Tagged with rec - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/rec/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:56:04 +0000 Tagged with rec - Personal View Talks en-CA LUT for changing Rec 709 to look like VLOG http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/18054/lut-for-changing-rec-709-to-look-like-vlog Mon, 23 Oct 2017 17:37:17 +0000 Brian_Siano 18054@/talks/discussions I'm working on a project where I have to match some GH4 VLOG footage to that of another, non-VLOG, rec 709 Panasonic camera. It occurred to me that, rather than making the VLOG stuff match the other camera, I could take the rec 709 footage and make it appear more like uncorrected VLOG. This way, I could apply the same LUTs to all of my footage, and it'd roughly match.

I've done a few experiments, and the results are promising. Using curves, I raise the blacks and lower the whites, and make a few other adjustments. When I apply the basic Panasonic VLOG LUT to the footage, it's a fairly close match. But I'd really like a LUT that does this.

Are there any LUTs that reduce Rec 709 footage to something that's fairly close to uncorrected VLOG footage?

REC 2020 - Finally, REC 709 is getting the boot http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10664/rec-2020-finally-rec-709-is-getting-the-boot Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:06:16 +0000 shian 10664@/talks/discussions

"People mistakenly call it a color space," Griffis said. "It's actually a two-dimensional plane and what you really need to know if you're a creative is this is your palette of colors but what the horseshoe chart doesn't tell you is how bright each color can get. White will always be the brightest because it's the sum of all three primary colors."

"So we've got this interesting problem that we've lived with for the better part of 60 years where the colors in film go out farther but you can't get as bright and in television there are less colors but you can get brighter," Griffis told Gizmodo. "And the practical consequence of that for the content creator is that the Red Bus of London that looked so great in the movie looks like Campbell's Tomato Soup on the Blu-ray unless someone does something."


So Dolby (who makes the most amazing video monitors) finally did something. And When it hits TVs and Computer monitors... all this REC 709 bullshit can finally fuck off.

I am so damn happy... you don't even know.

GH4 All-inta 200mbps file size smaller than IPB shooting mode http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12194/gh4-all-inta-200mbps-file-size-smaller-than-ipb-shooting-mode Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:14:42 +0000 DirectorDuncan 12194@/talks/discussions Does anyone know why the file file size is smaller when shooting in All-intra 200mbps, as opposed to IPB 100mbsp on the GH4? I shot 25 seconds of test footage in each record mode. All the other setting remained exactly the same, I only changed the record mode.

The MP4, 24p 1080 All-Intra 200mbps file size was 148.7 MB The MP4, 24p 1080 IPB 100mbps file size was 291.8MB

Any suggestions?

Pre rec buffer for GH2... possible? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3294/pre-rec-buffer-for-gh2...-possible Mon, 21 May 2012 21:29:07 +0000 GuilleKloetzer 3294@/talks/discussions Hi, my respects to Vitaly and all this community for making better video available to everybody. Now to the point: I´ve been shooting wildlife with a Red One and one of the things that made this camera stand out in the process of selecting it for the project was it´s pre rec buffer. This is record and erase at the same time having always the 30 or 15 last seconds. This feature is amazingly important for some kind of works. Is there any possibility to develop this in the GH2? I´ve recently bought one and after hacking it I am really happy with it ;) THANKS IN ADVANCE
