Tagged with politics - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/politics/p1/feed.rss Fri, 10 May 24 06:11:10 +0000 Tagged with politics - Personal View Talks en-CA Make America Dirty Again: Biden brings Condor 3.0 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25521/make-america-dirty-again-biden-brings-condor-3.0 Thu, 15 Apr 2021 16:57:06 +0000 RoadsidePicnic 25521@/talks/discussions BRAZIL

Biden meets Bolsonaro behind closed doors: https://brasil.elpais.com/opiniao/2021-04-14/biden-ameaca-sujar-as-maos-com-bolsonaro.html

Just next - supreme court to discuss puting Lula (China) out of 2022 elections: https://g1.globo.com/politica/ao-vivo/caso-lula-julgamento-no-stf.ghtml


Alm Faller plans military coup agains proposed joint venture by AR-China to make an port in Terra del fuego: https://revistaopera.com.br/2021/04/14/argentina-o-comandante-faller-no-farol-do-fim-do-mundo/


Biden tighten grip into Reichsgau Haiti: https://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/governo-biden-tera-papel-fundamental-para-resolver-crise-no-haiti-brasil-perde-influencia-24879818


US GOV plans to make Reichsgau Mexico into slave labour supplier: https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-201700072


Biden proposes to topple governments like they did to Brazil, Peru and tried to do in Bolivia, Venezuela and Argentina: https://joebiden.com/es/el-plan-de-biden-para-fortalecer-la-seguridad-y-la-prosperidad-en-colaboracion-con-los-pueblos-de-centroamerica/


Biden will defoliate Colombia like US did in Vietnam, again: https://revistaopera.com.br/2021/03/30/biden-ressuscita-a-sua-invencao-o-plano-colombia-2-0-deve-comecar-no-proximo-mes/

Venezuela: outside intervention escalating the crisis http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21380/venezuela-outside-intervention-escalating-the-crisis Wed, 23 Jan 2019 13:03:59 +0000 RoadsidePicnic 21380@/talks/discussions Juan Guaidó proclaimed himself President of Venezuela in 23JAN, Guaidó, who is basically in his first mandate as deputy, is leader of the opposition and president of National Assembly. The opposition has been attempting to use the National Assembly as a proto-government since the constitutional crisis of 2017, with the election the Constituent Assembly witch was boycotted by the opposition.

Minutes later, USA recognized Guaidó as legitimate president of the country and moved OAS to follow. The sphere of influence of USA and the Lima Group also followed. Later the day Russia, Turkey, Bolivia and Cuba announced support to Maduro.

USA government threatened armed intervention if Maduro "makes anything": "we have made no decision but every option is on the table". Russia announced that they would act in defense of Maduro in the case of USA intervention. EU and some other "neutral" countries position it's to search for talks and promote general elections with ONU support.



Edit: Changed the sputnik news link to one updated. Added a little bit of info.

GH5 photojournalism in PARIS "Revolution" http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/22081/gh5-photojournalism-in-paris-revolution Sun, 19 May 2019 09:39:14 +0000 eurocameraman 22081@/talks/discussions Since 6 months, demonstration against government and neo-liberalim politics are taking place allover France every Saturday, know as Yellow vest protest.

This means 27 weeks of street demonstration with, violence from both sides and repression is now out of limits with new laws allowing abusive arrests and violence with hundreds of severely wounded protesters. However, protesters are not willing to give up.

I personally followed 14th of those events in Paris, as photojournalist. I own a wide range of cameras such as Nikon D750, Nikon D5500, Sony A7M2 and GH5.

After different test and try, I decided to stick to the GH5 as I can easily switch from photos to videos. Also, having more depth of field at wide aperture is an advantage in this kind of environment.

I just wanted to share some of my shots, to show what M43 can do in a difficult working surrounding.

