Tagged with settings - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/settings/p2/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:09:01 +0000 Tagged with settings - Personal View Talks en-CA Settings best for aircraft spotting? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7104/settings-best-for-aircraft-spotting Wed, 29 May 2013 20:02:56 +0000 TommiH 7104@/talks/discussions Look, I've been a member of this community from the start. However, I'm lost. I just don't know what settings to use to shoot the thing I shoot the most: Aircrafts in the sky (with a looooong lens). Which setting gives me the best render of the sky, the aircraft, and leaves a lot of room for fiddling around with Apple Color? I KNOW. A very difficult question. I've been trying to figure it all out by myself, but I have to face it... I need a little help. :)


Previous Settings were fine for this:

But not for this:

hack for one candle lighting http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4236/hack-for-one-candle-lighting Mon, 13 Aug 2012 16:55:24 +0000 suzres 4236@/talks/discussions Hello all, I am asked to film a theater set with two characters sat at a table and only lit by one candle hand held by one of the two characters. Could someone recommend of a GH2 hack setting to use in that situation ? I will be using the pana 14 140 mm lens and a Nikkor f1.8 50 mm.

Thank you so much in advance.

GH3 A cam, GH2 B cam settings? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6172/gh3-a-cam-gh2-b-cam-settings Mon, 18 Feb 2013 16:32:57 +0000 kupchenpo 6172@/talks/discussions I'll be doing my first gh3+gh2 two camera interviews in the coming weeks and I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with what the best settings are to match the two? I peeked around and didn't see anything about this, just comparisons. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...color profiles, hacks, +/- settings, ect.


Hacked GH2 reset problem http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6131/hacked-gh2-reset-problem Fri, 15 Feb 2013 00:03:56 +0000 herbsart 6131@/talks/discussions After hacking my new GH2 with the flow motion 2.02, which works great by the way, I discovered that when I remove the battery and replace it, All my setting go back to the factory setting including that annoying beep.How can I replace the battery with out the hassel of resetting the camera each time?

What is your TOP 5 favorite settings? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6072/what-is-your-top-5-favorite-settings Sat, 09 Feb 2013 20:18:12 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 6072@/talks/discussions I thought a topic like this would be good for beginners because there are SEVERAL settings to decide between. I figured they would get a start in the right direction with this, instead of testing EVERY single setting ever made, because lets face, it can become overwhelming.

  1. Sedna aq1 (for being an epic legend)

  2. Intravenous / Moon (this is a tie for now until I do more testing with moon. Intrav. has the best looking noise IMO)

  3. Apoc Now Cluster 7 Sharp 2

  4. Cluster v8 DREWnet

  5. Quantum 9b

honorable mention: sanity 5.1

Also, if you want to explain what or why you like that setting, feel free. It is really hard to pick favorites, but If I had only 5 to pick from, it would probably be these.

I would make this "top 10" but I wanted to force people to pick the settings they REALLY like. Feel free to update your list as testing continues ; )

@driftwood, I'm especially curious to know what your top 5 would be, if it's even possible for you to decide. lol

A bit different music vid with lot of VFX http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5838/a-bit-different-music-vid-with-lot-of-vfx Sat, 19 Jan 2013 08:04:30 +0000 otcx 5838@/talks/discussions

Music Video made with GH2 and 7D. 0 Budget, just lot of work. Youtube do not make justise to picture quality. Boht cams hold werry well heavy post procesing. Hope you like it, and pleas comment (if you like). GH2 was hacked with Driftwood settings.

Which settings to use on GH2 for winter garden wildlife in the UK? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5338/which-settings-to-use-on-gh2-for-winter-garden-wildlife-in-the-uk Fri, 30 Nov 2012 18:38:42 +0000 SAS 5338@/talks/discussions Hi again people of personal view!

I want to thank everyone who has helped me out with information so far. I plan to donate a small amount to the site soon, having some financial issues currently though.

