Table of Contents

Deals How-To

How to get the item I see?

  1. If you are not registered on forum, register at
  2. Send us PM - click on
    and click on big button.
  3. In PM try to provide exact item(s) you want and your country.

We are using personal approach with sole reason - providing best possible service and prevent people from getting things they really do not need. Also helps with strange impulse decisions.

What type of payment is used?

We use Paypal only.

What shipping method is used?

Shipping type is listed in the item information box.
Usually it is something from airmail/DHL/EMS/FedEx.
And yes, you can request faster shipping.

What about customs fees?

Customs fees are not included in price and you pay them yourself.
We work to minimize fees you will pay (if any), especially for our EU members.
You can ask via PM about details.

My item is in stock?

All items are available.
Sometimes we need to ask about stock status first, we let you know if this will be the case.