MTS look like a MOV? I know there is an app on OSX that does it. And I've read about some public domain shell type apps for windows, which was more complicated that 5DtoRGB.

Motion compensated temporal noise reduction Mon, 30 Apr 2012 04:17:56 +0000 balazer 3058@/talks/discussions

Vimeo's compression can't handle all of that noise, so please download a high bit rate version and 1080p samples at

split screen original/denoised

0 s: 720/60p 50 Mbps, ISO 12800, 1/60 s shutter. denoised, decimated

12 s: 1080/30p 135 Mbps, ISO 12800, 1/60 s shutter. denoised, downscaled

23 s: 1080/30p 135 Mbps, ISO 6400, 1/30 s shutter. downscaled, denoised

36 s: 1080/15p 22 Mbps, ISO 3200, 1/15 s shutter. downscaled, denoised, interframe 2x

43 s: 1080/10p 11 Mbps, ISO 2000, 1/10 s shutter. downscaled, denoised, interframe 3x

53 s: 1080/10p 15 Mbps, ISO 12800, 1/10 s shutter. downscaled, denoised, interframe 3x

then repeats, full frame denoised

Part of these samples is simply a test of the trade-offs of high ISOs and long exposure times, with motion compensated frame rate conversion to boost the frame rate of the slow shutter speed samples.

For the noise reduction, I took the TemporalDegrain Avisynth script and rewrote portions of it to better deal with GH2 high ISO footage. Much of the effort was in getting the motion search to produce more accurate vectors in the presence of high noise. I was able to improve the motion search a lot, but it's not perfect. It often misses motion in large low-contrast areas of the image. The other work was to limit the differences between the de-noised output and the source, so as to reduce or hide ghosting artifacts from when the motion search was incorrect. This has a side effect of bringing back some of the noise. I was actually quite conservative about this, trying to keep the footage looking natural, and striking a balance that minimizes all of the different kinds of noise and artifacts. The noise reduction is purely temporal - i.e., accomplished by averaging pixel values across frames. Adding some kind of spatial noise reduction would probably help.

The script is extremely slow on full 1080p frames. To use it on 1080p, you'll need to find some way to divide up the frame and process the pieces in separate instances of Avisynth. 720p processing is not too slow.

There are lots of options in the script that I'll be happy to explain. There are only three or four options that you might want to change. The defaults (which I used for all of the samples) are optimized for 1080p at ISO 12800.

I compared my noise reduction output to that of RE:Vision Effects' DE:Noise plugin, and I think the script does a better job, though the plugin is much much faster.

Please post experiences and usage info for other motion compensated noise reduction software.

How do you combine GH2 23.976 fps footage with GF2's? Fri, 20 Apr 2012 17:08:51 +0000 ssh 2956@/talks/discussions Do you run GF2 at 25 or 29.97 fps? Any workflow tips? I'm on a PC (Premiere Pro + AE).

GH1 weird "interlacing artifacts" on non-interlaced footage Mon, 23 Apr 2012 14:07:37 +0000 docz 2985@/talks/discussions Hello, I'm using my GH1 with hacked firmware. And I am getting some weird interlacing artifacts on the AVCHD modes. I've tried numerous different settings, including: Blackout Powell, 100mbit Max lattitude, Fast Action 3 Gop, 75mbit Peak reliability, and Reliable in-camera playback patch. I've tried all of those with both the "Wrapper" patch switched on, and off. And still I get the same result.

Is there any way to get the interlacing to stop?

Look at my attached photo to see the problem, you can clearly see it over and under the actors glasses. The weird part is that my GF1 does not cause these artifacts. In fact my GF1 produces higher quality and is more reliable footage than my GH1! (Both AVCHD and MJPEG!) How can that be? Shouldn't the GH1 have far better results than it's little brother? Clearly something is either wrong with my camera or the way I am patching it is wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hyperdeck shuttle 2 problem. Fri, 27 Apr 2012 04:37:08 +0000 robbin 3027@/talks/discussions Hi all. Anyone here who have the hyperdeck shuttle 1 or 2 and are on a pc with window? I cant get the damned files to playback on my computer. Tried uncompressed and dnxhd mov files. If i export a gh2 clip to dnxhd i can play it back fine but the files of the shuttle i can not. When i connect the shuttle directly to monitor the files play back fine. Must be some install problem in windows and quicktime.

Exporting snapshot-frame grab from timeline? Sat, 28 Apr 2012 09:38:21 +0000 adventsam 3036@/talks/discussions Help? If I export a bmp for example from the timeline, I see that there exists horizontal lines across the frame, see attached, any idea what causes this?The framerate is 50fps 1080p. You need to look at the top qtr to see these lines, is it because of the frame scanning of cmos? ie can you export a real progressive frame without overlap and or showing the cmos scan?