Anyway, I have a GH2. I also have FLow Motion V2.2 on a 32gb Class 10 Transcend SD card. I also have Kit Lens 14-140 & an M42 -> M43 adapted Helios 44-2 Lens.

I would like to know which settings (iso, etc etc) to use for wildlife photography and video work in my garden in the UK this December.

I have some time off from studies so wish to film a wildlife short based in my garden. If you can help I really appreciate your time!


Help! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5337/help Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:38:00 +0000 Dr_Mabuse 5337@/talks/discussions I've mainly used my GH2 for photography up to now but I want to use it to shoot a short film in 1080p, 24fps at high bit rate because it'll be shown of fairly large screens. Could anyone recommend which hack would be best for the purpose. And I freely admit that I have no idea what I'm doing.

best settings frame grabs and video examples http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5170/best-settings-frame-grabs-and-video-examples- Sun, 11 Nov 2012 22:49:53 +0000 monoseba 5170@/talks/discussions Hi I am new to the forum and maybe this post already exist but if not. Would be nice to post all the videos/frame grabs of the different settings and lens combination in one place and also add some info on how was shoot. I mean a thread where every body post their best videos they've made and wich settings they've used

GH1 low light - best settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3242/gh1-low-light-best-settings Thu, 17 May 2012 20:14:45 +0000 m_c 3242@/talks/discussions hi, hope you can suggest best patch for shooting with gh1 in indoors low-light situations with only available light using gh13 with FD 50/1.8 finding no matter what i try, i'm getting some undesirable noise in the images the test shots so far are ok, i'd just like to get as best possible shooting a no-budget short very soon THANKS

Rendering settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4331/rendering-settings Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:12:10 +0000 johnnygh2 4331@/talks/discussions Hi all,

Can you tell me your sony vegas rendering settings for vimeo I don't get to get my footage come out nice. It drives me crazy!

This is what I do: sony vegas pro 10 and render as sony AVC picture Video format: AVC profile: high 1920x1080 Entropy coding: CABAC Framerate: 23,976 Field order: None (Progressive) Pixel aspect ratio: 1.000 Bit rate(bsp) 20.000.000

Hope you can help me out!

Best first hack settings for holiday footage http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3818/best-first-hack-settings-for-holiday-footage Sat, 07 Jul 2012 18:24:07 +0000 jimtreats 3818@/talks/discussions Hey everyone.

I've been following along the hacking progress for well over a year now but have still yet to make the switch and try a hack out.

I'm going to go to Paris next week for a holiday and am taking my GH2. I was planning to go stock, but i figure it'd be nice to get some more quality, and some higher ISO access.

My question is which setting is the best for me to try first. I'll be shooting with a mix of transcend cards, class 6 and class 10. I guess i'll have to go for class 6 safe settings then. I want maximum stability, and dont want the filesize to balloon up too much as i'll have limited cards with me.

I'll go ahead and scour the forum some, but i've been a bit out of it lately so would appreciate some recommendations of super stable first attempt hacks for this sort of situation.


On Camera Settings question http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3797/on-camera-settings-question Fri, 06 Jul 2012 06:50:03 +0000 jclarkey 3797@/talks/discussions I just recently bought a GH2 that came already hacked. Unfortunately it was hacked by the person before the person I got it off so we have lost track of what version of the Driftwood hack it is. I know it is working because I can already see I have additional ISO settings in Manual Movie mode.

My question is, what or where are the settings I should be using directly on my camera? I switched it over to C3 menu and when tried to record got an error back that my card was not fast enough (which it probably isn't, but getting a new one soon) so this leads me to believe that this is where the highest quality settings live but I still am unsure of what settings produce what results? Is Manual Movie mode just the standard camera mode?

Sorry if this lives on another thread or seems like a silly question, but I new to this whole hack thing and not having the background knowledge is bugging me.