I am using Lumix lenses : 7-14 mm f/4, 12-35 mm f/2.8, 35-100 mm f/2.8, 100 - 300 mm f/4-5.6

Update: I created a Flickr Album here with 118 pictures, most of them with explicative caption : https://www.flickr.com/gp/eurocameraman/kH0H7X

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Rules for Rulers http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15952/rules-for-rulers Thu, 27 Oct 2016 14:36:41 +0000 Psyco 15952@/talks/discussions Very interesting video about politics:

(Only thing missing is, how much lying to the masses is involved in every political system - but you can figure that out by yourselfe;-)

World Migration - Never Before Have So Many People Wanted to be Somewhere Else http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13267/world-migration-never-before-have-so-many-people-wanted-to-be-somewhere-else Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:14:33 +0000 goanna 13267@/talks/discussions

new data, released by the United Nations, shows how the number of international migrants has increased by nearly 80 million over the last 25 years.

In 1995, there were more than 154 million migrants who left their home country and moved to another for various reasons. In comparison, that number had risen to 231 million globally by 2013, according to the international migrant stock trends data. from The Daily Mail

(Click on picture for interactive map)


The top worldwide destinations for international migrants were the U.S., Russia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, UK and France, according to the data.

Cassetteboy Release brilliant new David Cameron Rap http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11466/cassetteboy-release-brilliant-new-david-cameron-rap Wed, 01 Oct 2014 12:13:06 +0000 driftwood 11466@/talks/discussions Hilarious! Perfect piss take released during the Tory conference and election season :-)

Let's get them out!

A recent exception to the copyright designs and patents act 1998 (which comes into force today) allows this sort of thing to use copyright material so long as its funny!

Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-29420268

I had the pleasure of booking Cassetteboy (versus DJ Rubbish) for Brighton Spiegeltent during our Fringe / Festival 2014 and we had two of the craziest, funniest, bonkers nights of the whole festive period. These guys are great and all you Brits must try and see them if they come to your area on tour.

(SPANISH) speech worth re-listening • Pepe Mújica, president of Uruguay - Brasil 20 of June 2012 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11270/spanish-speech-worth-re-listening-pepe-mujica-president-of-uruguay-brasil-20-of-june-2012 Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:21:57 +0000 maxr 11270@/talks/discussions

Autoridades presentes de todas las latitudes y organismos, muchas gracias. Muchas gracias, nuestro agradecimiento al pueblo del Brasil y a su señora presidenta. Y muchas gracias a la buena fe que seguramente han manifestado todos los oradores que me precedieron.
Expresamos la íntima voluntad, como gobernantes, de acompañar todos los acuerdos que esta, nuestra pobre humanidad, pueda suscribir.
Sin embargo, permítasenos hacernos algunas preguntas en voz alta.
Toda la tarde se ha estado hablando del desarrollo sustentable y de sacar a inmensas masas de la pobreza.

¿Qué es lo que aletea en nuestras cabezas?

¿El modelo de desarrollo y de consumo, es el actual de las sociedades ricas? Me hago esta pregunta: ¿qué le pasaría a este planeta si los hindúes tuvieran la misma proporción de autos por familia que tienen los alemanes? ¿Cuánto oxígeno nos quedaría para poder respirar?

Más claro: ¿el mundo tiene los elementos hoy, materiales, como para hacer posible que 7 mil, 8 mil millones de personas puedan tener el mismo grado de consumo y de despilfarro que tienen las más opulentas sociedades occidentales?

¿Será posible, o tendremos que darnos algún día otro tipo de discusión? Porque hemos creado una civilización en la que estamos, hija del mercado, hija de la competencia, que ha deparado un progreso material portentoso y explosivo, pero lo que fue economía de mercado ha creado sociedades de mercado y nos ha deparado esta globalización – que significa mirar por todo el planeta – y ¿estamos gobernando la globalización o la globalización nos gobierna a nosotros?

¿Es posible hablar de solidaridad y de que estamos todos juntos en una economía que está basada en la competencia despiadada?

¿Hasta dónde llega nuestra fraternidad?

Nada de esto lo digo para negar la importancia de este evento. No. Es por el contrario. El desafío que tenemos por delante es de una magnitud, de carácter colosal, y la gran crisis no es ecológica, ¡es política!

