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Find the Subjectivity of Your Narrative With "The Professional Parent"

Written by Erik JasanThe inspiration for "The Professional Parent" came from a visit I made to an orphanage in eastern Slovakia, where I was deeply moved by the stories of several Roma children placed in the care of “professional parents.” In Slovakia, professional parenting is not just a vocation but a paid occupation. Unfortunately, in some of the more underdeveloped regions, especially in eastern Slovakia, the role of a professional parent is often sought primarily for financial gain. This system, driven by economic necessity, sometimes leads to a troubling dynamic where the number of children directly correlates to the level of financial benefit. This reality compelled me to delve into the subject through film. Our story centers on Ingrid, a middle-aged woman who becomes a professional parent to a Roma girl in a village where prejudice against the Roma community runs deep. Ingrid’s decision, though seemingly altruistic, disrupts the fragile balance within her own family, which is already on the brink of collapse. "The Professional Parent" poster Courtesy of Polymath PRIn my recent work, I’ve been refining my filmmaking style with a focus on how individuals perceive their circumstances through their unique perspectives. I believe that art is deeply subjective, interpreted through the lens of our own experiences and emotions. This philosophy drove me to retell this story as subjectively as possible, framing the narrative through events that unfold intimately around Ingrid. To achieve this, I adopted a “one-shot, one-scene” technique, which lends a natural, almost documentary-like flow to the...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Today

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