OBS exTReme-KAYSERI A-GraDetail 161M-setting, CIBF-CBR http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3569/obs-extreme-kayseri-a-gradetail-161m-setting-cibf-cbr Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:31:07 +0000 obscura 3569@/talks/discussions NEW setting OBS exTReme-KAYSERI A-GraDetail 161M-setting; (download below) some info: Comment=OBS AQ4-Q8 161M-setting exTReme-KAYSERI A-GraDetail, CIBF-CBR: 1080p24H, 720p50SH, HBR, 1080iFSH(50), 80%24L + Pasadena-Pulse-Audio-V2-Beta2; [tested with manual lens, (auto-lens check for yourself)] SD_Card=95Mbits/s recommended; tested with Sandisk SDHC 8GB 95Mbits/s Camera=OBS exTReme-KAYSERI GH2 v1.11 ptool v3.65d (setting see below as zip...)

@rajamalik @thepalalias @Benibube thank you for the comments guys. @cjdincer

rajamalik, @coors thanks for testing the setting(s) guys; rajamalik Congratulations for your little b...

Releasing the setting, after very long time working on it, the name and some info see 1st alinea:

I know it was/is a challenge (AQ4 and Q8 in the same setting) for most detailed and lower compression setting and want everything constant bitrate-style and rajamalik asking for the most detailed one every time but here is the release of the "OBS AQ4-Q8 161M-setting exTReme-KAYSERI A-GraDetail" setting, the setting shows (due to using lower compression in the setting, but I believe so you see more), maybe say high ISO, a little bit more noise/maybe artifacts, I did not used 3rd party matrix, but the goal is to get every bit (in this situation pixel) what GH2 is seeing/recording, out of it and see everything yourself when playing back and in post too, and cbr-style bitrates too; (do the rest/editing in post).

Okay it's logical to say when you have an very detailed and low compression setting, on high ISO you see some more noise/artifact etc. but you get everyhing out of the gh2 I believe. But I believe, if an "matrix master" can make a matrix especially for this or similar setting then we get an setting with some reduced noise/artifacts directly on the sd-card itself. But matrix by the way is a subjective matter therefor it is up to you to judge or not judge things by matrix way but settings way. And I did not used third party matrix for the setting.

But, on the other hand: maybe there will be enthousiat users to get/shot/capture, you name it, this way and do rest in post, I think and believe it is maybe some personal taste and this setting is on paper very good for low detailed scenes or for someone always looking for it or exactly want details and seeing that little bit more.

The setting gives you constant bitrate-style bitrates and for example 720p50 give you around 100Mbit-range bitrates, this is high in comparison with some other gop-1 720p50 settings/ and some of the other gop-1 720p setting are not working reported earlier by others I though. Don't forget 1080iFSH(50) is available too and also to try for slow motion with deinterlacing in post for 1080p50, maybe this setting is better then other 1080i also, who knows. (This is for some of you as a fan of deinterlacing 1080i to 1080p50 in post, instead of 720p50 give a try too.)

Suggestion: Maybe, from scratch, a matrix master or a matrix maker can make a matrix to also temper some noise/artifacts, high ISO etc. especially for this setting, but also this setting is for people who get the most details out of gh2 and loves to do things in post...

Setting itself, "OBS AQ4-Q8 161M-setting exTReme-KAYSERI A-GraDetail":

(for me unbelievable to let the setting work with AQ4 and Q8 in the same setting at the same time, "All to detail and low compression" at a such high setting, especially when you know that settings for some mode influences the other mode, but I've got them work together for:)

  • working (/or say, I tested) for the modes => 1080p24H, 720p50SH, HBR, 1080iFSH(50), 80%24L but, with such high bitrate setting it was not easy to get, all the modes above, working
  • for all the modes I've written above, constant i-frames-style (+ b-frames for 720p50), cibf-style, except for 80%24L though it has high i-frames between around 360KB to max around 780KB, average around 600KB, and constant bitrate-style, cbr-style, for all the modes I've written above too, (including for 80%24L mode)
  • tested with manual lens, (auto-lens check for yourself)
  • there is a time-limit 3:45min but every mode is working for me with my setup (sd card and manual lens), so recording and also in cam playback available for, maybe including but not limited to (does mean other modes such as 720p60 needs testing, test for your country, I tested the PAL), the modes from above
  • sandisk 8GB SDHC 95Mbits/s card

