Tagged with soft - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/soft/p1/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 21:55:17 +0000 Tagged with soft - Personal View Talks en-CA Mac free apps, tips and tricks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11519/mac-free-apps-tips-and-tricks Wed, 08 Oct 2014 16:05:20 +0000 maxr 11519@/talks/discussions Hey pips =)

I put together some stuff that either workarounds some of mac OS problems/limitations or makes specific tasks easier.
Your most welcome to add your own


01 Afloat

I wanted DigitalColor Meter to remain on top of all windows as is very anoying to have to call for the app to see/copy values.
This is the solution I found: afloat • case you want to I attached SIMBIL 0.9.9 and this Afloat direct download link HERE should work. BIG thanks to Chris Van Patten

See in the screen grab below how DCM it is not active as safari was selected and yet it remains floating on top, like a good girl ;-)

It works with many (not all) applications including finder itself, below's another example
FYI with multi-window apps, i.e stickies, IF you decide to pin one window to the desktop, you'll have to circle through (finder then stickies) to then select window from the menu, be sure that the correct sticky is selected and then adjust effects, that'll make dialog desapear. Have a look at guide that comes with afloat installer as there are shortcuts for almost everything. The "Make this window an overlay" (clicks fall through) and "Make it opaque while I'm working with it" options are also useful


GH2 Stills Problem http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15933/gh2-stills-problem Mon, 24 Oct 2016 13:00:10 +0000 jondshank 15933@/talks/discussions Recently I started taking stills with my gh2 in addition to using it for it's AMAZING video.

When I manually focus, whether through the LCD or LVF just before the image is in focus to my eye it looks soft and dreamy more so than out of focus, and beyond the subject it will start to actually look out of focus.

I took some when it actually looked IN FOCUS and I feel like it just doesn't look as sharp as my old Canon 60D (By quite a bit to be honest)

I'll post a picture so you can see. I shot this in manual, f/2.8 at 70mm on a tripod with around 160 shutter speed and 200ISO. I'll post a before and after grade.

Before: http://imgur.com/a/H3bPw

After: http://imgur.com/JjxF8ZD

Do you think this is an operator, lens, or camera problem?

Also please do critique my grade, I'm relatively new to all this.

GH2 Stills look soft (Tokina 28-70m f/2.8 + Metabones) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15928/gh2-stills-look-soft-tokina-28-70m-f2.8-metabones Mon, 24 Oct 2016 00:03:00 +0000 jondshank 15928@/talks/discussions Recently I started taking stills with my gh2 in addition to the amazing video performance.

When I focus, whether through the LCD or LVF just before the image is in focus to my eye it looks soft and dreamy more so than out of focus, and beyond the subject it will start to actually look out of focus.

I took some when it actually looked IN FOCUS and I feel like it just doesn't look as sharp as my old Canon 60D (By quite a bit to be honest)

I'll post a picture so you can see. I shot this in manual, f/2.8 at 70mm on a tripod with around 160 shutter speed. I'll post a before and after grade.

Before: http://imgur.com/a/H3bPw

After: http://imgur.com/JjxF8ZD

Do you think this is an operator, lens, or camera problem?

Also please do critique my grade, I'm relatively new to all this.

Rectangular softbox vs pyramid softbox http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14340/rectangular-softbox-vs-pyramid-softbox Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:01:11 +0000 joethepro 14340@/talks/discussions Im going to be building a large softbox, something like 2' x 4', and Im trying to make it as easy as possible to do. Im wondering why you never see softboxes with a rectangular profile as opposed to the standard pyramid shaped profile. Do the angled sides reflect light forward better? I mean, with a rectangular profile, you have a larger back side area to reflect, so does it matter?

How to grade for the soft creamy look in this video? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10170/how-to-grade-for-the-soft-creamy-look-in-this-video Tue, 15 Apr 2014 10:40:26 +0000 joethepro 10170@/talks/discussions Can someone give me some advice on how to achieve the creamy look seen in this video? Look at 1:35 for an example. (warning: language) It seems they brought the highlights down and maybe used a mist filter? Also possible that the lens used also contributes to the softness.

Macro-blocking on AVCHD but not on MJPEG ? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7129/macro-blocking-on-avchd-but-not-on-mjpeg- Sat, 01 Jun 2013 13:21:59 +0000 TruHype 7129@/talks/discussions Hi, I've discovered that there was Macro-blocking on AVCHD 24p video (even when transcoded with 5d2RGB), but not with MJPEG ! I was using the 'Apocalypse now Cluster v7 DREWNET 444 Soft Matrix' (MJPEG 2k and changed 30p to 24p with ptools).

How do I get rid of it ?

Nightclub video http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6426/nightclub-video- Mon, 18 Mar 2013 03:47:58 +0000 TJBlack24 6426@/talks/discussions If you have the time, let me know what you think, if you don't like it, if you like it, if you are indifferent about it. Let me know so I can do it better or try different methods next time! Thanks!
