Tagged with template - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/template/p1/feed.rss Fri, 27 Sep 24 14:58:52 +0000 Tagged with template - Personal View Talks en-CA Standard settings description http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1663/standard-settings-description Wed, 07 Dec 2011 05:45:22 +0000 LongJohnSilver 1663@/talks/discussions I'm always struggling to understand new patches features.
Patch vault is a good idea but I see that some of them are described in a different way. So is a PITA searching for the originating message where the patch is fully discussed.
I saw the nice spreadsheet started by sohus describing his starter pack: http://bit.ly/ujsZpZ
Starting form there, When you post a new patch, why you do not describe each patch in a standard simple template with all main feature?

For example...

Name: 44M_32M
Author: CBrandin
Status: Stable

Brief description: one of the first stable patches out there...

(1080i50 / 1080p24): 12
- 720p50: 24
- 720p60: 30
- 1080i60: 15

- 1080p: 4
- 720p: 2

Bitrate (Mb/s)
- 24H: 44
- 24L: 32
- FSH/SH: 32
- FH/H: 24

Span (Yes/no): Yes
Ptool set: C

Memory card test passed: SanDisk 45MB, SanDisk 16GB Class 10 (Extreme), Sandisk 16GB UHS-1....

I wish I have the tab to get a better format...