some bitrates I've got during testing, setting for 1080p24 is high to the 150M range, but see others very good ones: - 720p50 100M (for slo-mo see 1080i fsh(50) mode too, for using deinterlacing in post) - 1080i FSH (50i) 100M (especially for people who want 1080p slow motion with deinterlacing) - HBR 100M (I think very good one for hbr) - 80% 24L 100M

here is the setting as .zip file attached

Need help with patches in PAL land http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3432/need-help-with-patches-in-pal-land Thu, 31 May 2012 20:48:09 +0000 Albi 3432@/talks/discussions Hello, first I'd like to introduce myself and thank everyone who makes this place run, its amazing the amount of knowledge and resources here introduce myself. I'm Albi and have recently bought a GH2 and a bunch of lenses. I have been working as a camera assistant for other camera men who have budgets. I have been a long time waiting for a camera system that I could afford and that shoots nice images so I can begin shooting my own work and getting it out there. After having read and watched so much about these great patches I ditched my cannon stills gear and invested in the GH2.

I'm looking for advice on which patches to use. I would like to be shooting 1080 25p Pal. I'm looking for a patch which is reliable for long takes, documentaries. A patch which is good for motion and doesn't give the strobing effect when panning or moving the camera around, I will be shooting on a shoulder mount a lot. I'd also like to be able to project the final production. Am I looking for too much out of this tiny camera?

I also need advice on settings. Because I want PAL 1080 25p does this confine me to shooting in HBR mode only? I see a lot of work has been done in the cinema 24p setting but I need 25fps and therefore this is useless for me, advice appreciated.

I have tried many of the patches and so far find Flow Motion V2 to be the most stable in my limited experience. Some of the other patches freeze the camera when I'm in HBR mode or don't span, I'm probably missing a setting.

Finally this is what I'm using:

GH2 Nokton 25mm Zeiss 28, 45, 50, 180mm Takumar 135mm 1x Scandisk 30mb/s 16gi 1x Scandisk 95mb/s 64gig 3X Transcend Class 10 16gb

I'm really looking forward to hearing any advice, especially from people who shoot in PAL land. Thanks guys.


Pretec Class 16 SDHC SDXC 567x 667x cards http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2844/pretec-class-16-sdhc-sdxc-567x-667x-cards Thu, 12 Apr 2012 12:29:25 +0000 obscura 2844@/talks/discussions Pretec Announce World’s Fastest Compact Flash And SD Cards (CeBit Hannnover) (SDHC, SDXC is Non-volatile solid state; data is not lost when power is turned off)

interesting thing for us/settings GH2, for example SDHC667 (667x) but minimum 16MB/s so min. 16x8=128Mbit/s !!! for now already on the market and selling on xstra.eu see link below: "Pretec 16GB SDHC Card 567x Class 16" for €45,55 and there is 32GB version of this SDHC. BUT also on pretec the website there is SDXC 64GB, the cards all Class16, AND NOT the older versions (class10, 6, 4 etc.), here are the links:

http://www.pretec.com/news-event/press-room/item/press-room/worlds-fastest-cf-and-sd-cards-from-pretec http://ultimatephotographyguide.co.uk/pretec-announce-worlds-fastest-compact-flash-and-sd-cards/ http://www.ephotozine.com/article/pretec-announce-world-s-fastest-compact-flash-and-sd-cards-18707 http://www.pretec.com/products/memory-cards/sd-card

The minimum thing of Class16 means minimal trasfer speed of 128Mbit/s maybe this can help us the minimum limit (on the lower side) is 128Mbit/s AND up to it's higher limits (specifiation of Pretec).

Now we can do guaranteed minimum of 128Mbit/s ??!! Sounds good, BUT the also the "64GB SDXC 567x" and the upcoming "16GB SDHC667 667x". Maybe helpfull for "GH2-settings" and data is not lost when power is down!!!