El hombre no gobierna hoy las fuerzas que ha desatado, sino que las fuerzas que ha desatado lo gobiernan al hombre. Y la vida.

Porque no venimos al planeta para desarrollarnos en términos generales. Venimos a la vida intentando ser felices. Porque la vida es corta y se nos va. Y ningún bien vale como la vida. Y esto es elemental, pero si la vida se me va a escapar trabajando y trabajando para consumir un plus, y la sociedad de consumo es el motor, porque en definitiva si se paraliza el consumo o si se detiene, se detiene la economía, y si se detiene la economía es el fantasma del estancamiento para cada uno de nosotros.

Pero ese hiperconsumo a su vez es el que está agrediendo al planeta, y tiene que generar ese hiperconsumo cosas que duren poco porque hay que vender mucho. Y una lamparita eléctrica no puede durar más de mil horas prendida. Pero hay lamparitas eléctricas que pueden durar cien mil, doscientas mil horas, pero esas no se pueden hacer porque el problema es el mercado, porque tenemos trabajar y que tenemos que tener una civilización de use y tire, y estamos en un círculo vicioso.

¡Estos son problemas de carácter político! que nos están diciendo la necesidad de empezar a luchar por otra cultura. No se trata de plantearnos volver al hombre de las cavernas, ni tener un monumento del atraso. Es que no podemos indefinidamente continuar gobernados por el mercado, sino que tenemos que gobernar al mercado.

Por eso digo que el problema es de carácter político. En mi humilde manera de pensar. Porque los viejos pensadores definían – Epicuro, Séneca, los Aimara – “pobre no es el que tiene poco, sino verdaderamente pobre es el que necesita infinitamente mucho y desea y desea y desea más y más“. ¡Esta es una clave de carácter cultural!

Entonces, voy a saludar el esfuerzo y los acuerdos que se hacen. Y los voy a acompañar como gobernante, porque sé que algunas cosas de las que estoy diciendo rechinan.

Pero tenemos que darnos cuenta.

Que la crisis del agua, que la crisis de la agresión al medio ambiente, no es una causa.

La causa es el modelo de civilización que hemos montado, y lo que tenemos que revisar es nuestra forma de vivir.

¿Por qué? Pertenezco a un pequeño país muy bien dotado de recursos naturales para vivir. En mi país hay tres millones de habitantes, un poco más, tres millones doscientos. Pero hay unos trece millones de vacas de las mejores del mundo. Unos ocho o diez millones de ovejas estupendas. Mi país es exportador de comida, de lácteos, de carne. Es una penillanura[ii]. Casi el 90% de su territorio es aprovechable.

Mis compañeros trabajadores lucharon mucho por las ocho horas de trabajo y ahora están consiguiendo seis horas. Pero el que consigue seis hora se consigue otro trabajo, por tanto trabaja más que antes.
¿Por qué? Porque tiene que pagar una cantidad de cuotas: la motito que compró, el autito que compró. Y pague cuotas y pague cuotas. Y cuando quiere acordar es un viejo reumático como yo y se le fue la vida.

Y uno se hace esta pregunta: ¿ese es el destino de la vida humana?

Estas cosas son muy elementales. El desarrollo no puede ser en contra de la felicidad. Tiene que ser a favor de la felicidad humana, del amor, arriba de la tierra, de las relaciones humanas, de cuidar a los hijos, de tener amigos, de tener lo elemental!

Precisamente, porque eso es el tesoro más importante que tiene. Cuando luchamos por el medio ambiente, el primer elemento del medio ambiente se llama la felicidad humana.


Welcome to Brazil! World Cup and Olympic Games will be here dude! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7281/welcome-to-brazil-world-cup-and-olympic-games-will-be-here-dude- Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:00:30 +0000 Ze_Cahue 7281@/talks/discussions

Free Energy ready to be handed out by an Iranian Scientist in Belgium on Sept 9th. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4449/free-energy-ready-to-be-handed-out-by-an-iranian-scientist-in-belgium-on-sept-9th. Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:09:49 +0000 Bueller 4449@/talks/discussions I doubt that what this guy has works. But if it does it could be very troubling to some very important people. I just thought some people might be interested in knowing about it.


