Tagged with vlc - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/vlc/p1/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:25:39 +0000 Tagged with vlc - Personal View Talks en-CA GH4 footage choppy on XPS15 i7 6700HQ http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16044/gh4-footage-choppy-on-xps15-i7-6700hq Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:40:06 +0000 Tjibbe 16044@/talks/discussions I just got a brand new Dell XPS15 with 16gb ram, i7 6700HQ and a Geforce 960m. Why the hell does my 4k footage run like garbage even compared to my old Macbook Air?

Is it Windows 10? Because going by bechmarks, my Windows 7 desktop with FX3850 is not much faster en slower on single treaded operations, but playing back GH4 footage is a piece of cake.

Anyone got some insight?

Best Windows MTS player http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/799/best-windows-mts-player Mon, 29 Aug 2011 06:33:56 +0000 LongJohnSilver 799@/talks/discussions
Which player do you use to see MTS files on windows?
I use VLC but the paying is never smooth and the color seems a little bit washed.

Play 2 videos in sync, for free http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7942/play-2-videos-in-sync-for-free Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:43:42 +0000 maxr 7942@/talks/discussions May be useful for someone :-)
From VLC wiki • for mac and pc. I tested (till) 5 stable videos running on a mac

On mac, when adding the AppleScript command lines

on run do shell script "open -n /Applications/VLC.app" end run

on open theFiles repeat with theFile in theFiles do shell script "open -na /Applications/VLC.app " & quote & (POSIX path of theFile) & quote end repeat end open

be sure that the path to VLC.app is the correct one ;-)
4 further comfort, place droplet in doc then just drop files

PC users may also want to have a look at open source Kinovea
If you do "test it" drop a line of feed, thanks
