Tagged with tac - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/tac/p1/feed.rss Wed, 19 Jun 24 10:13:15 +0000 Tagged with tac - Personal View Talks en-CA Montage of Australian Road Safety Commercials since 1987 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12005/montage-of-australian-road-safety-commercials-since-1987 Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:24:45 +0000 pundit 12005@/talks/discussions "A five minute retrospective of the road safety campaigns produced by the TAC (Transport Accident Commission) over the last 20 years has been compiled. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM.

This campaign is a chance to revisit some of the images that have been engraved on our memories, remember the many thousands of people who have been affected by road trauma and remind us all that for everyones sake; please, drive safely - Transport Accident Commission Victoria."