And what is this bullshit? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3272/and-what-is-this-bullshit Sat, 19 May 2012 16:08:47 +0000 DFUSN33 3272@/talks/discussions http://www.petapixel.com/2012/05/18/scotlands-largest-city-set-to-ban-all-photography-in-its-subways/#more-55793

Ban all Photography?Really? How will you implement that? What if I or anyone wants to take a picture of the subway or of our friends or your cameras?

Isn't this a PUBLIC place funded by Glasgow commuters and tax payers? I really do wonder what you think we will be doing with our photographs and films SPT?

As long as you don't invade someone privacy/personal space or, if you wish to take a photograph of a stranger just kindly ask then if it's okay with them to do so then then it should be okay to take whatever photograph or film you want. If they think playjg the whole terrorist card thing on this i think it's absolutley preposterous. If someone gets offended buy you having a mobile phone/camera or suspects you of infringing there personal space then WTF you are recording US too so you have the footage there to review if this is the case!!!!.

Anyone from the public having a complaint with someone for having their smartphones/cameras can report this when they leave the subway station and have the footage (video/photographs) reviewed to see if it's acutely fact. Most times you will find this wont be the case. I have seen 100's of people with their phones and camera on the subway and never felt threatened by anyone with a phone or DSLR or seen anyone be threatened by a film maker or photographer.

Don't know but with the number of smart phones out there (shit loads probably too many)that have wireless connectivity how will they police that? Your probably safer with a DSLR videographer/photographer as he's got less connectivity and is more likely to getnuisance fae bams !!! We are more likely to capture evidence than obstructing the law!

Most importantly, we are hosting the Common Wealth Games and you really expect tourists not to to take fucking pictures? Get fucking REAL.. Anyway it's summer time :-) time to get on a bike and see the daylight SPT




Seeing straight http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2257/seeing-straight Sun, 12 Feb 2012 12:23:36 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2257@/talks/discussions The capitalist countries thus found themselves faced with a new economic crisis before they had even recovered from the ravages of the recent one. This circumstance naturally led to an increase of unemployment. A distinguishing feature of the new crisis is that it differs in many respects from the preceding one, and, moreover, differs for the worse and not for the better. This means that the present crisis will be more severe and more difficult to cope with than the previous crisis. Further, the present crisis has broken out not in time of peace, but at a time when a imperialist war has already begun. This means that capitalism will have far less resources at its disposal for a normal way out of the present crisis than during the preceding crisis. Naturally, such an unfavourable turn of economic affairs could not but aggravate relations among the powers. The preceding crisis had already mixed the cards and intensified the struggle for markets and sources of raw materials. The new economic crisis must lead, and is actually leading, to a further sharpening of the imperialist struggle. It is no longer a question of competition in the markets, of a commercial war, of dumping. These methods of struggle have long been recognized as inadequate. It is now a question of a new redivision of the world, of spheres of influence, by military action. A new redivision of the world by means of war became imminent.

The chief endeavour of the ruling finance clans in all countries is to kill in the working people faith in their own strength, faith in the possibility and inevitability of their victory, and thus to perpetuate slavery. Clans know that if financial capitalism has not yet been overthrown and still continues to exist, it owes it not to its own merits, but to the fact that the people have still not enough faith in the possibility of their victory.

J. V. Stalin, 1939
Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Eighteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.)

See also

Russia goverment eliminating warehouses with ammunition http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/167/russia-goverment-eliminating-warehouses-with-ammunition Thu, 02 Jun 2011 20:49:09 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 167@/talks/discussions

Today another huge arsenal near Izhevsk went on fire (more than 10 thousands of rail cars!).

Previous one had been one week ago.
All last year in many major cities people expirienced small earthquakes due to huge explosions.
This explosions had been caused by destruction of very large amounts of projectiles and bombs.

Most probably, democracy (in bomb like form, like in Libya) will be coming in near future.]]>