The Hollyland C1 headsets have been popular units for a few years now, making their way into more and more small productions for their ease of use, low cost, and simple setup. We tested them a few years ago and found surprising distance when used outdoors (occasionally getting connections nearly a mile away), and even indoors robust functionality on a variety of shoots. We've started to notice, biking past productions here in Brooklyn, that they are taking off.They've launched the new Solidcom SE lineup, a more compact kit that doesn't offer the flexibility of the C1 Pro but comes at a more affordable cost and with support for up to 8 headsets will perform well for many productions and teams.The beauty of these headsets is the simplicity; no cable down your back, simple affordable batteries, and a very simple "lift microphone to mute, lower to unmute" that makes them instantly integrate into any production.What we hadn't tested yet was the base station, but as we use the C1 units more and more, some of the features of the base station started to seem essential and we wanted to put them into the mix.What Do You Get With the Base StationYou can of course use the C1 Pro and the new SE lineup without the base station; that's the default you see on a lot of productions. The base station gave us a few key features that made it worth the effort. The biggest feature is that you can just add...
Published By: NoFilmSchool - Friday, 7 February