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20 Ways to Come up with Movie Ideas

The process of breaking into screenwriting in Hollywood involves constantly generating new ideas. You and your reps will want to be sending out a new screenplay every few months until one hits. That means you need to constantly be thinking of new loglines and stories so you know what you're writing next. But where do these ideas come from? Should you just sit around and wait for inspiration to strike or is there a more active way? I've always been a fan of John August's Writer Emergency cards. That's totally an unpaid plug. I love them. But I also love doing something when I can't figure out a movie idea. Today, we're going to go over 20 ways to inspire new movie ideas and to break you out of the funk. Let's get inspired. 1. Take a walkI have a dog. I go on walks seven times a day, so I kind of am the authority on walking inspiration. Walks allow you to see the world, get fresh air, hear other people talk, and concentrate on anything besides your writing. Many of the things on this list will be items that are meant to distract or trick the latent parts of your brain to get working. Walking is the best one because, if you're like me and sit on your ass ten hours a day, you need the exercise. 2. Read the Newspaper Current events are great jumping off points for characters. We want our ideas to be relevant in...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - 3 days ago

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