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How to Be A Hollywood Assistant in Film and TV

Chances are if you’re reading No Film School, you've contemplated moving to Hollywood at some point in your life. If you want to write, direct, or edit, Hollywood is full of opportunities for you. It’s where most people get their foot in the door, and where the lucky few build lasting careers. Or maybe you wanted to move here because you were a huge fan of Entourage. Whatever the case may be, when you come to this town, there’s a good chance you’ll start at the bottom. That means working your way up as one of the many tenacious, heroic, and completely underpaid Hollywood assistants. I was one of those assistants for several years, and I thought it would be great to write a useful survival guide for people starting within the industry. Aside from my own experiences, I was hoping that people could post their own in the comments, or email me at and we can add them anonymously into the Crazy Hollywood Assistant Stories portion of this post. These are my stories, and my methods of navigating the business, but here at No Film School we want to encourage anyone and everyone to email me with their stories and survival guides, as an assistant, gaffer, director, or whatever job it was you have survived!  So without further ado... How to Be A Hollywood Assistant in Film and TV  I moved to Hollywood in 2012 and got a job shortly after that at Scott Free. I was...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - 5 days ago

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