GF2 Still Pictures Hacks? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2700/gf2-still-pictures-hacks Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:03:02 +0000 sugarandspam 2700@/talks/discussions Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anybody has been working on hacks for the "Still Pictures" modes of the GF2 (or any of the Panasonic DMC series for that matter), or if anybody would be interested in doing so? Vitality has done some AMAZING work on the video portion of the different cameras, but the truth is I just don't shoot video that much...

I would be very interested in having firmware hacks for Still Pictures, in particular modifed settings for the "Auto (burst) bracketing".

I'd be willing to work on the hacks, but I've never hacked any firmware and I have absolutely no idea where to start. I've coded a little bit in assembly language a while back (and I regularly code in high-level languages), but I wouldn't mind getting back into it if necessary.

Looking forward to a good discussion on the subject... :)

 - sugarandspam
Basic Ptool settings for end users http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2414/basic-ptool-settings-for-end-users Sun, 26 Feb 2012 18:11:02 +0000 Tomaso 2414@/talks/discussions I have used PTool to “upgrade” my GH2 since the first version supporting GH2 came out. My favorite settings have been cbrandin 44 and 66, and they still works, but actually I have found that simple “patches/settings for end users” in current PTool also works very well for settings that is not as extreme as many of the “expert” tester and developers settings like @cbrandin, @driftwood, @LPowell and others.

I have found a gap between stock and extreme settings in the forums for us interested in an enhanced GH2 but still not an extreme almost RED camera. In current version of PTool 3.64 @vitaliy_kiselev in the background of the tool have built in the experience from the testing by the core team so when we end users are using “settings for end users” a lot happens in the background. I have tested a number of different settings only using “settings for end users” with bit rates spanning between 24 and 66 mbits and stock GOP’s of 12/15 as well as 6 and 3. When doing this I have adopted cbrandin’s method of using a multiple of stock bitrates.

With this Topic I encourage people like me to discuss and disclose basic settings in between stock and “extreme”. I start to include three different settings, one stock GOP, one GOP6 and one GOP3. A special thanks to @driftwood for his hint to use AQ values also found in “settings for end users” to tune the settings to get them working. This solved the problem I had in finding settings that worked without any problems.

These settings have been updated se post bellow - http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/44041#Comment_44041

Broken links for settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2464/broken-links-for-settings Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:50:20 +0000 mcamop 2464@/talks/discussions Am I the only one seeing png images where zip file downloads should be? Trying to download patches since yesterday on PC and Mac and I can't seem to get to the files.

Any hint would be appreciated and then it's probably time to shut this thread down.

Thanks for all the awsome work, donation to follow.


AVCHD: Extreme settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/483/avchd-extreme-settings Mon, 25 Jul 2011 07:25:33 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 483@/talks/discussions ]]> AVCHD: Stable settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/482/avchd-stable-settings Mon, 25 Jul 2011 07:24:46 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 482@/talks/discussions
Stable is anything that do not result in card speed errors or freezzing.
Pan shots without jerking http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1681/pan-shots-without-jerking Thu, 08 Dec 2011 08:13:10 +0000 Kihlian 1681@/talks/discussions I had before a Sony HDR-AX2000e that shoots in 50i and the jerk was not so accentuated.
When i render the video, if I choose WMV the jerk is attenuated, but if I choose the H.264 with the same settings the video jerks even more. (I use Premiere pro cs4).
I also try to shoot 25p with 25 shutter speed, but it´s not really better.
I look around many blogs, but no one is approaching thys problem of the digital movies.
Anyone has experience with this problem?

AVCHD maximum image quality settings and testing http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/699/avchd-maximum-image-quality-settings-and-testing Thu, 18 Aug 2011 12:29:27 +0000 cbrandin 699@/talks/discussions
Maximum bitrate and low GOP are not virtues in isolation; rather they are tools for achieving results. Taking maximizing bitrate, for example: if that is the only goal you are unlikely to achieve optimum results from an image quality standpoint. If you set the bitrate so high that you can’t raise the AQ value individual frame image quality won’t be improved much. Raising AQ results in smoother and finer details, and that’s a good thing. Without raising AQ the image will remain harsh.