The first is the upsampled o/p from 720p50 footage to 1080p50 and the second is the native 1080p HBR frame grab

Finding performance bottlenecks Wed, 25 Apr 2012 18:43:23 +0000 sam_stickland 3010@/talks/discussions I've started this thread to find (and hopefully share) techniques to find performance bottlenecks in computer setups.

For example, just now I kicked off a render in Premiere Pro using the MainConcept CUDA H264 encoder. All six of my cores are at 60%, my disks are running at 25Mbps, my physical memory utilisation is 60% and my graphics card load is 20%. So where on earth is the bottleneck? None of these components seem particularly stressed, and certainly not max'ed out.

In this instance I suspect it could be the following:

  • The CUDA enabled effects / encoder aren't using all the shaders on graphics card. Those that are being used are max'ed out
  • The CUDA enabled effects / encoder are causing a lot of memory transfers to/from the graphics card which is the bottleneck

But these are both just guesses. Is there anyway to measure this? I'm using a PC with Nvidia GT460.

EDIT: I'd also checked to make sure that individual CPU cores weren't completely loaded.

]]> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 00:02:44 +0000 stoney 627@/talks/discussions
Insert SDHC card. Rename "NO NAME" to "SDHC". The card should contain some MTS files.

Get the attachment.
Double clicking on it will launch AppleScript Editor.
Replace it with your base path. e.g. /Users/Billy/Movies
Press the Run button on the top of the editor and see if it's working.
If it works, save it as an application. File -> Save As -> File Format: Application.
Mobe the application file to your Applications.

BTW... I don't know crap about AppleScript. I just googled and found a sample and tweaked some params.]]>
Blocky DVX100 footage when imported into PPro or AE Wed, 25 Apr 2012 14:24:11 +0000 sam_stickland 3005@/talks/discussions OK, so this is a bit of a blast from the past. I was trying to import some old SD footage from my trusty old DVX100 and in Premiere Pro (CS5 and 5.5) and After Effects (CS5.5) I'm getting nasty blocky artefacts, primarily in the red channel. I don't see these artefacts in VLC though. I've got the footage interpreted correctly (Progressive)... really starting to pull my hair out!

Has anyone got any ideas?!

Sedna B AQ1 HBR PAL project: Premiere Pro workflow? Tue, 24 Apr 2012 17:21:30 +0000 katig 2997@/talks/discussions Next weekend I am shooting music video, GH2 with SEDNA B AQ1 HBR PAL. Can you please suggest the best possible workflow in Premiere Pro CS5.5 - AVC-I 50 1080p 25, AVC-I 100 1080p 25 or AVCHD 1080 25p (grading will be done with Colorista)? What is the best final export format (for broadcast) to preserve the exceptional quality (thank you Vitaly and Driftwood) of the original SEDNA intra footage? Thnx

GH1 Interlace Artifacts After JES Deinterlacing Mon, 23 Apr 2012 13:36:03 +0000 JonPfun 2984@/talks/discussions I've googled for days and days about this subject, trying not to start a new post since it seems to be a common problem, BUT After multiple tries using Compressor, Cinetools, and JES Deinterlacer, (Reverse Telecine) to convert 1080 60i/24p footage, I still have interlacing/artifacts left in my 23.976 footage after the conversion. I've tried nearly every combination of suggested settings, yet still come out with unimpressive interlaced footage. I was using the the newest version of JES v3.8.2 but it kept on crashing even after clearing out the pref and log bins, So I went back to an older version v3.3.3 and it works without crashing, yet the footage is still garbage.
Any tips on other programs, very specific settings? Thank in advance.

PixelTools announces major update to QuickTime Export Component Sat, 21 Apr 2012 06:53:16 +0000 mozes 2961@/talks/discussions image

Las Vegas - 16 April 2012 - PixelTools today announced a major update of their popular QuickTime Plug-In HDProQT that adds support for 8 channel PCM data per SMPTE 302m.
HDProQT plugs into popular editing programs and provides reliable export of broadcast ready and on-boarding video directly from the time line.
Presets assure complete compliance to standards such as Cable Labs and to delivery specifications such as Netflix.

HDPro QT $1,495.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Broadcast FFmpeg for premiere 4K export Prores Mon, 16 Apr 2012 13:01:20 +0000 DrDave 2890@/talks/discussions Can anyone who is smarter than me explain how I can export Apple prores in 4K using this FFmpeg package?

