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What is Deep Depth of Field?

Cinematography is a language. You have to practice it to become fluent. One of the first things you need to learn is depth of field. What is that? Well, depth of field is defined as the distance between the nearest and the farthest objects that are in acceptably sharp focus in an image. So, basically it's what's in focus within the frame you're shooting, to put it really, really simply. Today, I want to specifically target deep depth of field. It's a great place to start out as a filmmaker and it has a ton of practical uses moving forward. So let's jump into the article and see what we can learn. Deep depth of field definition Depth of field is all about focus. So a deep depth of field means that a larger area is in focus, even everything in the frame. Sometimes this is called "deep focus." Why use a deep depth of field? If you want everything to be crisp, clear, and pop visually, you'll want your focus to be deep. Since this view has a larger amount in focus, deep depths of field are best for landscapes or sweeping wide shots. So what sets this apart from shallow depth of field? Deep depth of field vs. shallow depth of field A shallow depth of field refers to a small area in focus. Often the subject is in focus, while the background is blurred. This is best for portraits, and one way to adjust this is...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Tuesday, 18 June

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