Tagged with plug-in - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/plug-in/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:22:46 +0000 Tagged with plug-in - Personal View Talks en-CA AI-based approach to give you natural colors without much effort http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16980/ai-based-approach-to-give-you-natural-colors-without-much-effort Sun, 21 May 2017 19:52:52 +0000 nomad 16980@/talks/discussions I recently tested a nice plug-in for FCP-X from Lemke Software (Mac enthusiasts might still remember Grafikkonverter from them). It's called EPICOLOR (the author insists on upper case) and is an AI-based algorithm to mimic what our brain does when we perceive colors correctly under changing lighting conditions – as opposed to our cameras. He claims 15 years of work went into it.
Currently it's available for FCP-X and Motion, but a version for DaVinci Resolve is going to follow – only MacOS for the time being. The effect is subtle on images where colors are already quite right, they'll just look a bit fresher, more natural and vivid (no, it's not a simple change of saturation). Have a look at what it can do to seriously screwed colors like film from decades ago at their website ( epicolor.film ). BTW, if it comes up in black on an iOS device, just tap that again.

Apart from screwed colors it can handle log just as well, and there it begins to shine even if your colors are already correct or in the ballpark. IMHO it's a perfect solution when you don't have the time and money for serious color grading and just want natural colors. Of course it can also be the starting point for stylized grading, like all professional colorists would first make a neutral look before going into style.

Just check it out, they have linked an article of mine too in German, but the site is in English. For disclosure: I don't get any money from them, just got one reviewer's license for my article. I also helped him with a few suggestions, like handling superwhites (e.g. from Sony cameras) gracefully.

Give Away: Free Plug-In for Adobe Premiere Pro: Accevolution Transition Designer Free http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11975/give-away-free-plug-in-for-adobe-premiere-pro-accevolution-transition-designer-free Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:46:54 +0000 editor 11975@/talks/discussions I want to thank you for your support with special gift: a FREE version of the TRANSITION DESIGNER, our plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro with the following features:

High-quality wipe effect with a lot of adjustable parameters such as angle, transition easing (linear, easy in & out), feathered edge, blur and glow effect.

Many of the parameters support keyframes and we also included the powerful time remapping function. All transitions are GPU accelerated for real-time playback!

Our Mac Version is coming in the first quarter of 2015.

Get your free version here (Windows only): http://shopen.accevolution.de/wid-59-Transition-Designer-Free.html

Have a great time, best regards, Wolfram

Transition Designer Plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro - Feature Request for Version 2.0 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11082/transition-designer-plugin-for-adobe-premiere-pro-feature-request-for-version-2.0 Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:03:35 +0000 editor 11082@/talks/discussions We developed a Transition Plug-In for Adobe Premiere Pro. Although it is just launched, we are working on the Version 2.0 and want to be finished in October 2015. So it would be great if you would give me feedback, what you like, what we can improve and which features you think would be useful in version 2.0.

Here is the Imagevideo that shows what it is all about:

Here is the link to our homepage for more detailed information:


So please let me know what you think!
