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Hollywood Needs to Prioritize Research and Development or It Will Die

When I started to work in Hollywood in 2012, I was an assistant. I remember long days I spent setting up and tearing down conference rooms from meetings. Those meetings were for developing ideas. We had writers coming in and pitching features, we had agents pushing us books, and we occasionally had meetings with magazines who outlined all the articles coming up that may make good film and TV. If we sparked to anything, you'd bring a writer or director in for a take, then try to set it up at a studio. Studios then paid those writers and directors to work out the kinks in those ideas. And once we all felt like they were good, we'd set a shoot date and go from there. But that doesn't happen anymore. Hollywood its Research and Development budget. And if we don't get it back, we're in big trouble. Let's dissect this issue. Why Research and Development is ImportantDo you ever wonder why movies and TV in the '90s seemed much more diverse and interesting? Well, when Hollywood paid for research and development, they were much more interested in green lighting ideas from new voices. And they took fliers on making new actors into stars. It was a really cool time for new voices and faces to break into Hollywood and leave their mark. We even had a great introduction to international stars. Well, in the last 20 years, that's gone by the wayside. Hollywood has prioritized IP and packaging for...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Yesterday

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