Writing can be an exhausting endeavor. I'm big into using any strategy that helps you come up with the answers and gets you out of your comfort zone.And in doing this, sort of take the burden off and just have fun while it's happening. So, I wanted to make some character prompts that can shake up your routine and get you back to writing your best work. Let's dive in. Screenwriting Character PromptsEveryone wants to create an unforgettable character. It comes up in my dreams quite often, and I think about it when I practice my Oscar speech in the shower. But it's not just as easy as sitting down and writing the person. You have to feel inspired and bring in real details that make these people pop off the page...so they can also pop off the screen. I refined some prompts you can use to get these characters out of your head and onto the screen.The Le MenuAt the beginning of Crafting Short Screenplays that Connect by Claudia Hunter Johnson, there is an exercise the writer refers to as “Le Menu.” It asks the reader to fill out a survey to figure out what kinds of stories they should write. Instead of filling out the Le Menu for yourself, I'd ask the writer to pretend to be the character and then write five to ten answers to:What I loveWhat I hateWhat I fearWhat I believeWhat I valueWhat I wantWhat I know aboutPeople who made a difference in my...
Published By: NoFilmSchool - 5 days ago