Maintaining best quality while transferring HD to SD Mon, 09 Apr 2012 13:45:23 +0000 bostonmike 2820@/talks/discussions I have a question maybe some of you more seasoned people can help me with. A friend asked me to enter one of those 48 hour film contests with him. The problem is I typically shoot in 1080p cinema mode on my GH2. The rules for submissions are as follows:

... a self-contained SD Quicktime file with no proprietary codecs on either: - data DVD - USB flash drive miniDV playable DVD

I'm editing and rendering on Vegas Home Studio HD 11.0. I'm wondering if I should be changing the settings on the camera BEFORE even filming, to easier convert to SD..There are also so many output options on Sony Vegas that I'm at a loss on what the best transfer would be to maintain the best quality in standard definition. Wondering if a USB flash drive would maintain better quality than a playable DVD? seems like rather than forcing filmmakers to downgrade their finished product, the contest staff should be upgrading their equipment to handle HD...these are only 4-7 minute videos after all. The finished videos will be screened in a full size theater..something tells me they are going to look not so good.

Thanks for the help.

Which framerate to mix 24p and HBR25/30 footage? Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:21:01 +0000 duartix 2847@/talks/discussions Please help!

I'm planning to do a comparison of various video modes and shutter speeds and I'd like in the end to export one video that mixes thge following material:

  • 24p footage @ 2fps that will be speed up 13x

  • 24p footage @ 2.5fps that will be speed up 10x

  • HBR30 footage @ 2.5fps that wil be speed up 12x

  • HBR25 footage @ 5fps that wil be speed up 5x

How should I handle this in After Effects?


How to down-sample with motion blur 60 fps framerate to 30 fps? Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:04:25 +0000 bdegazio 2814@/talks/discussions I know this isn't specifically a GH2-related question, but I've seen a lot expertise on this forum and thought someone might know how to do this. I've searched online but can't find anything relevant.

I've got some computer generated video at 60 fps (and higher framerates up to 120 fps) which I would like to convert to standard 30 fps, with motion blur derived from blending the intermediate frames.

Specifically, my question is, is there an After Effects or (preferably) Apple Motion plugin that does this correctly? Or some utility software like MPEG StreamClip?

To be clear, I don't want to change the playback speed of the video, just blend intermediate frames to simulate footage shot at a lower frame rate and corresponding shutter speed.

thanks in advance


[edit] - on a hunch, I just checked the export options in StreamClip. There are "frame blending" and "better downscaling" options in the "Frame Rate" section. Does anyone have experience with using these for the purpose I described? Specifically wha's on my mind is, if downscaling a high frame rate video (e.g. 120 fps) to 30 fps, are ALL intermediate frames used in the blending? And in what proportion?

GH2 and ITU 709 Tue, 20 Mar 2012 17:31:56 +0000 Siddho 2636@/talks/discussions There has been some heated discussion on this topic in another thread and I think it might be more useful to start a specific thread for this topic to get to the bottom of this issue/question.

Basically a lot of people have noticed that the GH2s Black & White levels are at 16 and 235 respectively (ITU 709) and not at 0 and 255.

I personally use Sony Vegas and the histogram in Vegas show my GH2s mts files to have black levels at 16 and whites at 235. Others have noticed this too in Avid etc.

The discussion has been: is it deffinately so that that the GH2 records the levels at 16-235 or, is it the different programms which interpret those levels according to their own internl designs.

One important point is the GH2s own histogram. Try shooting with the lens cap on. Prior to pressing record the histogram will show levels to be at zero, but as soon as REC is pressed the histograms level will jump up a few notches (to around 16). In my case looking at the recorded black footage in Vegas or VLC will not show black but a very dark grey on an calliberated computer monitor (0-255). On a braodcast monitor the footage will be black. Also the waveform in Vegas will show the levels to be at around 16. Also the GH2s own histogram on playback will show the levels to be at 16.

(I have tried but can never get my levels to go above or below 16 and 235 in camera; but depending on which session settings I use in Vegas then the program will show the levels to be 16-235 or 0-255, hence the confusion and question.)

What are your findings? Is there any way to be certain exactly what levels are being recorded and not what individual software is making of the levels?

windows platform: how to convert a MTS file without losseing any quality for editing. Mon, 09 Apr 2012 03:22:37 +0000 shihab 2815@/talks/discussions i have my gh2 recorded some video clips. but i can not edit in premier pro cs3, as i cannot use pp cs5 so how could i convert the mts files without losing any quality of the file.

GH2 files to PHOTO JPEG Tue, 03 Apr 2012 05:22:41 +0000 miza 2764@/talks/discussions Hello, I have a big problem converting files after editing to PHOTO JPEG. Even if I choose the best settings the quality is really bad. There is a lot of aliasing which is not so visible on the original file?

I'm using Windows and Premiere pro CS5. The same thing was on Apple and Final Cut.

Is there any solution to that? I must have PHOTO JPEG as an output.

Here is a sample picture:

Thanks for the help

Is it possible to export Magix projects as MTS files? Thu, 08 Mar 2012 15:41:30 +0000 mee 2533@/talks/discussions Just curious, as I never tried exporting final projects as MTS, and would like to keep my music on the track if possible. If not with Magix, how do I do it, or what other saving options through Magix keep full quality?