What about testing with low-contrast subjects? One of the benefits of the new patches has to do with smoother rendition of gradients. This arguably has more to do with the beauty of images than extreme edge detail.

I’m going to take a somewhat different approach to developing settings – at least some of the time. The steps that seem logical to me are as follows:

1. Increase bitrate to a relatively conservative level; 44M for the 24H bitrate, for example.
2. Raise AQ to 3, or maybe even 4.
3. Increase FB1, FB2, and frame limit so that individual I frames can be bigger if needed.
4. Raise the bitrate to the highest stable value that supports these settings.

You could do a similar sequence involving low GOP. Set the bitrate to a higher – but not extreme - level, set the GOP, set the quality related settings, and then start raising the bitrate to higher levels.

For testing:

1. Test for stability under a variety of scenarios. One test of extreme importance is to put the camera on a tripod and use manual or AFS focusing –this can cause a failure instantly that may never show up when the camera is hand held.
2. Test for detail, but also test for smoothness (subtle gradients, low contrast subjects, etc…).
3. Test for motion fidelity. Make sure subjects in the frame all move smoothly from frame to frame; especially in low-contrast portions of the frame.
4. Test with very high shutter speeds as well as normal ones – this really stresses the codec.

If there are motion problems, back off on the AQ and try again, etc...

Maybe you have some ideas about testing procedures that measure image quality rather than a single metric like bitrate or GOP.

[EDIT] Per Vitaliy's suggestion I'm posting my 44M and 66M settings here - I'll keep them updated.

The main issue with both settings is spanning. At 24H neither set span - hopefully there will be a solution soon. The other modes with the 44M settings, as far as I know, do span with a good SD card. The 44M settings operate at 44M AQ4 for 24H, and the 66M settings operate at 66M AQ2 for 24H. The main difference between the two is that motion is handled more robustly with 66M. The other modes have been stable for me - but I have to confess that I have not tested the PAL modes very much. You can change the AQ settings without having to make other adjustments. Note, however, that 66M AQ4 is harder on the codec than 66M AQ2 and may pose stability, in camera playback issues, etc....

Gh2 tried and true hack settings only! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/954/gh2-tried-and-true-hack-settings-only Thu, 15 Sep 2011 15:38:48 +0000 mbowen84 954@/talks/discussions we can put into ptools then into our camera and have work for us.
Settings with Mbps from 40 - 100 would be great!
Would be nice to see some videos to go along with these settings as well!]]>
GH1 720p Video and Audio settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/357/gh1-720p-video-and-audio-settings Fri, 08 Jul 2011 17:35:12 +0000 Davide_NYC 357@/talks/discussions
I just purchased a GH1 which I intend to use with a bunch of old Nikon lenses.

Having older computers I've always had trouble with full HD anything so for the time being I'm not interested in 1080anything.

I would like to create the best possible 720p60 files recorded onto Class 10 cards with absolute reliability.

My intended use case is recording for longer periods of time in a variety of documentary / journalism type environments. Therefor reliability is far more important than quality. That being said I'd still like to increase the quality of the 720p60 video if possible.

Would anyone be willing to share their 720p60 settings with me?

Cinema 24p, best manual settings ? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/389/cinema-24p-best-manual-settings- Fri, 15 Jul 2011 20:57:31 +0000 feha 389@/talks/discussions GH2 - pal version
Lens: 20mm 1.7 "pancake"
I tried:
Cinema 24p
Exposure M
aperture: 1.7
shutter speed: 1/50
iso: 160

if I don't pan camera it is all OK, but if I pan i get jerky (similar to fast motion experience,about 10% faster at least in my LCD monitor ...).
i get same on any exposure mode when using Cinema 24p

but in Creative Movie Mode I do not have these problems when using exposure in P mode ...

Any tips ?