__**GH2 Skin Tones Showreel Project**__ 6th December 2011: The next showreel is all about 'Skin tones'. One of the hardest things to get right is the tone colour of skin within the use of available lighting. Often it can have an unnatural look, harsh, over-saturated, orange and just well, wrong. So we are looking at techniques pre-post to get the most accurate looking skin tones matching to the original ethnicity of the skin - to reproduce what we see with our eyes. So this brings into question lighting and camera settings to achieve a look that is both convincing and easiest to grade in post. Any personal-view members who would like to participate please say 'Aye' below. We require just 5 seconds (FIVE SECONDS) shot on the GH2 using ANY patch (including stock firmware if you like) to show off the merits of the GH2 and it's film modes using 1080p24, 720p, 1080i, MJPEG HD/VGA - it would be interesting to see a variety of different lenses being utilised. Shoot anytime of day / night. What you will supply: You need only upload an original mts file (short recordings only folks detailing the 5 seconds IN/OUT points) nothing else. A summary of the hack/no hack, patch, film mode, lens, lens setting (aperture, shutter speed, ISO etc...) and a info note about the sort of lighting employed, and anything interesting you find about lens or camera settings. We don't require a graded version as we will nominate a grader to do the whole collective. Thos willing to grade shoud leave a msg under the 'Who Will Grade' with personal-view username + Aye People willing to participate should have dropbox or a similar upload site where we can pull down the original mts file from and of course communicate through this thread. Closing date: 5th January 2012. Example Skin tone test from Tonaci Tran for RED Scarlet X: [[http://vimeo.com/32843511]] {{vimeo>32843511?large}} Those willing to participate in Skin Tones type personal-view username below. __Filmers Participating (add name to list)__ - @driftwood - @Tommyboy (two folders in dropbox, driftwood and SkinTones with 00018.MTS ,00002.MTS, 00006.MTS,000066.MTS) - @ehr - @sohus - @imaginate - @FGCU - @bwhitz - @Hallvalla - @TraumManufaktur - @Sanzadez - @lolo (already sent) - @NickDulworth - @sprinke (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1117536/00015.MTS - it's the Public folder. 0:23 to 0:28) - @SuperRoach (sent link+info to you) - @RRRR (sent link to file and info) - @spacewig (spacewig/skintone 1, skintone 2) __Grading (would you like to grade the colloborative film?)__ - @FGCU - @TraumManufaktur