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PDMOVIE 3D AIR Smart Mini – First Look

During IBC 2024, PDMOVIE was showcasing its upcoming 3D AIR Smart Mini, a compact system that integrates their LiDAR autofocus system to make 3D filming easier and more accessible. This product looks so promising that it even received one of our Best-of-Show awards. Let’s take a look! While 3D theatrical releases appear to be marginal sideshows nowadays, devices like Apple’s Vision Pro might lead to an increased demand for spatial video content in the near future. And while you can shoot it using an iPhone 15 Pro (or later model), PDMOVIE is now introducing a product that aims at bridging the gap between Apple’s smartphone and complex, specialized 3D rigs or cameras. So, on the show floor at IBC 2024, we caught up with Fiona Lyn from PDMOVIE to learn more about their 3D AIR Smart Mini. Image credit: CineD PDMOVIE 3D AIR Smart Mini – features The PDMOVIE 3D AIR Smart Mini is a compact, lightweight rig that can be paired with two mirrorless or small cinema cameras and lenses to film high-resolution, high-frame rate 3D content. The system comes with a series of automatic features so that it can be easily operated by a single user. Image credit: CineD The rig weighs around 1,159g, measures 220x105x115mm, and consists of a sunshade that can host two camera setups placed at a 90° angle relative to each other, both facing a ground lens positioned at 45° inside the rig. Thus, the two cameras can frame the same scene, while a...


Published By: CineD - 2 days ago

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